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GuardianAngel-Twist and shout-Fluffy

((I think I just dont know how to continue with her so far away.....and may slightly forget what needs to happen....... take her some how and Silence her but she can still command Matt?))

Internal animal ears snapped up as the demon and the fox bolted back their way with a wild wolf on their tail. Wolf THING... It had tentacles as its mouth and after their last encounter with an alien beast, no one bit at anything now with out seeing it bleed first. But it was easily put down when they shot the eye on the tail- odd placement was a thought they all had.
Back up a mile out the two went and despite the creature, it was still quiet.......until the Ear piercing shot rang out past Doc's head and they all had spears at their throats.
Ah....... camouflage that the creatures saw through but not human eyes. But Matt should have seen their heat...
*~Nope, not using it right now.....~* the demon whispered to the thought from the bear.... both he and the fox had strips of metal of a sort on their snouts..... a muzzle that was burning the demon but not fox.
Blaire had stayed within the village that they had gone to, although was currently just exploring and talking to everybody that was there. She was however distracted by the arrival of some strangely dressed people. Yet for some reason, there wasn't anything that shocked her that much at that point in time. After everything that they had dealt with over the last few months, this was just the icing on the cake. This was nothing.
She did notice that there were a number of people that were going to hiding already, a few of them whispering that these people were dangerous. Seems like these were the cult members which had her reaching out to the others to let them know what was going on, although not like they would actually hear anything from her. Nope before she could even saying anything, she was collapsing into the arms of one of the cult members. Fucking tazer to the back of the neck hurt like no other.
The radio silence from her would more than likely be enough to alert the others to something being up. "Lets get her back. This one..... something tells me she is the one we were looking for." one of them spoke before they were heading off, back towards their hideaway.
Fox eyes turned in panic to his scouting buddy as Matt began to twitch like no tomorrow and shake his head as if something went in his nose. No the members that were leading the group here didnt seem to care as they shoved the demon along with the shifters down further in to what seemed to be old mining tunnel.... but freshly dug...
Matt had been mentally shocked at the Blaire's tazering; but not knowing what it was freaked his mind out enough to think something was just on it.
~Get it off me!!!~ He growled in his head as his flinching and shaking alerted not only the fox now, but the rest.
~Get what off?? There isn't anything anywhere on you...~ Was a drowned out voice from Justin; the static noise playing on repeat in the demons head bugging the hell out of them all now.
~Dude... Chill... They are watching you have a break down with the twitching.~ Alec leaned over to the demon as the camo clad members discussed what they were to do about the freaking out beast.
~Get it off!!~ Claws now were aiming for his spines but kept hitting the burning metal muzzle, clipping and burning paws too.
~Matt, seriously, nothing is there...... Winters! Chill your demon out, you know he listens!~ Todd broke their long distance radio silence with Blaire... the boys expected an immediate answer from the one whom got the demon to talk..... but were met with...dead air...
Usually Blaire would answer, although at that point in time there was no answer, which was definitely strange. Scary almost, definitely a sign that something was up. But if Matt searched for her mind, he would actually see that that door was open partially, enough where he could enter her mind and see what had happened just recently. No he wouldn't be able to see much of anything else, but he would be able to discover why she had gone radio silent. Perhaps it was time to turn off that connection between himself and Blaire, at least temporarily?
God knows whenever the people got her where ever they were going, they would probably be waking her up. Although if they returned back to the village, they would find that Blaire had actually left something with the woman that they had first spoke to. Nothing major, just some papers with information about what she had learned. Mostly she had learned where they were hiding out. Hideaway hidden in the mountains.

(She can command Matt via their mental connection. They wouldn't know about that. She isn't overly fond of talking telepathically, unless she has to and typically speaks out loud.)

~Matt! Come on, stop...~ Doc had struggled out of his bindings to get to the panicking demon and shoved his nose in the stones and dirt and despite repeating tellings of dont move from these cult people; shifted and kept the lizard like form pinned.
~Stop, think, search it out, We dont see what you see. Where is the cause. Its not an outside body here. Its got to be a door.~ He was at his own door, yelling out. Normally they couldn't leave their minds, They were just connected to the hub that was Matt, talking through the open mental doors like a phone line. But Doc was actively leaning on the hub network and trying to see the demons twitching mental mind with his own, but only got the normal blackness.

