The Interns of Alex Harris [Bodman54/Abbey Chase]

Astrid looks over and sees the whole bag Abbey is in shaking as she cries out in orgasm, the latex seeming to ripple from the force of it. That sight was enough to send her down her own orgasm, causing her to cry out in unison as she humps her own fingers.

As he orgasm winds down she slumps. Or as much as she could in this vacuum packed latex bag. Her head hung loosely as she swung, worn out by the whole day. The way her stomach rumbles tells her she missed lunch. She had no idea how long they'd been down here. The last thing she remembered was waking Abbey up after the swim.
Abbey Chase
Abbey would also end up exhausting herself. She had basically lost track of time, but it was surely way past lunch. She loved the feeling of tight latex all over her, it felt so alluring, so desirable. Just gyrating her hips around, she could feel the tight vacuum packed latex rubbing up against her sex and it felt fantastic. She mumbles with a moan "Mhhhhh, all this rubber fells so good..."

Abbey would be in and out of it several times during the day, masturbating furiously between just feeling exhausted. And wanted to fuck Astrid so bad, it was actually painful not be be able to put her hands on her latex clad body. All this tight rubber was so addictive. All she needed was for dildos to be stuffed deep inside of her and she'd be happy!

Eventually though, Abbey would just fall asleep as her body could simply take no more.
Alex leaves them there till right before dinner. He has been monitoring them all day, making sure his subliminals are pumping into their brains for as long as possible. Once he's absolutely certain that all the slime has worn off he heads down stairs, unlocking Ashley and Kayla first and then going to see Abbey and Astrid.

The first two girls head upstairs, ashamed at themselves because they weren't watching close enough to prevent this from happening. They are greeted by the rest of their sisters, accepting hugs and concerns.

Alex slides the door open, stepping inside to see his hanging girls. "How are you feeling ladies," he asks as he steps closer to them. "You gave us quite a scare."

Astrid looks at him, exhaustion written all over her face. "Tired Mr. Harris."

"I would imagine so. You've been put through the wringer." He lifts their bags off the hooks and gently sets them down, flipping off the vacuum and letting the bags fill with air to peel away from their bodies.
Abbey Chase
Abbey was barely able to move as the vacuum was turned off. It would actually take a bit of time for Abbey to squirm her way out, her still vacuum packed rubber drysuit still slicked up with slime, albeit slime which no longer induced arousal, so it was just slippery semen like goo. She would have to pull up her heavy rubber gloves to prevent them from falling off once she was out of the bag, blushing brightly under her latex full face hood as Mr. Harris looked at the two girls. Abbey felt so naked in all that tight latex. But at the same time, there was something thrilling about it. She certainly liked seeing Astrid in all that tight slimy latex.

"I don't think I even have the strength to clean up my drysuit or even get out of it..." she said sheepishly as she just lay on the floor, her legs too wobbly to even stand on at the moment.
"I'm sorry I had to do that. But it was for your own good. You could have hurt or even killed yourselves if you hadn't been restrained. Unfortunately this is not the first time this happened so i had these bags commissioned to contain people affected to harshly by the slime."

As he is speaking, Sabrina and Sam come in. Sam helps up Abbey and Sabrina helps up Astrid. "They'll take you to your room and help you get cleaned up. And then right to bed both of you. You're exhausted and need to recover."
Abbey Chase
Abbey was only half listening as she felt so incredibly sleepy, but still loved the feeling of all that tight latex around her. She smiled as Sam came to help her, obviously careful not to get any slime on her exposed skin. Both Sam and Sabrina wore long heavy rubber gloves, heavy rubber aprons as well as rubber gas mask over their black latex catsuited figure in order to totally protect themselves from getting slimed like Astrid and Abbey. Just before leaving, both Sam and Sabrina would 'wipe' slime off of Astrid's and Abbey's latex encased body, their heavy rubber gloved hands wiping across the heavy latex drysuits everywhere. Abbey would actually get aroused at the feeling of this pair of gloved hands rubbing all over her, her eyes filling with lust. But she was way too tired to reciprocate as she just let Sam basically do whatever she wanted to her. Sam did seem to spend quite a bit wiping the slime off of Abbey's breasts and wiping the slime from between Abbey's legs.

