「RISE」(1×1 with Jikkah)

She did it without thinking, Megohime lashed out with her clenched fist, backhanding Masamune hard across the cheek, knocking him back. She immediately regretted it, feeling fear grip her hard, looking on in horror. She had scraped his cheek with her scales, and there was already a lump forming- but it was nothing compared to what he had done to her face.
He held his cheek and his eyes were dangerous. "You know what?" He growled, "Find some rope or use the fucking sheets, but I want to see you hanging from the ceiling."
She stared at him in horror, and he watched as the seal on her chest started to spark, forcing her to her feet again. Tears slipped down her bruised cheeks as she pulled the sheets from the bed, and soon she was crying out loud. “Please stop..” She begged as she started to fashion the sheet into a crude noose. “Please, I’m sorry..!” Tears leaked down her face as she paused for a moment, looking to Masamune.
She understood now that there was no real freedom waiting for her, this was the best fate that she would get. She felt another jolting shock from her seal and moved numbly to get the chair from the desk, dragging it silently across the floor and placing it under the wooden beam above her. Standing on the chair, she tied the the sheet to the beam, slipped the noose around her neck, then kicked the chair out from under herself.
She dropped instantly, the sheet tightening around her neck and immediately cutting off her airway. Tears blurred her vision as she swung to and fro, kicking her feet wildly as panic gripped her tightly. She didn’t want to die. She tried to reach the chair with her feet again, but couldn’t, and clawing at the sheet did nothing.
That's when the door opened and Kojurou came into the room, "Megohime!" He moved and cut the sheet, causing her to drop. Masamune exhaled.
"Rude." He muttered and Kojurou whirled on him, slamming his fist into Masamune's jaw.
She hit the ground with a hard thud and struggled to pull the sheet loose. She coughed and sobbed, yanking the sheet from around her bloody neck, which she had torn up trying to get it off.
“I won’t let him kill you, you have my word.” Kojurou had promised her she wouldn’t be harmed, and here she was hanging from the ceiling by her neck, Masamune just watching.
"You selfish son of a bitch, what were you thinking?! What has she done to you to warrant that?!" Kojurou yelled. Masamune rubbed his jaw, scowling.
"She refu-"
"Nothing, is the correct answer!!" Kojurou cut him off angrily, "How dare you command her to commit suicide! After she willingly committed to training you to be a better warrior! If this is how you plan on treating your party, then she and I are no longer your companions!"
Megohime was still crying on the floor, occasionally hacking and gagging, holding her bruised throat. Her heart pounded in her ears, and part of her wished that Kojurou had not interfered, she would have been free from her suffering that refused to release her from its cruel grasp. No more would she have to slaughter endlessly, or be potential tool for men, she would finally find her peace.
A gloved hand extended to her and it belonged to Kojurou, "Come with me. I made a promise to protect you from him and I will keep it."
"You can't walk away from me, she's my property!" Masamune snapped. Kojurou glared at him.
"I paid for her. Not you." He stated.
Megohime couldn’t fight her tears, didn’t even bother to, she only took Kojurou’s hand and stood shakily, holding onto Kojurou for support.
Kojurou helped her as they headed for the door.
"She stays." Masamune stated. Kojurou scowled.
"We aren't apart of your party any more, you can't control her."
"She still has the seal. She's mine, unless you have magic erasers." Masamune huffed.
Kojurou felt her grip on his sleeve tighten, and she lowered her head. Masamune was right, as much as she hated to admit it, he owned her, and she still had to obey. “Please... Don’t leave me alone with him...” She begged in a whisper.
Kojurou looked to her and frowned, he wanted to just take off and give her the freedom she deserved, but he knew Masamune was right.
"You are not to come near her." Kojurou growled at him. Masamune scowled.
"Fine." He hissed before leaving the room.
Megohime slowly sunk to her knees after Masamune had left the room, clinging to Kojurou’s legs and weeping softly. She couldn’t thank him enough, hardly able to even get her words out through her sobbing.
He frowned softly and let her cry for a bit before helping her stand. Once Masamune wasn't needed anymore, he was going to help Megohime make something of herself so she wouldn't have to rely on him once she was free.
Megohime went to bed as Kojurou had instructed, unable to do much while she recovered, which only further made her worry about her own training, still feeling obligated to assist with the waves. She did lay down in bed however, pulling the covers up to her nose and resting, in quite an awful state.
Kojurou sat in his bed and gave a small sigh, wondering if they would be ready for the Wave when it hit. Masamune was in a poor state combat wise, and Megohime wouldn't be fully recovered in time. He didn't know what they would do, or if they would only hold back the others.
Megohime would remain in bed for the next two days, hardly even communicating with Kojurou, and not touching any food or water he brought her. It was more than likely she was struggling with coming to terms of nearly hanging herself to death, or rather being forced to, and with Masamune not showing up either, the team was in shambles. Megohime’s physical state was improving slowly, the swelling receding significantly, only leaving cuts and bruises on her face and neck, but her mental state hadn’t improved very much, and she would spend most of her time hidden under the blankets in her bed.
Her concussion was improving though, and her symptoms were slowly improving or disappearing altogether.
Megohime laud curled up in bed, staring blankly at the wall across from her. She had dealt with death and killing as far back as she could remember, but she had always been fighting to keep her life, killing others so she could live, and now she had been forced to nearly take her own life? It wasn’t right, it wasn’t fair; it messed with her head badly. What if he tried again? What if Kojurou wasn’t there to stop Masamune? She didn’t want to die, and she couldn’t even fight it, her slave seal would force her to do it.
She didn’t answer his question, trapped in her own head, drowning in her thoughts, tears dripping from her eyes as she only sunk deeper, swirling down the rabbit hole.
She shrunk away before he was able to put his hand on her shoulder. “I’m not hungry.” She whispered, only curling up more tightly.
This wasn’t good, the Wave was less than a week away now, and the team was in shambles, what would they do?
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