But as he was pinned, he did as the faint voice told him; searching his hall of minds.... and the one door that normally wasn't open, Blaire's.... his Blaire's.... Was spewing such a horrid current of electricity. A warning and a call for help... but he was so far away to actively help him... and what it hurt to do was slam it shut. To, for once in his connective years to the army personall, slam an active door closed.
Yes, dead members doors would close and vanish... but he had never banned anybodies mind from his own... This being a first... and to one he so wished to know... almost hurt worse than the static.....
~Winters.....He's.... He needs help...~ The demon managed to speak in full control again, body now still as the Bull got off him.
~So do we, Matt.....These places look and smell far too....~ ~Bloody?~ ~Yes, to be of any safe news to us...He~ Almost said she... ~Will have to wait....~
That door being slammed shut, the sudden lose of that familiar hum, that is probably what got Blaire's attention, despite being unconscious. Physically anyways. Mentally she was cursing up a storm and not wanting anything to do with these people at all. And when she was conscious they were going to get a mouthful from her, much to their dislike. She felt groggy as all hell now that her mind was becoming her own once again. Unconsciousness hadn't last for long at all, it was more of a shock to the system to end up being tazed if anything.
Seemed like the hideaway hadn't been all that far away from the village, no wonder the people were so afraid of these people. She wasn't afraid of them, more so pissed off. She was pushing herself up slowly and just looking around slowly. An empty room at that point in time it seemed, and she could hear talking in the distance.
Definitely a crazy fucking cult. Talk about gods and goddesses. "Man what the hell did we do to get into this situation?" she questioned with an annoyed grumble. Although she was a bit annoyed to find out that trying to stand up wasn't going to be a thing at that point current point in time. Guess she had been drugged at some point in time. She felt weak, and sitting up was a task all on its own.
A chirp in the room, a motion detector, and a robed person entered the small locked room. There was at least a bed in here. "Oh, Miss is awake." The voice was soft, a woman. Even from behind this red and gold mask one could tell she held power here.
Upon her voice another masked face popped in to the room, this one decked out with a set of doctors tools on his waist, a few still drippy. "I see. Miss; I welcome you to your new home. We are sorry for the dirty entrance upon which you see." He long with the woman bowed. "Madam Goddess, we would like to see you to a better room, if you would be silent to come with us."
Blaire was just looking up for a brief moment in time at the sudden noise of the door opening and then looked at the masked woman that came into the room. Then followed behind the masked woman just happened to be another masked figure. Wait Goddess? What the hell were they even talking about at that point in time.
"Such a way to treat your Goddess. Kidnap them from where they had been staying contently." Blaire was mumbling in a rather annoyed tone of voice as she was folding her arms over her chest. Well thankfully the drug was wearing off, but she knew that there wasn't any walking on her own, not at that point in time. Which definitely meant that there wasn't any running away either.
"Where the hell are we? What do you want?" Blaire questioned. Nope she wasn't going anywhere with some kind of answer. Oh hey and now that she was conscious, she was actually gently pushing open her mental door. Just a little bit, just a way of letting one of the others know. Only a crack, but if one actually paid attention they would notice.
No she was cautious, especially considering she wasn't quite sure what she was dealing with at that point in time. Yet for some reason..... she felt a bit terrified at that point in time. Which was strange for her. With everything else that they had dealt with as a team, this was something that had her afraid. Perhaps it was because she was on the more weak end at that point in time. No real way to defend herself, at least for a bit longer.
"Pardon....we needed to make sure your eyes remained pure of some of the horrors that this world beheld on the way here." Another bow. "We also wish to cleanse you further, goddess. To clean you of this world's filth and return your light to you in all its glory." Both spoke at the same time; same wave length once they were together- twins. "We dont wish to harm you, my lady. Your vessel's one of the human kind and not quite yet pure. But we can silence any un mentionable orffice's if the holy presences wishes."
Birthcontrol of some sort, calm the humans voice with a snip of the cords, ears internally sewn closed as to not hear the horrible sounds of the outside world.......
"We wish compliance upon you so your time with us; your worshipers; can be as fruitful as you time here in the past have been."
Blaire was just watching the pair of them although the level of fear and discomfort was growing. What the hell was even going on?! This had her shaking her head before she spoke, "No thanks.... I think I'm good without being silenced." She was struggling up to her feet and just taking a step backwards. Okay walking she could do, at least somewhat. Still felt weak but push that aside, ignore it. While she was use to Markus and Rue speaking at the same time.... these two talking at the same time was just freaking weird.
The boys talked over one another, these two were in harmony... a freaky thing to think about.... But the man stepped forward to offer his goddess a hand. "We dont wish harm upon you, would you like assistance getting around your new home? We had to insure that your vessel would not run away while you were minutely away in her unconsciousness.. We've had an attempt to leave before- you were asleep and they slept walked away."
the two chimed out like a well versed song; the mans hands still offered.

