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「σανγυινε 」|| 1x1 with DarkMudkip ||

So it hadn’t been all a dream? How was he alive, how did he not have a single mark on him. “What are you?” She asked, keeping her eyes glued to him.
She just stared at him, didn’t respond or freak out. Of course, the reason had to be that she was losing her mind. She turned her head slightly to look up at the ceiling. “How long... was I asleep..?”
“Why didn’t... He just kill me..?” She asked groggily, still on too much meds to feel any real pain from her wounds.
"I guess he likes you.." He said gently.
"Nobu!" Motochika came down quickly, "It's been weeks, is she fucking up yet?" Weeks? Nobu just said it had only been a few days.
Nana’s yes widened slowly and she looked to Motochika in horror. She had been unconscious for weeks? It felt like she had only just fallen asleep. “Weeks..?” She croaked out.
The question was gnawing at her, it had been since Motochika had chosen her personally back at the warehouse. “Why did you keep me alive..?”
A tear fell down her cheek as she stared at him, feeling dread clawing it’s way up from her stomach. “I won’t..” She barely managed out in a whisper.
"You ain't got a choice, missy." He stated before motioning for Nobu to leave. He did, reluctantly, and Motochika looked Nana over slowly.
Nana clenched her fists and pulled at the metal cuffs that kept her hands down at her sides, watching Motochika closely. She was still so groggy from having just woken up, and after being unconscious for weeks as well. “Get the fuck away from me.” She hissed.
He felt her muscles stiffen under her and she drew in a breath, then jerked her leg violently away from him. “Don’t touch me!” She snarled at him.
Nana’s entire body went stiff and she started to kick at him, tried to squirm away, anything that would get his hand out from between her legs. “I said don’t fucking touch me!” Fear was in her voice this time, panic clear on her face as she thrashed and her adrenaline spiked.
Nana’s face was flushed red, and she had tears dripping down her cheeks. She kicked at him again, this time catching him hard in the chin.
“Please stop..!” She begged him, unable to stop her tears or even wipe them away. “Please, don’t touch me anymore, I won’t try to run away again, I promise..!”
Her face was red and twisted into a look of misery, lips pressed firmly together as she squeezed her eyes shut tightly.
He touched her thighs and her waist and her chest and everything he was really interested in before moving away, "I suppose you'll do."
“Go stick it in a blender.” She managed out, turning her head away, trying not to cry.
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