「RISE」(1×1 with Jikkah)

All she could manage was a slight nod, laying where she had been placed. It was a bit difficult to tell if she was awake since her eyes were swollen shut, but he could only assume. Her face was absolutely caked in blood, but the bleeding had stopped for the time being, and she would only require time for her wounds to heal.
He frowned and moved to the basin and wet a rag with warm water before moving to sit beside her gently, "Here..." He gently wiped the blood off her face, "I shouldn't have left you alone with him..."
He could just barely make out that one of her eyes were open, and she was looking at him as he cleaned her face. “...ust a slave...” She managed out, her lip cracking from her speaking.
He frowned softly and shook his head, "Not to me, you aren't. You are a living being and deserves respect equally as much as I do.."
She let out a noise that sounded like a scoff, blinking slowly and keeping her gaze on him. “‘m hardly hum’n... all I know wha’ta do... ‘n can do.... is kill othe’s..” She said, fresh tears burning her eyes, slipping down her badly cut up cheeks.
He shook his head, "You can be much more than that..." He told her before moving to rinse the cloth and wet with cold water, moving back and placing it over the swelling, "You can be whatever you want to be. After the Waves are dealt with, I'll demand Masamune-sama free you."
“I don’ know how t’do anythin’ else..” She said quietly, the cool cloth feeling nice on her face. “‘n why are you so sure... tha’ he jus’ won’ kill me..?”
Megohime was in no shape to do anything even by the next morning, and did indeed have a concussion. She could hardly stand, and had been sick all morning in the water basin in her room she shared with Kojurou. When she did try to stand and dress, it was almost like she was incredibly drunk, stumbling and nearly falling, barely able to grab her own cup of water, and the swelling on her face was still quite bad. The cuts made by his gauntlet had closed up for the most part from the potion Kojurou had given her, and her eyes were able to open just a bit more, but she could hardly do much of anything.
"Useless..." Masamune muttered as he drank from his tankard. Kojurou shot him a glare.
"She wouldn't be like this if you weren't a bastard."
"Watch what you say, I'm a Hero after all."
"Scum, more like." Kojurou hissed.
Megohime could hardly even touch her food, even chewing hurt, and as soon as she got even a bite down, she would feel like she would be sick. She settled for simply sipping slowly at her water, keeping her gaze down and ignoring her masters hurtful words. She could feel others staring, hear them murmuring, but there was nothing she could do.
"Ne, Yuusha-sama..." A waitress approached Masamune and he glanced at her, "Is your companion alright...? Maybe you should take her to a healer?"
"She's fine, she just fell in a cave."
Megohime gnashed her teeth, which hurt to do, standing quickly with a slight wobble. “I fell.” She repeated lowly under her breath before making her way back up to the bedrooms, stumbling the whole way. She didn’t want people looking at her anymore, didn’t want to look at Masamune, she just wanted to be alone.
Masamune watched her go up the stairs before looking to Kojurou, who was glaring death at him. "What?"
"You are the mosy vile human being I have ever met." He said and left the inn. Masamune merely snorted and stayed in his seat.
Megohime was upstairs throwing up the small amount of water she had not minutes before, sweating and breathing heavily. She felt like she hadn’t slept in days, but Kojurou had told her to avoid sleep for a while, but even then, she was more than tempted to do so with how the room wouldn’t stop spinning.
Megohime was still on her knees, practically hugging the basin she had just finished throwing up in when she heard Masamune’s command. “.. I can’t...” She said quietly, turning her head back toward the basin, feeling like she was going to be sick again.
She nearly knocked over the basin as she was jolted with a painful shock, crying out and forcing herself to stand. Her head was pounding, and she turned slightly to look at Masamune, her bloodshot eyes holding nothing but hatred.
She doubled over his fist and let out a strangled gasp, sinking to her knees and clutching her stomach. “I-I...” She could barely speak, she wasn’t prepared for his hit, and it had knocked the air from her lungs.
This wasn’t fair, none of this was fair; she did all that she could, trained him like he asked, and in return he nearly beat her head in. “I... won’t train you...” She said through clenched teeth. “I won’t train you anymore..!”
She clenched her fists and looked up at him, teeth bared. “Go train yourself! I won’t train you anymore!” She snapped.
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