「RISE」(1×1 with Jikkah)

“Please leave me alone..” She said, staying in the safety of her blanket, her body feeling far too heavy to move, but too scared to sleep.
“Whatever my master asks.” She said numbly, knowing she would more than likely be ordered to die again.
Her chest ached, and she turned her face into the pillow beneath her head. “Kojurou... Please leave me alone...”
Megohime didn’t have the energy to try and fight him anymore, she just wanted to be alone. She only laid where she was, hoping he would just give up and leave her alone.
He huffed and grabbed her arm, picking her up and turning her around. He sat on her and forced her mouth open before jamming food into it and covering her mouth until she swallowed.
Megohime kicked and trashed, panic flashing in her eyes when Kojurou sat on her, and she choked and gagged on the food before finally managing to swallow it painfully. Tears fell down her bruised cheeks, and she looked like a cornered wild animal, but she didn’t try to hurt Kojurou.
"I don't enjoy being forceful with you after what Masamune has done. But you need to eat, you have been starving yourself for days." He said.
The food tasted terrible, like it had days before when she had tried to eat, no matter what she had tried, all of it was dull tasting or had no flavor at all. She only shed more tears, shaking her head and fighting him more.
Her face fell, twisting into a look of sadness as she avoided his gaze. “I don’t know... This is my first time in the outside world..”
He moved off her, "Then let's go. We have enough time before the wave hits for you to catch your own food. It's a good skill to have."
Megohime truly didn’t want to, but had little choice as Kojurou practically dragged her off. She had never hunted in her life, she didn’t know what to do or what to even look for.
He showed her how to track and how to properly kill an animal swiftly. He showed her how to make rabbit traps and good places to put them. "Now. I want you to go find a deer and kill it. Bring it back and we'll skin it."
Megohime made a face, looking down at the bow and quiver full of arrows he had given her. “I don’t know how to use this... I’ve never even held one before this..”
She still looked hesitant and unsure, giving a slow nod before heading off into the forest, following the trail of prey like Kojurou had shown her.
The first few tries, she couldn’t even get close to a deer, scaring it off, the fourth try she simply wounded the creature and it got away, and she was becoming increasingly agitated.
It took her nearly another hour to track down the deer she had wounded, before finally finishing it off by tearing out its throat with her claws- not the cleanest or quickest kill, but she had finally succeeded.
"My, how unladylike." A voice said, coming from her right. It was a man, an old man, with weird salt and pepper hair and an odd color palette in terms of armor. He looked at her like she was some kind of exotic thing, which she wasn't really. Albeit rare and hard to find, she was as common as any other demi human was.
Megohime nearly jumped out of her skin, stumbling back and taking a few steps away from him. She hadn’t even heard him approaching, nor had she smelled him at all. Megohime stared at him with wide eyes, feeling her heart beating in her chest. “Who are you? What do you want?” She demanded.
She didn’t like the way he looked at her, becoming self conscious that she was splattered with blood an still had a face full of bruises. “I’m hunting in this area already, so get lost.” She said defensively, feeling butterflies in her stomach.
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