「σανγυινε 」|| 1x1 with DarkMudkip ||

Yukimura saw white, pain immediately shooting up from his hands, knuckles splitting open and bleeding, but the first hit was not enough to break them. He nearly collapsed right there, letting out a scream of agony.
And break they did, the second hit was enough to break fingers and the bones in his hands, another scream escaping Yukimura as he tried to yank them free of the pillory. “M-Mitsunari-dono!! Please stop!”
“Please let me speak with him! Apologize!” He shook his head, tears slipping down his face. “It was a mistake..! I-I never meant to hurt her..!” Hurt her? What was he talking about?
Yukimura thought they knew, thought it was part of the reason why they were hurting him. “I-I bit her... Drank from her... I never meant to, it was an accident..!”
Mitsunari's eyes widened slowly before he moved to grab a new tool. It was a pair of pliers, and he jammed it into Yukimura's mouth before ripping out his fangs.
Mitsunari broke many of Yukimura’s teeth jamming the pliers into his mouth, and with the strength he used to tear them out, he ended up only breaking more of his teeth. Blood gushed from his mouth, spilling onto the floor as Yukimura wailed in pain, trembling. The blood smelled pure, untainted by humans or other breeds- it smelled of a high blood.
Yukimura didn't even look to Mitsunari, he was too enveloped in pain to notice his sudden interest in the smell of his blood. Yukimura had cropped ears and short fangs, yet his blood smelled of a high blood, a royal bloodline.
Yukimura fell to his knees, letting the blood drip from his mouth with a numb expression on his face, tears in his eyes.
"Gyoubu," Mitsunari moved into Yoshitsugu's room quickly, the old one talking with Akihime sternly about giving away her body before marriage, "the farm rat...I think he may be a high blood."
"Oh? Is that so?" Yoshitsugu asked, "What makes you say that?"
"His blood. It smells pure." Mitsunari said. Akihime scowled.
"What did you do to him?"
"Ripped out his fangs for feeding from you." Mitsunari growled. Akihime's face lit up and she sputtered.
"H-How dare you-!"
"Akihime," Yoshitsugu said firmly and she froze, "we will discuss that later. Let us go see the boy." The old vampire stood and leaned on his cane as he followed Mitsunari to Yukimura.
Yukimura hadn’t moved in the slightest, just trying to adjust to the pain as he sat on the floor, hands still locked in the pillory.
Yukimura picked his head up, looking to Yoshitsugu. “Please forgive me, Yoshitsugu-dono..!”
"Oh, my dear boy, I'm sure you didn't mean either of your nefarious deeds." Yoshitsugu said, "But I'm not here for that. I'm here for your blood."
Yukimura looked confused, shifting uncomfortably as the pillory didn’t allow him to sit fully on the ground. “I don’t understand..? What about my blood?”
"It is pure. Mitsunari is convinced you're a high blood." He said before carefully sticking his fingers in Yukimura's mouth until they were heavily coated in his blood. When he removed them, he smelled them gently.
"This scent...is familiar to me.." He muttered.
Yukimura grimaced when Yoshitsugu put his fingers in mouth, all of his teeth throbbing with pain from the fangs that had been torn out. “High blood? What does that mean?” He hadn’t yet been educated on the hierarchy of vampires yet, so of course he wouldn’t know.
"You're a pure blooded vampire, the highest and most prestigious of our kind..." He told him, "but not just any high blood...one of the old ones..."
"Gyoubu?" Mitsunari looked confused.
He shook his head, staring still at Yoshitsugu with furrowed brows. “I... But I was always with gramps and obaa-san...”
"I will have to look into this..." Yoshitsugu said before hobbling away.
"What should I do with him?" Mitsunari asked.
"He still has to atone for feeding from my daughter."
"Of course, Gyoubu."
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