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You Bred A Flame (PoisonousIvee/Mr.Aznable)

"Well, your actions today made a statement.." She said. "But I am inclined to believe you..~" she said.
"You are the most devoted of all these humans and keep me far more entertained~ you aren't afraid to speak your mind to me and I find that to be rather attractive~" He said.
"M-My love I feel like you have something you wish to do.. E-Either with me.. Or to me..~" she said.
He moved out of the pond just enough that it looked like he was just sitting on the edge, "Why not show me how much more you practiced~"
She bit her lip and immediately began working him, moaning lowly around his cock, but paused and took a breath as she took both of them into her mouth
He gripped the rim of the pond tight to keep from melting, moaning lowly as she took both into her mouth, "Oh shit...~"
She certainly had been practicing. His two cocks all but disappeared into her mouth, low feral grunts sounding from her.
He moaned louder, his tail moving to tease her folds slowly as she worked him. He loved this, how she did all that she could for him.
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