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"The World" (3 OPEN NOW)

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Takuya paused for a second after reaching the tower, only to read a short mail a friend sent him.

"Um, this could be serious...." he whispered. Then he raised his voice. "Pallida-Chan! We have to go to Dol Donna, now. Apparently there's a hacker, and a buddy of mine who was obsessed with your brother's char just sent me a note saying that he's looking like he's gonna jump in on the fight. We should get our asses over there and help him."

Takuya silenetly cursed at himself for having sworn in the presence of a lady, but it was too late now. He turned on his heels and started walking towards the door, casting Vak Don on a nearby enemy, roasting it to a nice crisp briquette.

"I tend to keep an eye on things like this, just so Uncle Takumi keeps a heads up." he said, his avatar's fists clenching themselves in anticipation of a kill in town, knuckles turning white as he applied a death-grip to his dual blades.
((Whoops, then we're gonna pretend I never said scythe and just keep going then...XD)

"Riku's doing what?!" Rin exclaimed, then realized what she'd said. "I mean..." she stammered for a minute, then stomped her foot. "Screw it, I don't care, and he shouldn't either. Let's go before he gets PKed." Ignoring the no doubt quizzical look that was probably on Kenny's face, she tossed an angry short mail at Riku to let him know they were on their way.


Riku continued along his path, circling the PKer and looking for an opening. If he could, he would've tripped when he got Rin's short mail. She's on her way? With that Ken guy? Just what I need. Hope he can stand his ground. In the meantime... Riku dove forward as the PK launched onto the archer, unleashing what looked to be a painful shockwave. Hoping he'd find an opening before the PK could recover from his attack, Riku dashed in, brandishing his spear to deliver a heavy, two-handed thrust towards the center of the PKer's avatar.
Michi gave a satisfied smirk when the arrows that did hit showed her that he could be hurt. So, the PK wasn't invinsible at least. That was a good thing. However, she could tell already that he was a helluva lot stronger than any PK she had come across in her hidden career of being a PKK. As the PK recovered from her attack, she cast a speed scroll - her last one, shit - on her avatar. The man dashed at her and shoved his Daisho into the ground, sending a shock wave at her. Her eyes widened; she had never seen an attack like that from a user! The speed scroll gave her a big boost on her agility and, one of her job classes as an Archer, made her already quite agile.

Michi dashed to the side of the shockwave, out running as much of it as she could. By the time it hit her, the initial power of the blast had diminished. She grimaced as she flew back, still taking a decent amount of damage. As she stood back up, she used one of her healing items to restore her diminished health. Shit...this guy wasn't going to be easy. Eyes of her avatar, and her person through the visor, watched as the new player moved in for an attack.

Hiking up her bow, she strung six electric arrows and lept atop the nearest part of the town that was of higher altitude than the PK. She pulled back the string and snapped it, letting loose the arrows, this time coming at him from above; he was likely to dodge them, but he would more than likely to run into the other's attack if he did.​
Vector warped back into Dol Dona, a large smirk on his face, that guy he'd been tailing had tons of loot on him, this was going to make life a little easier for him. The smirk quickly faded as the scene unfolded in front of him, players, were attacking a player in the middle of town. "What?.... This has to be an event or something..." He frowned, but he didn't attack, he wasn't sure what to do, and preferred to know what his target was capable of, and he wasn't sure, but the guy who everyone was attacking seemed to emit an aura, something that players should not be capable of.

After a few moment's he made his mind up, this guy was capable of using skills no player could use, was extremely strong, and was easily holding his ground against a group of players, the perfect challenge "Heh.. Let's do it!" He nodded to himself and charged forward, leaping into the air and spinning, bringing his foot down on the guy hard and fast, his favorite way to begin a battle "Don't mind if I join in?!" He yelled out as he did so.
Fel had to dash to the side to dodge the attack from the PK, then heard Michi, crouching down by doing a perfect split. He went his fastest he could, but got hit by a single arrow, and could feel the attack swipe a single health point. His armor was working for the most part, but it wasn't suppose to let him take any damage until a certain number was reached. He stood up and saw the PK's next attack.

