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「RISE」(1×1 with Jikkah)

He took his money purse and tossed at her, "Buy as many mana potions as you can and meet me at the inn." He told her and pulled the cart along.
She caught the bag in surprise, blinking before looking back up at him. “H-Hai..” She gave a small nod before hurrying off to the market, going from stall to stall and buying every mana potion that she could get her hands on before returning to the inn that they took Megohime to.
Nana and Akihime were there to assist as he needed, first carefully removing the robes from her body, leaving her in only her underclothes on the bed. Next they had to carefully wash her, making sure she was as clean as possible so Motochika could heal her without any issues.
Deep scars covered Megohime, staring back at Akihime as she wiped her down. She was absolutely covered in them, all of them years old.
Tears dripped down Akihime's cheeks even though she did her best to fight them.
"Why...?" She croaked, "Why did he do this to her...? Why would he treat her this way...?"
Megohime was pale and sweating heavily, still struggling to breathe from her collapsed lung. Tears slipped down her cheeks and slowly her eyes opened, barely able to move her head to look around.
“Motochika!” Nana hurried out of the room to fetch him. “She’s waking up!”
Megohime could only manage out a weak noise of pain, eyes shifting over to look at him. The door opened behind the three and Amaya hurried in, closing the door. “Forgive me, most of the stores and stalls that sold potions were closed.” She quickly unpacked the potions onto the dresser, then moved over to Motochika.
“I’ll assist you.” Amaya undid the strap and held her lyre. “I’ll put her back to sleep so she isn’t in pain.”
Motochika could see Megohime’s lips move slowly, her unsteady gaze on him- was she trying to tell him something?
“” She was struggling to speak, as even breathing for her was difficult. “... Let me... die..” She was begging him, staring at him with pleading eyes that slowly started to close as Amaya started her magic to put her back to sleep.
He pulled back slowly, eye wide in quiet horror.
"T...Tate no Yuusha-sama...?" Akihime called weakly, "What did she say?"
"I..." He stopped talking only to push more mana into his healing, "She asked me to let her die." He said. Akihime covered her mouth and ran out of the room crying.
Amaya pressed her lips together, turning her head away and applying a few buffs to herself and Motochika. Nana provided aid to the two as needed, but was soon sent out too by Motochika telling her to get rest. Amaya and Motochika worked for hours, only stopping momentarily to down potion after potion to keep them going until well after the sun had risen. Megohime was finally at an acceptable state of stability, but the wounds in her gut and chest would still need more work, and as for her legs, their progress was a snails pace.
Motochika sat against the wall, "She'll be fine for now.." He said, breath short. He was exhausted, but he wouldn't give up. "Rest some and we'll keep going."
Amaya nodded, having just finished off yet another mana potion as she dropped into her seat. “Just a few minutes.” She said in agreement, short of breath herself. Pulling her cap off, she set it next to her lyre on the bedside table, exposing her short pointed ears.
Amaya only sat back in her chair, head tilted back and staring up at the ceiling. She held the empty mana potion bottle in her hand, closing her eyes slowly. “Do you think we’ll be able to save her legs? What the surgeon said... She wouldn’t be able to continue on without her legs... What would happen to her..?”
"Where I come from those without useful limbs often just kill themselves." He told her honestly, "I will not let that become an option for her."
Amaya wasn’t sure Megohime’s legs could be saved even with the Shield Hero’s help, but it wouldn’t hurt to try.
"There is still bone. I can mend it. Nana had broken her arm pretty good during a fight while we were travelling. You could hardly tell now." He said, "If I can fix that, I can fix her."
She opened her eyes and looked to Motochika, giving a nod. “Alright, shall we continue?” She asked, setting aside the empty bottle and standing up.
Megohime was in and out of consciousness from the pain, requiring Amaya to put her to sleep several times.
When Motochika was exhausted again, he was angry at how little their progress seemed. He stood and stomped from the room, leaving Amaya connfused.
Amaya only watched him storm out before carefully pulling the blanket over Megohime to keep her warm while they weren’t working on healing her.
Motochika moved down to the pub where Masamune was hiding, ignoring Kojurou when he stood.
"How is she?" He asked but Motochika ignored him, grabbing Masamune and dragging him up to the room.
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