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  1. LonePoet

    Mx Female Fantasy Reverse Harem [FxMMM+] [Long Term] [Originals]

    REVERSE HAREM When the choices are overwhelming... Updated: 10/10/2024 Welcome! My name is LonePoet, my friends call me Poet. This is my main thread where most of my preferences and details can be found. If you're here seeking Reverse Harem you've come to the right place! Feel free to...
  2. verisame

    Mx Female Long-Term Warm Romance + Adventure >OR< Short-Term Smut About Butts

    SEEKING Awesome partner for flexible role-playing. Friendly OOC. > Long-term romance and adventure < > Short-term smut < ABOUT ME I'm a dynamic, flexible and adaptable writer, packed with creative flair and emotional depth. I like grand, sweeping adventures and I also like short...
  3. verisame

    Mx Female Long-term roleplays for intelligent characters that blend warmth, intimacy, story and sex [+ secret, shameful, smutty desires for short-term fiends]

    CONTENTS 1. Introduction 2. Available Prompts 3. My Kinks and Limits 4. My Writing Style 5. Detailed Information About Each Prompt 6. Closing Remarks INTRODUCTION Hello there! Welcome to my request thread. Generally, I am looking for two separate things, which I'm combining...
  4. PhoenixRising23

    Fx Any One Batch, Two Batch, Penny and Dime

    Hello, lovelies... I've been craving a good Punisher rp for a while now; could even be willing to start around the Daredevil plotlines when Frank is first introduced. I have an OC that I'd like to play opposite him and in turn, I'm more than happy to double as someone you'd like me to play...
  5. J

    Mx Any Goodman's Non-adult Ideas

    RETIRED NOTICE: This thread is closed and I am no longer accepting rp requests. This is set indefinitely. Normally, I wouldn't make like a big announcement or anything because Muse comes and goes. But after years of collaborative writing, the prospect of writing partnerships is actually a...
  6. Fithrale

    Fx F or NB Seeking Long Term RP for Warcraft or D&D.

    Hello stranger! I hope all is well with you. I'm looking today for an RP to help scratch more a more specific of an itch. One based in a TTRPG type of setting, and the other based in the Warcraft setting. I'll write just a little about both and I'll link more to my original post about who I am...
  7. TattooedChick90

    Fx Male 1800 Bohemian Courtesan Romance (Non-Con/Drama/Romance)

    Hey all! So I am looking for a Long Term Romance. Based around the Moulin Rouge. ------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- The Moulin Rouge(a theater, with can can dancers and whores) is needing financial help to stay open and when a Duke offers...
  8. Blazorna

    Mx Female Regions of Exploration (Pokemon Long-term)

    Welcome, and how are you doing? As for myself, I've got a long term itch I'd like to take care of related to Pokemon. Basically, the idea is of a trainer (My character) who is a veteran who doesn't have the best luck with the Pokemon Leagues nor have much success with finding an attractive...
  9. ShadowWarrior12

    Mx Female Male looking for female. Long-term, dedicated and detailed Fantasy RP over Discord.

    Hello everyone, as the title suggests I'm looking for women who are interested in fantasy RP loosely resembling Dungeons & Dragons. The idea here is to world build with one another to achieve a mutually attracting and fun place to write our characters in to. I would highly prefer someone who is...
  10. Sin666

    Looking for a Roleplay parnter (male or female

    Read following for PMing Rules I have 1. No one 30+ 2. Please creative 3. Have plot ideas ready 4. No personal information 5. I'm okay with smut and non-smut rps • • • • • • • • • Plot topics I'm NOT okay with 1. Rape 2. Drug problem 3. Insect • • • • • • • • • • • • Please comment or PM❤
  11. Selan

    Long-term RP partner search

    UPDATE: Open to anyone right now, especially anyone looking to play a dominant character. Updated with some more pairings. Hi! I'm Selan, and I'm looking for some long-term RP partners to engage me in some interesting and smut-worthy plots and pairings. I'd like you to be 20+, able to post...
  12. Selan

    Fx M or NB Fantasy plots, monsters, and more!

    Hi! I'm Selan, and I'm looking for some long-term RP partners to engage me in some interesting and smut-worthy plots. I'd prefer you to be 20+ and able to post at least 3 paragraphs. Please reply at least once a day or so, and I will do the same for you. I play submissive female characters...
  13. Adamina

    Fx Male Ḷiterate, Ḷusty & Ḷicious 〈𝘮𝘶𝘭𝘵𝘪𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘢 𝘴𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘤𝘩〉

    information ║ hey fellow searcher! I'm Mina, a lady in her twenties, roleplayer of a decade+ and writer for way longer. in this RT, I'm searching out creatives for longterm plots incorporating wordsmithery, interesting characters, and steamy erotica. should that be you, please, read on! I am...
  14. UniqueFem

    Fx Male Wanting a bit of doctor or Non-con right now!

    Good Evening All and Welcome to My Thread! I have been roleplaying for more than 20 years but the beginnings of that was me learning how to do so. I will admit that I do learn something new with every roleplay I do and it helps in the long run. I enjoy more of the fantasy and sci-fi...
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