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「σανγυινε 」|| 1x1 with DarkMudkip ||

Akihime moved and kissed his cheek gently, "I'll see you tomorrow..." She whispered.

Matsunaga moved over and pulled her head back.
"I asked you a question."
Yukimura’s ears flushed hot again, and he watched Akihime leave, his heart thumping in his chest.

Jin winced in pain, staring up at him, not moving an inch. “Yes.” She forced out, barely managing a scared, sorrowful smile. She felt like he’d break her neck with how hard he was pulling her head back.
Jin quickly let her head drop back forward, neck aching along with her scalp. She felt like if she moved, even breathed, he would hurt her. She stayed in her chair, fists clenched on her lap, at least now she might get relief from the constant abuse.
He smelled blood, Jin’s blood, his sharp ears picking up on the sound of scraping on bone. Jin was biting herself again, having bitten down deep into the back of her hand from the stress and flourishing feelings of self-hatred.
She didn’t answer, didn’t look back at him, only removed her fangs from the flesh, and biting her hand again. She would do this when Matsunaga would rape her, silently bite her arms over and over, sometimes biting down to the bone. His personal doctor told him it was a stress reaction, but as long as she didn’t try to take her life, it wasn’t life threatening.
She would spend the next hour or so repeating this, making a mess of herself, and the floor at her feet.
The abuses were at least lessened. There was no real damage done to her body now with her pregnant, but he still preformed anal sex with her when he was in the mood.
Jin never did anything to herself that would harm the child growing within her, but her arms were in such terrible condition, blood would seep through her bandages daily. She felt no different with the news that she was going to be a mother, no flutter in her heart, no feelings of warmth.
"Alright," Motochika spoke to Ren as they headed out, "so this guy you're going to, he's a real freak. He will kill you even given the chance. Don't do anything to piss him off."
Ren stared down at the folder in his lap in shock, it was nearly empty. “This is a joke right? Don’t piss him off, this just barely has his name!” He waved the file at Motochika. “What am I supposed to work with, you don’t have anything.” He said, dressed in an expensive and ornate kimono and geta sandals, hair and make up done in a traditional oiran style.
"All I know is he has no qualms with beating you to near death if you make him unhappy. He's a fucking hermit, that's why I need you to go in there and grab what you can and get the hell out." He said.
Ren looked nervous, looked down at the fine, staring at the picture of his next mark. “Do you even know what he prefers in bed?”
The burns and torn skin was as fresh as if he had saw them yesterday, and the castration job made his own private bits ache with pain. He knew just how much danger Ren was in, but the information he had gotten on the Date last time was worth near millions. Anything on Matsunaga would be just as, if not more valuable.
Ren sat back in his car seat and let out a heavy sigh, visibly nervous. “I hope you know I gave up a dinner date to do this last minute assignment.” He muttered.
“Oh, now you’re interested! Well I’m not telling~” He teased, crossing his arms over his chest. “Just make sure I don’t come back in a coffin or anything.”
Ren didn’t even know what would put him in a coffin with this guy, only knowing he was crazy and liked to be dominant in bed. When they arrived, he was surprised to find a modern home, expecting Matsunaga to live in an old style home. “I’m impressed.” He said, leaving the file in the car as he got out, his wooden geta sandals clacking on the driveway.
"Good luck! Call if you need help!" Motochika called before driving off. When Ren got to the door, a servant answered with a frown.
"Can I help you?"
“I’ve been sent by my master, Chosokabe Motochika, along with the shipment of human cattle Matsunaga-sama has requested.” Ren said, bowing his head to the servant.
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