Once both Astrid and Abbey had very little slime left on their latex encased bodies, Sam and Sabrina would help them up to their room and into the shower where, once again, they would proceed to soap up and clean up both Astrid and Abbey, taking quite a lot of liberties with where the heavy rubber gloved hands roamed. Abbey couldn't help but let out several erotic moans as she felt these wonderful rubber gloved hands all over her body, but also as she watched Astrid getting 'cleaned', which was an intensely erotic sight.

Eventually Sam and Sabrina would remove Astrid's and Abbey's heavy rubber gloved fingers, cleaning them inside and out before finishing the drysuit cleanup. Once the drysuit were clean, Sam and Sabrina would zip Astrid and Abbey's suits open before peeling the exhausted latex girls out. After that, it was just a matter of putting Astrid and Abbey in bed. It should be noted that Sam and Sabrina would put the two of them in the SAME bed....
Astrid is basically catatonic at this point, her brain to overloaded from the orgasms to function. She can see, but she isn't registering what she is seeing. She grins goofily as Sabrina cleans her off, smiling at the silly outfit the other girl is wearing. Her arms are all floppy, having no resistance as the slime is wiped off of her body. She is able to struggle to her feet, letting Sabrina do most of the work as they drag her and Abbey up to their room. Astrid giggles as she feels Sabrina's hands linger on her great tits and ass, setting off more mini-fireworks inside her.

They make the long trudge upstairs to the room, Abbey dozing off a time or ten as they do. She was just so sleepy right now. Why were people moving? The shower helps, stirring her into some semblance of alertness. The only issue being that she still wants to play, her hands wandering all over. Herself and anyone within reach. Sabrina gets the brunt of it but when Sam wanders to close Astrid reaches out and grabs a handful of her ass.

The girls are finally able to get Abbey and Astrid cleaned off, dragging them over to a single bed and dropping them in. Some more grunting and shuffling has the two girls actually positioned on the bed to sleep, cuddled up together like the couple they obviously are. Astrid's eyes flutter open slightly, cooing quietly as she sees Abbey right in front of her. She finds the strength to shuffle close, pressing their breasts together as they fall asleep, intertwined.

Alex stands in the doorway, watching the two girls sleep off the ordeal of the day. He shakes his head and shuts the door, making sure the subliminals are turned up high. They're so tired that a bomb going off in their room probably wouldn't wake them. Which was a good thing. Their bodies had been through a lot today and needed some significant time to recover. He leaves their room, heading downstairs where food was on the table.

It was a subdued meal, Ashley and Kayla still upset about what happened on their watch. They didn't blame him for punishing them. They deserved it. Sabrina, Sam, and Isabella eat silently, not knowing what to say. Alex wasn't mad at the girls. More like disappointed. Which in their mind was a million times worse. No one likes to disappoint the center of their universe. And it had happened to two girls at the same time.
Abbey Chase
The last thing Abbey saw before falling asleep was Astrid's face as she pressed into her, the feeling of latex and Astrid's body warmth bringing her joy just as she feel asleep.

