Shark Bait (PoisonousIvee/Mr.Aznable)

He held her tight against him and nuzzled her, "I'm sorry you had to see me like that. I'm an unworthy animal..."
She shook her head. "What has happened, happened.. And you are forgiven for anything wrong you may have done..~"
He held her tighter, "I would destroy so much for you." He said softly, "Be it to protect you or be it because you grow bored, I would slaughter thousands at your very whim. I would kill my own if it so pleased you. You are the only thing in this world that keeps me going. The only thing that gives me purpose." He ran his tongue over her various marks and gave a soft, dreamy sigh, "I love you so much it hurts to love you, Sereina~"
He watched her quietly, petting her gently and making sure she wasn't ruined by that vile human's blood. Once he was cleaned and his gills were soaked, they left as fast as they could, Gio pulling the cart carefully so her things wouldn't break as they left in the pitch darkness.
He slowed down before finding a good place to stop and make a fire. He made a bed in the wagon out of blankets they had packed and made sure she was comfortable before cooking some salted fish for her.
"You're welcome, it was no trouble.." He said, "Did he hurt you too much before I stopped him...?" He asked. It was already well over with but his nerves were still going insane.
He nodded and moved to lay with her, barely fitting in such a small wagon. He pet her thigh gently and gave a soft noise. He was glad she didn't think less of him for his actions. He would probably die if she ever stopped loving him.
He held her tighter around her waist, "I love you, too. So much~ I meant it when I said I would destroy anything and anyone for you~ all you have to do is ask and I will obey~"
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