「RISE」(1×1 with Jikkah)

He rose his hands, giving a disarming smile. But there was still some kind of hidden intent behind it. "Of course, please forgive me."
"Megohime-dono!" Kojurou's voice echoed through the trees and the man chuckled.
"Megohime?" He repeated, "What a lovely name."
Megohime flinched when he spoke her name, scowling and moving quickly to her kill. She grabbed it by the horn, casting one more glance at the man before hurriedly dragging it away.
Kojurou was looking around for her when she finally met up with him, "There you are. What happened, you've been out here for over an hour."
Megohime dropped her prey on the ground, cheeks flushed. “I couldn’t catch any..” She muttered, obviously needing a bit more time and practice before she got the hang of it. Her fighting style was rather forward, and though it could be graceful, it was far from stealthy, so it was only natural for it to carry over into her hunting.
He gave a nod, "All things considered, you did a rather good job. Here," He took a large knife from his bag and moved to the deer, "I'll show you how to skin and separate the meat."
The next few days Megohime spent with Kojurou, his teaching her things she would need to know to be able to survive on her own. Then the time of the wave came. Megohime accompanied Kojurou to where he was supposed to meet with Masamune, only she was still without any armor or a weapon. She still wore her robes, something that would be rather hard to fight in, but she said nothing when she saw Masamune, only turning her gaze down.
"Masamune-sama." Kojurou approached Masamune and the hero only glanced at him, "While we still have time, I want to get Megohime-dono some armor."
"She doesn't need it." Masamune replied. Kojurou scowled.
"Then neither do you."
"I'm a hero, she's just some slave." Masamune retorted. Kojurou was growing angrier.
"Will you stop and think about others for once in your life?!" He snapped. Masamune rolled his eyes.
"She'll be fine."
Kojurou felt a hand on his arm, Megohime shaking her head when he turned to see what it was. “I’ll be fine, we don’t have time to argue over this..” She said quietly, but he could see in her eyes that she was scared.
"Megohime-dono..." He frowned softly, "I can't let you go unprotected.."

"Excuse me," Hisehide approached Yukimura calmly, giving a disarming smile, "I couldn't help but notice that you have a Hakuko with you." Akihime whirled to look who had been talking about her, eyes wide. "Would you at all be interested in selling her to me?"
"Haa?!" Akihime yelled.
“I’m not.. I have my scales.” She said quietly, keeping her gaze down, but he felt her hand tremble slightly.

Yukimura had a dumbstruck look on his face before it was quickly replaced with that of rage, actually pointing his spear at the man. “If that is supposed to be a joke, it is far from funny!” He scowled deeply. “Akihime-dono is not a slave! She is a member of my team, and a proud warrior!”
He frowned, "I won't leave you unprotected. We'll fight together."

Matsunaga gave a disapproving scowl, "So that's a no, I take it?"
She only smiled weakly. “Thank you..” She muttered.

“Of course it’s a no!” Yukimura snapped, dash flushed with anger, steam nearly coming out of his ears. “Get away from my team!”
He nodded and kept close to her as the clock ticked closer to the Wave.

Matsunaga gave a noise before walking away, heading back to wait with Tenkai and Jin.
The hourglass was quickly running out on time, and soon, the last grain of sand fell. Immediately the skies darkened, swirling with a horrible aura as creatures descended from the sky upon the land, and the battle begun. Each team spread out from one another, trying to cover as much land as possible.
Motochika and Nana seemed to do well with just the two of them, Tenkai and Matsunaga gave Jin the cover she needed as a ranged fighter. Akihime's lightning magic helped Yukimura and Sasuke as they got in close to fight and Kojurou made sure Megohime's back was covered.
The entire fight seemed to be going quite well, the work a bit tedious, but all of them seemed to be holding their own.
Amaya used her abilities to heal minor wounds quickly, huffing her allies, and debuffing the enemies.
Jin easily picked off the enemies attacking from the sky as well as other ranged attackers and Megohime and Masamune- they were nowhere to be seen.
Masamune heard a soft grunt behind him, Megohime taking a step toward the skeletal archer drawing and arrow at Masamune and easily taking his head off his shoulders with her claws. “Why did you split from the group..!?” She snapped at him over her shoulder.
Megohime grabbed a goblin from the air that had tried to launch itself onto Masamune’s back, smashing its head into the cobblestone road before glaring back at Masamune. “You can’t take all these things on yourself!”
Her heard another soft grunt from Megohime, then saw her stagger slightly from the corner of his eyes, but it was quickly forgotten as he had to take on another three goblins charging all at once. “You’re an idiot if you think you wouldn’t be overwhelmed by these numbers!” She snarled, kicking away a gremlin hard, then taking down another skeletal warrior.
Masamune did his best to keep them back and defend against them but he was overwhelmed and one of them cut deep into his right eye. He yowled loudly in pain and beheaded them all in one clean sweep as he held his bleeding eye. "F-Fuck.."
“Masamune-!” Megohime was cut off as a loud crash swallowed up any noise in the area. A large meteor smashed through the building behind the two, meet feet from hitting them as it hit the ground.
His ears were still ringing when he felt two hands trying to pry his hand from his eye, a garbled voice in his ears.
“Let me look at your eye!” Megohime demanded, moving to tear a strip of her sleeve from her clothing so she could stop the bleeding, the hairs on the back of her neck standing on end as she heard a low groaning behind her, then rumbling.
Masamune was suddenly shoved hard, sending him back tumbling ass over tea kettle before he came to a stop, feeling the ground shake as something heavy hit it again. The dust in front of him was proof he had missed the collapse of the building he had been standing by moments before, and as it slowly settle he realized something terrifying, Megohime wasn’t at his side anymore. Pain throbbed in his right eye, blood dripping heavily from it; his good eye caught movement in front of him. About a dozen or so goblins were crawling over the rubble toward Masamune, only to all stop and gather at something he had missed completely until they brought his attention to it. One was grabbing fistfuls or long black hair, yanking hard as he brought something a few inches off the ground- Megohime’s head. It was still attached to her shoulders, but he couldn’t see the rest of her, buried under the rubble of the building that would’ve collapsed on him.
She was unresponsive as they jabbed at her face, pulling hard on her hair, then raised their crude weapons and started to hit her over the head with them.
"Get away from her!" Masamune yelled and his sword transformed, splitting into three blade before he slashed through the goblins and cutting them apart.
The goblins let out a screech as they were slain, dropping both their weapons and Megohime, her head dropping back into the dirt with a soft thud. She didn’t move, not a single inch- his mind wasn’t deceiving him, right? She had pushed him out of the way of the building, but why? Why would she have done such a thing? Was she even still alive?
He panicked and moved over quickly to try and dig her out, "Hey! H-Hey!! Wake the fuck up!" He yelled, "You aren't allowed to die, got it?! That's a command!!"
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