Shark Bait (PoisonousIvee/Mr.Aznable)

She gave him a large cloak to try and assist him in hiding, and they walked hand in hand through the city gates.
He kept his head down, squeezing her hand as they walked through to get to the market. So far so good. There seemed to be a lot of traffic through to the market area so no one seemed to notice how out of place he was.
"Hold!" A guard called and they froze. Gio's eyes were wide and wild and glued to the stone path before he slowly looked up at the man with malicious intent.
"Sereina..." He tried to keep his voice level as the guard quickly realized what he was looking at.
"Go, Sereina!" He yelled before rushing at the guard.
He slammed the guard into the wall before more men swarmed on him like an angry hive of bees. They wrestled him to the ground before clasping all of their iron cuffs on his arms to keep him restrained.
"Ma'am," another guard approached her, though he was calm, "do you own that beast?"
He made a noise and the group who had Gio struggled to drag him to the castle. "You should come with me then.." He said and guided her to the castle as the people all stared.
When they reached the castle, he took her to the throne room where Gio was forced to kneel before the old man. He looked back and he nearly launched to his feet but was held in place.
"Sereina..." He muttered, "I'm so sorry, Sereina...!"
She frowned. "Shh.. Gio everything will be fine..! Trust me, this will be over soon.." She said.
"You are aware that your kind is strictly forbidden from entering the capital, don't you?" The king sounded. Gio glared at the ground and swallowed dryly.
"What do I care about what some bitter old men decided?"
"You should care a great deal considering your break in the treaty could and should result in your death."
"M-My lord please no, he is only my travellin companion..!" She said quickly, trying to rush to his side.
The guards pointed their polearms at her to stop her in her tracks and Gio started to shake.
"For such a careless act of defiance and the breaking of peace, I have no choice but to hold you in a cell until your king comes to collect you. You will never step outside again." The king said. Gio's eyes were wild again, shaking almost. Prison? What about Sereina? What would happen to her? One by one, there was a snap. The chains on the cuffs all broke as he pulled his arms apart.
"You aren't taking me away from Sereina!!" He yelled and grabbed the guard at his side by the head and smashing his face into the stone floor before starting to break anyone who came at him with intent to do him harm.
Part of her was more than flattered as she moved over slowly. "Gio..! Gio, my darling please calm yourself..!" She called out as she tried to get close.
It was almost like he didn't hear her, throwing men bigger than her across the room like they were dolls.
He whirled around to snap whoever touched him but stopped when he saw it was Sereina. His breathing was ragged but he reached to cup her cheek gently. She could feel him shaking as he moved to his knees in front of her.
"I won't leave you..." He whispered, voice shaking, "I swear, I'm not leaving you...!"
"And I won't leave you either.. My love I promise.. We'll both see the end of this.." She said, cupping his cheeks.
He kissed her deeply and held her tight, the stress and the fight dried out his scales some. She could hear it was a little hard for him to breath.
She simply held onto him and kissed back, biting back tears as the guards pulled him away. "I'll be right here Gio I promise..!"
He looked desperate and angry, his eyes still wild, "I would wait forever for you if I had to, Sereina. Until my scales dried out!" He said befor he was pulled into the dungeons.
She sat and cried a bit, not knowing at all what to do. She decided to do some healing work to bide her time, but tried to visit him every day
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