Abbey dreamed of being back in that tight black latex vacsac, suspended in mid-air, except this time, she was just wearing a catsuit underneath the vacsac and a rubber gas mask, so she was totally encased. She couldn't see anything beyond this spot of light that lit up the area in front of her. She feeling of tight latex was really getting her turned on, her latex gloved hand slowly moving around inside the lubricated vacsac. And then, she would see him, Mr. Harris, coming into view in the light, dressed in a blue latex catsuit and nothing else. Abbey didn't understand why, but she would feel turned on to see him, the latex highlighting his bulging muscles, but also highlighting his cock. As she stood there while she squirmed erotically, she couldn't stop watching his cock, trapped in the tight latex of his catsuit. And as she watched, she could see his cock starting to get erect, the latex keeping the cock pressed against his stomach. And the more erect it got, the more turned on Abbey got. Eventually, Mr. Harris would have this huge hard on, the cock at least 10 inches in length, as it was kept pressed against his stomach by the tight latex catsuit. Abbey just couldn't stop touching herself, her eyes transfixed by the huge latex encased cock. And then it happened. She didn't know how, couldn't explain it, but the cock would not be 'popped out', no longer trapped against Mr. Harris's belly but now bouncing up and down while totally wrapped in a blue latex condom sheath.

Abbey was getting so aroused by the sight of the free cock, she would start massaging her latex encased sex faster and faster. Mr. Harris would start to masturbate in front of her, his latex gloved fingers rubbing up and down his long hard latex encased shaft as he became obviously very aroused, his manly grunts adding to Abbey's feminine moans, adding to the cacophony of rubbery squeaks that echoed through the room. And just as Abbey was getting close, Mr. Harris would cum, but it wasn't just cum, it was gallons and gallons of semen that would suddenly fly through the air and splash against Abbey's latex encased body, covering her from head to toe in warm gooey viscous semen.

She would let out this deep guttural moan as she wanted to be filled right now. All of a sudden, she would feel something slithering around inside the tight latex vacsac she was in. She knew that feeling, the feeling of gelatinous tentacles, as they squirmed and writhed about inside the tight bondage sac with her, caressing her breasts, caressing her sex, touching her everywhere. How did those get in here, she wondered, but she didn't care. And before she knew it, she felt one push into her, pushing the latex inside of her as it began fucking her while Mr. Harris stood there, smiling. And, moments later, the tentacle would cum inside of her and, as it did, Abbey woke up....

She didn't know what time it was, but it felt like the middle of the night.
Astrid stirs fitfully next to her, having a similar dream to Abbey. But in her dream, she isn't trapped in a vacubed. Instead, she is suspended in a goo like material floating around as she watches Mr. Harris fuck Abbey. She knows she should be jealous and she is. Jealous of Abbey. She tries to move, to swim out of the goo and take Abbey's place on his cock. She wants to feel it inside her, stretching her out as he grasps her hips, slamming into her.

As she fights the goo starts to solidify, making it harder and harder to move. She is frozen, staring with unblinking eyes as her girlfriend is happily fucked by her boss. As he thrusts into her he looks over and smiles and Astrid feels the goo moving around her, sliding slightly as all of her holes are penetrated. She moans in pleasure as the goo starts to thrust into her. matching his speed and power. She watches, each thrust into Abbey equalling a thrust into her. She couldn't stop moaning, loving the way he felt inside her, the way his hands grip her body, playing with her nipples, her ass. She wanted to kneel down at the altar of Alex Harris, giving him her love and her soul.

She feels the goo inside her beginning to grow, moaning as it stretches her out deliciously wide. As she watches, Alex cums into Abbey, white goo shooting out of her suit, flooding the floor around them. Astrid feels the same thing. Swelling swelling swelling until she felt like she was going to burst. Then. Pop.

She jolts awake, realizing it was just a dream. Then why were her hands pressed firmly against her pussy, two fingers fighting to get inside of her. Had she really dreamt of Mr. Harris fucking Abbey? And she wanted him to fuck her more? Such a strange dream after a strange day.

She smiles as she feels Abbey pressed up against her. There was no way Abbey would feel the same way. She was loyal and Astrid's soulmate. She snuggles in closer and gently kisses Abbey, drifting back off to dreams full of sex.
Abbey Chase
Abbey would managed to wake up really early that morning, with Astrid still sleeping in her arms, breasts pressed up into hers. Abbey would smile as she loved the feeling of Astrid's body against hers. It made her feel so safe, so happy. Abbey would, as quietly as possible, get up, peeling herself away from Astrid and then getting up as she put on her running shoes and went for a workout, just wearing her latex catsuit. It had been several morning since she worked out, so she was due. After all, you don't keep a killer figure by slacking off.

