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「σανγυινε 」|| 1x1 with DarkMudkip ||

She flinched at that, having nothing more to say, and what could she say? She was handcuffed to the bed, and still on iv drugs, he could do whatever he wanted and she wouldn’t stand a chance.
Nana’s recovery would be slow, she had broken her back after all, but Nobu’s treatments worked wonders, and the only lasting effects seemed to be the weakening of her legs. She would wobble and fall sometimes, but other than that, she would be able to walk with relative ease. For the most part, Nobu kept her mildly sedated- under Motochika’s order -leaving her mostly spaced out and just sitting in the infirmary bed, only soon it dawned on her that she wasn’t in the infirmary anymore, but laying in a large bed on her back, far too high to even think of trying to move.
His words came to her ears slowed, almost garbled, taking a few moments to register to her. Nana turned her head slowly, slightly, her hazy eyes looking at him blankly, pupils large. She didn’t speak, just looking at him with a blank expression; who was he again? Where was she, and was was she there?
She blinked slowly, letting out a soft groan, shifting her leg slightly away from his touch, only really registering it as a small annoyance. “Don’t..” She grumbled, like she was rudely woken by someone, and just wanted to go back to sleep.
He could hear her heart beating in her chest, hear the blood moving through her, and he could feel her hands pressing on his chest. She was weakened greatly by the drugs, so her struggling was just as weak, pressing feebly against his chest to try and get him off of her. “No...” She protested, trying to work through the fog in her mind, trying to find the words to tell him off, and the strength to fight against him.
His hands snaked around her waist and pulled her tight against him, trapping her arms against his chest so she couldn't fight before she felt a sharp burning pulse through her neck as he drove his fangs into her neck.
She let out a small cry of pain, squirming a bit, but ultimately unable to do anything to get away from him. After a moment more of struggling, she stopped, too tired from the drugs to continue her struggle.
She laid there with her hand over the bite, blood trickling through her fingers and dripping onto the bed, the wound throbbing with each heartbeat. Nana let out a weak groan, barely able to keep her hand on her neck where he had placed it, nodding in and out of consciousness.
When he came back, he cleaned it and gauzed it, wrapping it tight enough to keep pressure on it. "I dare say you don't taste as bad as I thought you would."
She hadn’t tried to run off this time, hadn’t even moved from her spot on the bed, but she did mumble out an insult about him shoving it.
She watched him in her haze, staring blankly before attempting to sit up, but not making it very far before she slid back down onto the bed.
Nana only tried to crawl back up into a sitting position, actually managing to stay upright. “Don’t feel right...” She muttered, referring to her drugged up state.
“I don’t like it..” She said, trying to put force behind her words, trying to be stern and, and what? She lost her thoughts again, squeezing her eyes shut. It was terribly frustrating how foggy her head was.
She lazily smacked his hand away from her hair, rolling her head to meet his gaze. “I don’t need pity from a monster.” She muttered.
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