The boys faces fell as they went even deeper in this mine shaft, lit sparcely with spluttering oil lamps. They could hear all the chanting beneath then short and curt screams- cut off as if something silenced them. From here.... it was hard to tell how. But by smell.... it was bloody.
~I dont like this......~ A twin chirped out in their minds, bleeding through all connected and open doors... even Blaire's- though he didnt know it was reopened.
A quick tisk from a camo member and the group was shoved to a stop and dropped to their knees....
"You are to be exiled from this living world. In the name of our Goddess Keehalla, you will be brought before her and offered to her to drink to be stronger- your life for her strength."
Blaire just looked towards the man for a brief moment in time. Okay perhaps just playing along with this whole being a goddess thing would do her a lot better than fighting against it. She figured she would have better luck getting away from this craziness if she just played along with it. It was like dealing with elderly who had dementia, just walk in their fantasy, no matter how strange it was. For the time being she could handle this, hopefully the guys were doing alright now.
Although she would totally rather be listening to the twins talking over each other right now, versus this crazy talking in harmony shit. It was creepy as all hell. With that she was taking the man's offered hand before she was commenting that she would accept the assistance in getting around. No being able to see around, she could hopefully get out of there sooner rather than later, or at least scout a way out of there. Something.
She was a bit shocked to hear the mental message from one of the twins, but hearing them was a blessing. And she felt a whole lot better about being able to hear at least one of the boys. She was just glancing towards the pair for a moment before she questioned, "And this cleansing me farther that you mentioned earlier.... what exactly did you mean by that?" Perhaps a dangerous question to ask, but she figured if she knew at least then she would know what to except. Perhaps try and talk her way out of it.
"A special fresh water bath, then some special guests are to help you become stronger. We very much need your strength in order to help clean the world." the masked faces bowed again upon her hand touching the males. "This way, your holiness. May watch your step, we keep to your rules and to the dark of blindness. Im sure this vessel is not quite used to the dark.." His hand wrapped gently over hers, barely a bit of pressure- just enough to guide and stabilize the weak legged human.
They didnt travel far before passing the kneeling group- the demon wiggling under the cult members hands as they pressed his 'bowing' face in to the stones with force. Though his tail was like a whip, he didnt use it in case he hit his own crew- this cramped hall was hard on his vicious fighting style. He didnt bow to some cult. Nor false goddess- That was a 'god' now- a 'king' of Blaire...

"Scum..." the twins snubbed out as they passed them with their goddess in hand. "They are what will make you stronger."
Blaire just listened about she wasn't sure about how she felt about any of this either. She felt like there was a lot more to the story. And it was more or less explained about the mention of guests that would be used to make her stronger. Wait sacrifices?!
The female was grateful for the guiding hand as her eyes readjusted to the darkness. Man whatever goddess they actually worshipped, Blaire had some questions.
Passing the group of people and she was just glancing in their general direction. Even in the dim light, she could make out a few of the figures. The boys were there it seemed. This had her gently tapping at their mental doors. Just to get their attention. And more or less telling them not to hate her. Nope she didn't state any more than that.
A sudden snort from the demon and he bucked at the cult members. Oh, that simple gentle touch threw him in an out rage! THEY HAD BLAIRE! Yes, the plan was for him to find out... BUT NOT BE HERE!!!!. He couldn't bite at these....people... natives.... with this burning muzzle on. But he could still rebel. Hisses and snarls mutted under the band as he threw his head from side to side to break the hold of these frail 'looking' figures... but more just piled on, ever so silent still as the twins watched, and protected their goddess like shields.
"Keep that.. THING... contained. He should be first. Dispatch him now. Our Holiness will be even strong with a fighter."
Blaire just watched for a moment but there wasn't much that she could do other than mentally shout at him to stop. "Enough. I have no wish to see bloodshed at this present time." Blaire ended up speaking after a moment in time. Verbal words, although if anything they were more directed at Matt. Hopefully he listened. After that she was continuing after the pair. Get the bathing stuff done, and then see how much power as a "goddess" she actually had with these people.
Although she was wondering what exactly they meant by clean the world. What on earth had they gotten into?
A dead stop had most of the bodies piled on him dropping from the sudden loss of fight. They were in quiet awe as they watched that this thing listened to the woman...staring at her as she was led by...
They heard what the girl said and her words over ruled the twins- no death or blood at this time. They regained some composer though as they began to lead the group after the goddess- but down another hall.... cells they were all chained in too.
~Winters! Dont you dare turn tail on us...~ he wasn't warning his 'queen' he was worried she might do if she had power here...... He worried.... for a human.... his Human..... and his other word stunned the boys.... ~Please.....~ his pleading hope echoed his dark cell with a small whine they hadn't heard before....