Abbey would head to the gym for a vigorous workout before a swim in the pool. Her goal was to spend and hour and a half working out before returning to her room with a bit of time to spare before breakfast, hoping to perhaps wake up Astrid, give her a good morning kiss, etc....
Astrid wakes up after Abbey leaves, not sure what time it was. Her body is so sore, the effect of countless orgasms throughout the day yesterday. She's still groggy, the dreams from last night fading from her mind. But not the feelings that they created. She finds herself dreaming of Abbey. But at the same time, Mr. Harris seems to be intruding on the dreams. And she isn't upset about it. She welcomes him. They both do.

She shakes her head, walking into the bathroom and turning on the shower. She's still clean from yesterday but she finds the water helps her clear her head. She stands under it, face turned toward the showerhead as the warm water pours over her, beading on her catsuit and rolling off. It was so strange, feeling the water hit her body but not getting wet. Like thousands of tiny drums playing their beat on her skin. She spends a while in there, thinking over everything that has happened.

She's been hired by this strange, reclusive billionaire to be his assistant. Everyone, including himself, is dressed in head to toe latex, including full outfits over their main suits. All his employees are extremely attractive women. He has a private aquarium with jellyfish that rape you with turn on slime. And after all that, which should have left her running for the hills, and the police, she found she was fine with it. Her three days here have been the most incredible in her life. She's found love, had way more sex than she's ever had in her life. She smiles as she remembers the feelings from yesterday. She was realizing that she loved it here and was reconsidering leaving when the summer was over.

She walks out of the shower to see Abbey walking back in the room. She smiles widely. "Hey sexy. I missed you."
Abbey Chase
As Abbey walks back into her room, she is greeted by Astrid, shiny clean from her shower. Abbey beams the brightest of smiles and says a cheerful "Good morning beautiful" as she walks up to her, presses herself against her in a delightful cacophony of rubbery squeaks and then gives her a deep passionate kiss, the type of kiss that only people in love give each other. The kiss would linger for a while before Abbey pulled away, the latex catsuits peeling off of each other in that sticky rubber squeaking cacophony.

"Let's get ready for breakfast" Abbey would dress in an electric pink bodycon dress, very much like the electric blue one from yesterday, but in electric pink instead. And as always, her favorite pair of short black latex gloves with the ruffles. Once ready, she would help Astrid suit up, once again taking her 'time' and caressing Astrid more than once before the two headed out to breakfast, relatively early in fact since the two arrived at the table before anyone else..
Since it was pretty obvious that everyone now knew about them, Astrid didn't bother to hide her love. So she decided to wear a matching outfit, only this one in green. She walks hand in hand with Abbey down to the dining room. "How did you sleep," she asks. "I had the craziest dreams." She wants to know about Abbey first before she elaborates, proving that she is putting her before this new desire for their boss.

They sit down together, talking quietly as the others start to work their way in. Ashley and Kayla look upset when they see Astrid and Abbey, the guilt over yesterday still eating away at them. They sit as far away as possible, not talking to the others as they look at their hands. Alex comes in and Astrid's heart jumps into her throat. He looks so powerful, just like in her dream. She licks her lips, suddenly finding them very dry.
Abbey Chase
Abbey would blush a bit at the thought of what she dreamed about, but she didn't dare tell Astrid. It was obviously just some sort of reactions to all these tentacles. "I sleep really soundly. My dreams were a bit erotic, about tentacles and slime and.... rubber" There is no way Abbey was going to share the bit about her boss, figuring that it might hurt Astrid's feelings. Abbey wasn't going to hurt Astrid's feeling because of a strange disturbing dream. And it was actually disturbing to Abbey, since she really didn't want that, she wanted Astrid.

