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「σανγυινε 」|| 1x1 with DarkMudkip ||

Ren looked like a human puzzle as Nobu put him back together, parts sewed and stapled back together; even his eyes were closed and secured with tape and gauze to keep his eyes from falling out.
Ren’s severed head lay at the top of the table, body laid out how it needed to go back together. How much blood would Ren need to ingest to heal these wounds? Would this turn him feral?
Ren’s real hair had started to grow quite long, so much so he almost didn’t need his hair extensions anymore. Now there was only wispy ends that Matsunaga had left behind.
He finished one foot and then moved to the other, working slowly to make sure it was all aligned properly. He had to stop every now amd again to keep from crying.
What had Motochika meant when he said Ren got caught? Wasn’t he just a prostitute? Isn’t that why he was always sent away for jobs?
Did he sell Ren to Matsunaga because he was a prostitute? That was what Motochika brought him on for, sure. But to send Ren into a literal lion's den for some extra cash, it didn't seem right.
Motochika could be a real asshole at times, but he wasn’t that horrible; wasn’t the kinda guy to turn around and sell one of his own off for a few extra bucks? Was he?
Nobu was angry. Worse, buzzed and angry. He finished up Ren's foot before downing a whole nother bottle of booze and going off to find Motochika.
Ren was kind, he didn’t deserve to be cut up and mutilated the way he had been. Did Motochika knowingly send Ren to be cut up like that? Ren never would’ve accepted a job like that, would he? No. It wasn’t him.
"Motochika!!" Nobu slurred. The giant of a vampire looked over and rose an eyebrow.
"Don't you have a low blood to put together?" Motochika asked. Nobu stumbled and got in Motochika's face, who recoiled at the choking smell of alcohol.
"Why did you send Ren to that monster? Hm? Did you just get tired of paying him so you sent him to die?"
"What the hell are you talking about?" Motochika scowled. Nobu jammed his finger in Motochika's chest.
"Ren wouldn't be fucked up so bad if you didn't sell him to that psycho!" He slurred angrily. Motochika blinked slowly before clocking Nobu good.
"Firstly, you're drunk. And you know better than to screech at me like a woman. Secondly, what does it matter? Ren's a prostitute. He knew what he was getting into. If he didn't like it, he coukd have backed out."
"It matters cuz...cuz..." Nobu felt sick. Motochika smirked and laughed.
"Fuck, don't tell me you love a whore~"
"Shut up!" Nobu slurred.
Did he love Ren? Sure Ren was nicer to him than anyone else at the estate, and actually treated him with respect, not to mention he was his very first, but did he actually love him?
"Wow, Nobu~ that's a step down~"
"Says the guy who's keeping a human hostage in his room." Nobu growled. Motochika stepped hard on Nobu's chest.
"Who the fuck cares, huh? I needed a rat and I found one. Do you know how easy Ren is to replace? Dumb fucking easy. He's only here to fuck and make me money, so you're going to fix him up so I can put him back out there."
"I-I won't...let you...!"
The thought of something even remotely similar happing to Ren again made Nobu want to vomit, how could it not do the same to Motochika? Ren came back in a coffin, in a coffin and in pieces, and he just wanted to patch him back up and throw him back out there?
"You're a fucking monster." Nobu growled. Motochika snorted.
"A monster that put a roof over your head and money in your pocket. Where would you be if not for me? Huh?"
"I had a stable job before you came along!"
"Yeah, preforming autopsies and feeding from the corpses. Don't kid yourself. Get back in your little clinic and fix up my whore." Motochika ordered.
What if he didn’t fix Ren? What if he let him stay that way? Then he wouldn’t have to be in danger anymore, he wouldn’t feel pain or wake up from the nightmare he had experienced. Ren had seemed willing to be used by Motochika, but this was just too far.
But then he would never see Ren again, or hear his voice and see him smile. Or be with him ever. Sure, he would fix Ren. But then he would push for him to leave. That hurt much less than just leaving him in pieces.
Ren would still be in his clinic when he returned, laying on the table exactly how he was left; in pieces.
Ren’s skin was soft and cold, oddly still feeling very alive even after being bled dry and cut up.
"Don't'll be like this never happened..." He muttered before picking up the needle and thread to start working. It took him days to put Ren back together; he was the most complex jigsaw puzzle he ever had. But he did it. The stitches would be easy to remove once the parts healed back together in their proper order. Nobu finally took a moment to relax, hands aching down to the bone.
It seemed like Nobu barely had his eyes closed for a minute, before terrible screams torn him from his sleep. Ren has finally regained consciousness, now screaming and thrashing on the table Nobu put him on to work on him. His eyes were covered with a bandage to help them heal, which left Ren blind for the time being. He was begging and screaming, swatting at things that weren’t there, kicking and pleading for mercy.
Ren’s fear was nearly palpable, face twisted with absolute horror as he kicked over nearby tables of supplies fighting against Nobu. “I already gave it to you!! I gave it to you, so please! Please, stop hurting me!!” The stitches on his left arm gave out from the struggle, arm dropping away from his body and onto the floor.
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