Shark Bait (PoisonousIvee/Mr.Aznable)

He was kept in a sort of locked pool so he wouldn't dry up or suffocate out of water. When she visited he was always so happy to see her.
She smiled and held onto the bars, looking sadly upon his cell. "I'm so sorry, Gio.. My darling..." She said.
He moved to the bars and closed his hands gently over hers, "No, don't isn't your fault, I would never blame you for anything."
"I promise.. I'll stay here as long as I can.. Every day until you are to be released.." She said.
His expression changed to emotionless and cold when she wasn't in his sight. He didn't talk at all and refused to eat the garbage they gave him.
He was more than grateful. Soon, the guard began to get a little hesitant letting her visit all the time.
"I know, ma'am, but you're here everyday. It's not normal for prisoners to have visitors this often. Especially a Cestradae." He told her.
"I..." He became uneasy, "I understand wife is a snow elf so I hardly ever see her in the summer unless I leave for the mountains. But it's just the rules, that's all.."
She made a noise. "Sir I.. I haven't much to offer.. But please, I beg of you.. Besides my healing duties, my Gio is.. All that I have.."
He glanced at Gio, who was mad dogging him as he spoke to her. He sighed softly, he could get in so much trouble.
"Do you have anything that us conceive...? We've been trying for years..."
She made a noise and thought for a moment. "I can have a series of potions for that for you.. They might take some time but on my word they will work for your needs.." She said quietly.
He swallowed before nodding and carefully opening Gio's cell for her to enter, "You can't be there long..." He said.
He moved and pulled her close, kissing her deeply. He moaned lowly, missing the feel of her against him.
He pulled at her robes almost greedily, keeping her on the elevated areas of the cell to keep her dry for now.
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