The pair would sit together for breakfast, with Ashley and Kayla being awfully silent....
Astrid blushes under her mask when Abbey brings up the elephant in the room. Those tentacles are dangerous. Not because they could potentially hurt the girls. But because of the feelings they bring out in the girls. Even now, Astrid was feeling the need to suit up and slip into the embrace of the tentacles. She was becoming an addict and that scared her.

After breakfast everyone scatters. Astrid goes outside and sits on one of the lounges, feeling a pull down toward the aquarium and doing her best to resist it. She watches the water of the ocean, finding a calming sensation due to it. The call of the aquarium lessens, allowing her to breathe a little easier.
Abbey Chase
Abbey decides to follow Astrid, planning for just a nice quiet day given how intense the previous day had been. She says "Hey, care to just hang around the beach today and swim in the ocean. I was thinking of maybe doing some body boarding" As much pleasure as the slimy tentacled jelly fish had brought, Abbey desired something quieter for now.
"I'll come down with you but I think I'm going to avoid the water for a bit." She stands up and takes Abbey's hand, walking down with her to the beach. "You go have fun. I'll sit hear and watch," she says as she sits on the sand, digging her latex clad toes in.
Abbey Chase
Abbey would head out with her body board and enter the ocean. The feeling of the water pressure pressing down on her latex catsuit was somewhat arousing, and Astrid would certainly be able to see Abbey with her black latex catsuit totally squeezed against her body, hiding nothing from view. But Abbey was having fun. She wasn't very good at body boarding, but she was having fun trying. And this being a private beach certainly made it less intimidating since Abbey would have been mortified of being in a latex catsuit in public.

Abbey would try and convince Astrid to join her on more than one occasion, but Astrid preferred the shade and the peacefulness of sitting in the perfectly white sandy beach.

Frolicking in the ocean was really energizing. Abbey always loved the water, so having fun in the surf, even if it meant wiping out a few times, was absolutely fun as hell!!! And doing it in totally enclosing latex was actually really fun, if not a bit arousing. It certainly save Abbey from getting sand in all sorts of not-so-fun places, or getting her hair wet.
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Astrid sits on the beach under an umbrella she found in a little shack near the path. She watches Abbey bouncing around, riding the waves and occasionally taking a tumble. It is very relaxing, the sound of the waves crashing on the shore, the birds flying overhead. After a bit, Isabella came down and joined her, sitting in the shade as well. The two chat, getting to know each other more since they hadn't spent a lot of time together. They talk about what it's like living in another country, learning to love latex, finding someone special on the job.

All and all, it was a wonderful morning, making a new friend and watching her girlfriend enjoy herself in the water. As it gets closer to lunchtime, Isabella excuses herself, going back up to the house to help Sam prepare. Astrid stretches out in the sand, eyes closing as the warmth washes over her, making her drowsy.
Abbey Chase
Abbey really enjoyed her morning in the surf, but all good things must come to an end. Just before lunch, Abbey would come out, the water from the sea easily beading off of her tight black latex catsuit which was pretty squeezed up against her body. She would spot Astrid sleeping under a parasol and smile, looking at her, at how beautiful she was in black latex. Abbey would quietly come up to her and then slowly straddle her, hew knees on her side of Astrid's hips, as Abbey then leaned down and pressed her latex clad upper body into Astrid's latex suited figure, their breasts flattening out against each other, bulging up and out as Abbey's lips gently cap to meet Astrid's lips "Hey Gorgeous!" she whispered lovingly before kissing Asrid gently. "Ready to go to lunch? I can help you clean up..." Abbey would have a bit of a devilish smile on her face as she said the last part.

