「RISE」(1×1 with Jikkah)

“I didn’t hit you that hard, get up!” She scowled softly. “You need to beat this weakness from yourself.”
He caught her a few times, but her scales protected her from his strikes. Megohime still felt the pain of the hits though, the force behind them each time the connected with her body, but only blocked them out as she attacked and defended back.
The both of them were exhausted, breathing heavily and covered in sweat, but when Kojurou said it was enough she stopped and wiped her forehead. “Tomorrow we should try and find some real monsters to fight.” She said to Kojurou, but who was she to say what they would do? She was just a slave in a fake game, and here she was bossing them around already.
Megohime followed the two back into town and to their lodgings, passing the sign posted at the door that she couldn’t read and following them inside.
When they entered the inn, the keeper was about to yell that she wasn't allowed in there until he saw who she was with. Masamune sat down and waited to be served, drumming his fingers.
Megohime sat across the table from him, not bothered by the stares their group was receiving, only glancing around a bit before a waitress moved over, looking a little nervous.
“What can I get you?”
“Right away!” She nodded and bowed her head before hurrying back to the kitchen with their order. “Are you always so insufferable to everyone around you..?” Megohime muttered, almost to herself.
She only scoffed and turned her head away from Masamune, looking over the tavern full of people. She had never been inside of one, it was warm and nice.
“Thank you for waiting!” The girl came back and set the food out before the three; a meat stew of some sort with a bread roll.
Masamune gave her some coin for the food before digging in.
"Matte," Kojurou stopped the waitress calmly, "Could you please bring us something to drink? Whatever you have is fine."
“Ah, yes of course!” She bowed her head once more before hurrying off to fetch them something to drink. Megohime ate quietly, nearly salivating at the meal in front of her, nearly scarfing it down.
Megohime glanced up, making a noise before slowing down a bit. The waitress came out with three waters, setting them all out before leaving them to eat in peace once more.
"So I suppose tomorrow we go find a cave." Masamune mused, dipping his bread into his stew.
"There should be a fairly even leveled cave nearby, Masamune-sama." Kojurou said.
Megohime kept her mouth shut, simply enjoying her meal, in fact, she was hardly paying attention. When was the last time she had eaten meat? It felt like ages, but it had to be when she had fought last in the arena and she had taken a chunk out of the opponent.
Megohime froze mid chew, sitting there as the broth soaked into her hair and clothes, staring down at the table for a minute with wide eyes before she stood slowly. She set down her partially eaten roll, not even looking at Masamune or Kojurou before she left for the door, trailing the stew as she went.
Megohime did the best she could to get the stew off of her clothes and out of her hair, but she would more than likely have to go to a bathhouse and clean herself. Not like she could afford to do so on her own, let alone have Masamune pay for it. She walked a ways away from the inn, stopping and sitting down in the opening of an alleyway, wiping more of her dinner from her face. She fought tears, this wasn’t supposed to be how her freedom went, and though still enslaved, she had been purchased by a Hero, so was was she still treated as trash? Perhaps the stories she had been told of the Heroes were all a lie.
"Megohime-dono..." Kojurou called gently, "Are you alright...? I made Masamune-sama buy you another bowl of stew...I made him go to his room, he won't bother you again.."
Megohime quickly wiped away her tears, glancing back over her shoulder to Kojurou. “It’s fine, you didn’t have to do that, really.”
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