"My holiness, I knew your voice was a command... but to a dark being as such... outstanding..." the twins complimented the girl they led, believing they had finally found her... "Your bathing attendant will be Her"I" and you can change when ever you feel safe." the two overlayed their pronouns of each other with such practice it was still hard to tell whom was who, except the one guiding her bowed his exit and left the other masked one in the chamber with her.
Blaire was just watching for a brief moment in time although she could hear the mental voice from Matt which had her commenting mentally that they needed to have some faith in her. 'Had I not stepped in. They would have killed you, right then and there.' she spoke in a low mental voice and was turning her attention towards the twins that were in the room with her. Man it was going to take time to get use to listening to the pair of them speak at the same time.
Guess it was time to get this bathing stuff done and change, which had her wondering what she was going to be changing into. This had the high chance of revealing that she was actually a female to the rest of the guys. Nope there were only some that knew, and it was going to be a whole lot more complicated when the others found out. Especially Matt, who knew how he was going to respond to it.
With that she was dipping her hand into the water before she was looking towards the woman that was in the room and inquiring what was going to all happen. Mind as well discover what she had to deal with now. And with that after the man had left the room she was taking to stripping out of the clothing that she had been wearing. Just play the part, just go with the flow.
"My goddess, a bath requires no clothes. My brother will be back shortly to give you a new set of robes to match your status." A gentle gesture to step forward deep and the woman entered it in her outfit, hand stretched of get her in too.
"We must clean you so you may keep the world clean." she said with a light bow.

The demons head only buzz sadly as he listened to him, trying to get calm....
Blaire just looked for a moment before she was nodding and was stripping out of her clothing completely, before she was taking the woman's hand and stepping into the bath. Oh the water was quite warm, and actually felt quite nice. There was a lot of trust being given right now, but it wasn't as though she had much of a choice. Even if she tried to run, she wasn't sure that she would get overly far. Granted she was sure that they wouldn't do anything to actually harm her, but one never knew.

"Seems like they found another one to be their "goddess". Hopefully this one has a head on her shoulders and doesn't fall for their bullshit." a new voice spoke from somewhere in the room. Just a woman lounging rather lazily in the cage that was in the cell, and she was just watching the cultists that came into the room. Soon enough she was rolling over to lay on her stomach, her knees bent and her arms crossed, her chin resting on her arms.
There was a faint smirk on her lips from one of the cultists actually telling her to be silent which had her questioning, "Or what? You'll smite me. Last time I checked.... I was a "fallen goddess" awaiting judgement for your goddess."
The boys were quiet except for Matts low snort... but his mind was buzzing still.
"Fallen?" One of their own twins asked nose through the door, no animal forms here except for Alec and Matt- caught in their skins. Muzzles on made it incapable to change.
"What do you mean by Fallen?!" he was hurried and worried in his speech, they had a friend up there.
The woman was just giggling for a moment in time before she spoke, "Lets just say.... When they are looking for their goddess, they are also looking for somebody who is human. They want to cleanse the world, but they want to rid the world mainly of supernatural creatures. They weren't overly pleased to learn that I wasn't a human." She was just kicking her feet a bit as she eyed them from her cage although there was a faint smirk on her lips. After a moment in time she was questioning, "Any of your companions wearing a muzzle or collar?"
A sharp grunt from the fox and demon from behind the monkey. Yes was her answer. "Two.... but we ourselves haven't tried to get it off. By what Im hearing you know how to get our friend free???" he was a low tone here, though he was sure Matt was on the verge of knowing if he checked her door....
Did she know how to get their friend free? Yeah she did. She had learned how to deal with those stupid muzzles. It was easy enough once you knew how to take care of it. "Yes I do know how to get your friend free actually." she spoke before she was looking towards the doorway as a couple of the cultists came in before she was grinning. "Oh hey guys! We were getting so lonely without seeing your lovely faces. But I have a few complaints.... the service here sucks." she spoke although there was a dangerous smile on her lips.
"I meant....." but the twin quieted up as the cult people came back. Their silence unnerved the group as they moved with a stalking grace towards the cage that held the bear and panther shifters. Todd and Justin didnt do anything as they were pulled free and shuffled in to the girls vicinity- her cage theirs now.
The cell that held the boys now occupied by a bloody male with a metal mask on his face- still boiling hot.
Nope dont make a fuss..........
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