「RISE」(1×1 with Jikkah)

"Even a Hero has to be reprimanded sometimes." He told her, "Come on, let's finish our food in peace and I'll order a bath and some fresh clothes."
She didn’t understand, what was it he wanted? Why was he being so kind? She stood and followed him back to the inn without another word, keeping her gaze down. Was he going to do something vile? Was he only trying to get her to lower her guard?
Megohime was still covered in food, but ate her new food silently like before, although slower this time. Once she was done, she thanked Kojurou and headed to the baths to clean up, taking her new clothes with her.
Kojurou sighed heavily. He knew the demi humans lived heavily on the hope of the kindness of past heros, but Masamune was not meeting the expectations set for him. He was a child compared to old stories.
Amaya set her things down in the room she shared with Akihime, the two men in the group- Yukimura and Sasuke -sharing a room. They had just finished part of their mission with leveling up, and were making steady progress.
"So, Ama-chan," Akihime started as she pulled her braided twin pony tails free, "What songs do you know? Can you play other instruments?"

"Man, what a day." Sasuke groaned as he stretched, "I thought for sure my hands would fall off."
Amaya set her lyre down and pulled off her hat, turning slightly to look at Akihime. “I know many songs.” She replied. “And I can yes, but it’s the easiest to carry a lyre.”

Yukimura set his spear against the wall with a soft thud, nodding in agreement as he started to take off his plated armor. “As did I..” He said tiredly.
"That's that thing, right?" She asked, "I thought it was just a weird harp." She gave a sheepish smile, "But you play it really pretty like! Kaa-san used to play the flute all the time back home.."

"You think we'll be ready in time for the Wave?" Sasuke asked, moving to his bed.
She hesitated a moment before answering. “Thank you, your magic was rather impressive as well.” Amaya said.

“I can only hope that we are.” He said as he flopped back into his own bed, staring up at the ceiling.
She grinned, "Thanks, I've really only had balloons and things to practice on." She said, "That bow has been in my family a long time, too...I bet my parents are still pretty steamed I stole it!"

"So what do you think about that demi human, Akihime?" He asked suddenly, "She's so obnoxious..."
Amaya made a noise and looked down at her lyre. “So you left home without saying goodbye?” She asked softly.

Yukimura made a face and looked over at Sasuke, a bit puzzled. “She’s nice, why do you ask?”
"I had to," she smiled sadly as she looked to her bow, "they wouldn't let me leave otherwise..."

"We don't really..." Sasuke gestured his hands vaguely, "need her..."
She kept her eyes on her lyre, resting her fingertips against it gently. “You should still write them... I’m sure they’re worried for you.” She said before moving to her bed.

Yukimura was more confused, sitting up. “She’s our only ranged fighter.” He pointed out. “And her senses are amazing- did you see how she hunted those hares? I hadn’t even noticed they were there!”
"Do you think they would write back?" She asked, laying on her bed, "They probably don't consider me their daughter anymore.."

"Well, any dumb cat can find a hare..." Sasuke mumbled, "And Amaya is a decent ranged fighter!"
“Only if that was how your parents raised you.” She said as she pulled the blanket over herself. “I’m sure they’d just be happy to hear you’re still alive.”

He must not have heard the first part, or was ignoring it entirely. “Amaya-dono said it herself, she’s mostly supportive in battle.”

Masamune and Megohime had been training all day and now into the night. The sun had gone down hours ago, but they were still fighting one another, Kojurou taking the time for a few errands. Megohime had been rather closed off since Masamune had poured her food over her head, and only went harder on him during training.
Akihime laid quietly for a bit before speaking again, "Arigatou, Amaya..."

Sasuke grumbled irately, didn't like or trust demi humans as far as he could throw them. "We can always find a replacement...people would kill to adventure with you.."

Kojurou had only hoped that Masamune didn't do anything stupod while he was off getting provisions. He realized Masamune was hot headed and stubborn as a mule but he had to stop and listen, he had to have known that. He sighed as he made his way back to the camp, only to nearly drop the food as he saw Masamune wailing on Megohime. He had her pinned under her, his gauntletted fist pounding into her face.
“Why replace something that works?” Yukimura asked before laying his head back down on the pillow.

Kojurou could see the sparks from Megohime’s slave mark on her chest from where he stood, the only noise being the wet, dull thud of his gauntlet hitting her in the face again and again. She could hardly keep her arms up in front of her face, which was bloody and swollen, Masamune easily shoving the arms away before hitting her again.
Sasuke blushed out of embarrassment before turning to face the wall to hide his shame.

Masamune stopped to look at Kojurou.
"She pissed me off."
"That's no excuse, get off her!" Kojurou snapped. Masamune huffed and stood as Kojurou nearly dropped the food to help Megohime.
Megohime laid on the ground even when Masamune got off of her, and when he got closer, he saw just how much of a mess she was. Her face was badly swollen, and she had deep cuts and gouges from Masamune’s gaunlet, nose gushing blood. She didn’t even try to get up, only coughed and spat up the blood in her mouth, letting out a soft noise of what he could only assume to be relief she wasn’t being beaten any longer.
"Here," Kojurou lifted her head a bit and bit the cork off a healing potion, "drink this." He said and helped pour the liquid slowly down her throat.
She was able to drink the potion, but some dribbled from her mouth and down her split lip. She only coughed and groaned when he had finished giving her the potion, which would stop the bleeding she had on her face. She could hardly open her eyes with how swollen they were, but one wasn’t as swollen as the other, and from that one, Kojurou could see tears leak down her face.
"You'll be alright." He told her gently and picked her up, "I'm taking her to the inn, you can sleep out here or get your own room, it matters not to me." He said and walked off.
Megohime could hardly think straight, head spinning and pounding, even hearing things was a bit difficult. She felt someone lift her, was Kojurou carrying her? She thought it had been him when her head was first picked up, but she couldn’t be sure since she couldn’t see very well.
He brought her to the inn and up to his room, ignoring the stares and murmurs as he moved to lay her on his bed, "Try not to fall asleep, alright? You may have gotten a concussion."
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