The two girls would head out for the showers. Both of them were required to thoroughly soap up and clean up, making sure their latex catsuits are absolutely squeaky clean. And Abbey certainly had a lot of sexy fun helping Astrid, hoping the favor would be returned.
Astrid wakes up, feeling a strange pressure on her chest. She opens her eyes and sees Abbey's smiling face staring back at her. "Hello my love," she says, leaning up and giving her a quick peck on the lips, tasting the salt water that clings to her small bits of exposed skin. She nods when asked about lunch. "I'm so hungry," she says, feeling her stomach rumbling. Once Abbey is off of her she stands up, doing her best to wipe the sand off of her. They walk hand in hand to the outdoor showers, stepping under the water and immediately getting distracted, feeling each other's body.

It will never get old for Astrid, feeling the swell of Abbey's breasts, tracing her hand down her hips. And clearly, Abbey felt the same way. They spend plenty of time in the shower, making sure they were both squeaky clean. Finally, they were done, toweling off the remaining water and heading up to the house. Everyone was outside, sitting at the patio table or on the lounge chair. Astrid chooses a chair next to Ashley, wanting to talk to the girl. But Ashley is quiet, responding with one or two words answers so Astrid gives up.
Abbey Chase
Abbey would enjoy lunch sitting down next to Astrid, but she would notice something off with Ashley who seemed really quiet. She would make a note of this, promising to go and check on Ashley after lunch. But, for now, it was all about enjoying lunch, the furtive little caresses she gave to Astrid here and there, the casual conversation. And there was something so nice about being in all enclosing latex.

Apart from going to see Ashley after lunch, Abbey didn't really have any other plans. Perhaps she'd return to the beach since body surfing was so much fun, and really good exercise at that. Or maybe go to the pool. She would make it a point to tell Astrid in a whisper that after lunch she would want some private time with Ashley to have a chat with her.
Astrid nods as she munches on her salad. That was good for her because she wanted to talk to Alex about something. Something was changing about her and she wanted some advice. She couldn't possibly know that he is the reason for the change in her. The girls split up after lunch, Kayla going down to the beach as Sam and Sabrina dive into the pool. Ashley disappears inside, heading to her room.

She slips into her vacubed, turning it on and sighing as the familiar and reassuring pressure exerts itself over her. She is still upset about how she didn't protect Abbey and Astrid yesterday, leaving them in danger of drowning.

Astrid gets up and sits next to Alex, looking at her hands, clearly wanting to say something but having trouble articulating it. "Um. Mr. Harris. I've got a question for you. Those jellies. Can they change you? Like the way you think?"

Alex chuckles. "They can briefly change your body chemistry, increasing endorphins. But they can't change the way you think. The brain is too complicated for that and the jellies are to simple."
Abbey Chase
Abbey would leave the patio and head inside after Ashley. At first, she looked for her in places like the study, or maybe the kitchen, or the games room, but she was simply nowhere to be found. After giving it some thought, Abbey figured that perhaps Ashley had gone to her room, since she looked muted and perhaps morose. Abbey would knock on Ashley's door, but no one would answer. Abbey would knock some more without success, so she would crack the door open and say "Ashley?..." as she peeks in.

Abbey's bright grey eyes land onto Ashley's latex encased form, trapped under a layer of shiny black latex that is totally vacuum packed on her, showing every detail of her body. Abbey would feel a deep sense of arousal as she watched Ashley trapped in the shiny latex, her gorgeous body highlighted so wonderfully in all the tight latex. But the other reason she felt so aroused was that it reminded her of her time in that latex vacsac, how absolutely lust filled she was.

But Ashley wasn't moving and this got Abbey worried. Was she okay? Abbey really wasn't sure and worry turned to concern with every second that passed until Abbey could not longer take it, entirely too worried Ashley was hurt, or passed out, so she would go to the big red "Emergency Shutoff" switch on the side and press it...
Ashley was settling in, comfortable in her bed. When suddenly the bed reverses suction, inflating her and dumping her off. She looks around, upset that her bed was broken. Until she sees Abbey standing there, hand on the emergency shutoff button. "Abbey? What are you doing?" She stands up, wanting so badly to turn away and not look at Abbey but instead she forces herself to stare at the other girl.
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