Shark Bait (PoisonousIvee/Mr.Aznable)

"What can you do? Hm? You should have thought about things like this before running around in such immodest dress." He groped her roughly, painfully, "With these massive fucking tits, you're just begging for trouble."
He pressed the knife to her throat, glaring darkly, "Do that again and I'll just fucking kill you. Got it, bitch?"
He kept the knife to her throat as he touched her milky thighs slowly. He gave a low noise as his hand drew closer to her warmth. He didn't notice the steady growing murderous intent that crawled toward the room.
"Fuck, how are all you elves so soft?" He growled lowly. She noticed something appear behind him, tall and dark in the dim light. With bright haunting gold eyes.
"I said not to move!" He yelled but froze when something grabbed his neck. His head was forced back so he could look at who had caught him by surprise; horrified to see it was Gio.
"You know, I knew you wanted to die before, but this," Gio gave a wide, deranged grin, "this is really driving the message home~ I've never met anyone with such a deep desire to end their life like you have~"
"P-Please," Gio's eyes dropped to the human, who was in tears, "please don't kill me." Gio's grin vanished. That look of rage and murder reappeared on his face as he just stared.
"After your ears ignored her denials earlier? After you called me such kind names? After you took," his grip tightened around the man's neck, "my most prized pearl and attempted to taint her? You changed your mind about dying, sir?" The man hesitated and Gio leaned in close.
"Scum like you are barely suited as chum. But you are unfortunate enough to catch me while I'm starved." He snarled before pulling him back further and ripping his throat out with his teeth.
She covered her eyes and tried to stop from any blood splashing onto her. "G-Gods Gio, in the room?" She half teased.
"Forgive me~ anywhere else and there would be no one to inhabit the town~" He swooned before ripping out chunks of meat to swallow.
He picked the man clean, leaving only bones behind. He made a noise as he looked at all the blood, "I'm such a glutton..."
He tried to hide the fact that he was caked in blood as they moved to the tubs. He tried very hard not to take her then and there, she was probably shaken up from the whole thing. "Are you alright...?" He asked gently, cupping her cheek.
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