Fel then noticed the Blademaster with a lance striking and Michi attacking from above. He then saw another player coming out to join in the fray, and Fel saw him having two escapes. Lets lower that number then! He thought, dashing back in and swinging his scythe once more, this time vertically down on the man, trying to avoid hitting his 'comrades' by circumstances. "Careful with your attacks! They hit anyone!" Fel called out, a decent amount of his health gone now by the Doppelganger fight him and Michi had, the attack from the PK had barely grazed him, but did a lot of damage either way, and the arrow that accidentally hit him.​
Alexander was looking over the screen. More people were joining the fight, and odds were getting slimmer and slimmer in his favor. He pulled up the console and put in a few quick codes before anything could land on him.


The spear stab that was sent at him hit, and it did a substantial amount of damage, but he was able to shrug it off, connecting with his own attack. A quick spin with his blades circling now, there was no way that the spear guy would avoid it from his range, and with both blades hitting, he would be lucky to only take damage in the low hundreds. A fast shockwave to knock everyone back before rushing to a more open area, making his mind up quickly. Subsequent one-vs-ones, or all on one to make it faster?

He turned and watched as everyone moved into range, even the archer had to because buildings were in the way. "This is hardly fair." His blades stabbed into the ground, and his hands flew out, and he activated his new data drain spell, to even the odds a little bit. Every one of the PC's donated a few skill points temporarily, points that were instantly plugged into his strength and HP. Picking up his blades again, he assumed a defensive position. It would be difficult to break through.
"Crap," Riku muttered as his attack was received and reciprocated with the Pker's own attack, a mighty blow that pushed him back towards the Chaos Gate. Looking over his shoulder, he caught sight of Rin and the Ken guy entering Dol Donna, and also noted the appearance of Vector. Good, more reinforcements, we'll need everything we've got. Dashing forward to join the rest of the player's against this PK, a quizzical expression crossed Riku's face as he saw the PK using a skill he couldn't figure out. The effects, however, spoke for themselves. Did I just lose skill points?! That bastard... Riku hopped a step back, intent on waiting a moment to 'catch his breath' as it were, meanwhile he'd try and figure out if the hacker had any other tricks up his sleeve.


Rin gated in, gasping at the sight before her. Not only Riku, but several other players were engaged in battle with the PK hacker guy. "Come on Kenny," she shoutted, rushing forward, "let's go!"
Vector glanced at his stats "Heh... Good, now it's an even harder challenge!" He quickly looked around to see who else was fighting this thing, that guy and his friend from the arena were here, and-"Fel.." He muttered, frowning slightly and shrugging, at the moment he didn't care. He rushed forward ahead of the group, activating a speed scroll and spinning around his opponent as he got close, the occasional fist or foot moving out to attack the player, who was beginning to look more and more like a hacker. After a few moment's of attacking he suddenly jumped up, arcing over the hacker and using a skill, engulfing his fist in fire as he slammed it down on the other, if this guy was going to go all defensive, then he had no reason to slow down, pressure the guy until he slips up.
Fel saw the man turning to them and activating a skill he only heard rumors of. Is that, Data Drain? He thought, then did a spin, hiding behind a crate, crouching down. The drain miss him, but hit many other players and NPCs. He looked at the people affected by it and noticed they didn't change or die. "That isn't the same one I heard of." He said softly, pulling out a mimic version of the Doppelganger's scythe. "I know it isn't complete yet, but it should be the best I got right now." He stated to him self, pulling out the last of his Power, Speed, Accuracy, and Defense scrolls.

He activated his scrolls and made a dash back out with almost unparalleled speed. He got close to the PK and activated one of the codes, sending his Rengeki meter up. "Rengeki! Reaper's Gateway!" He called out, spinning once to knock anyone with in the immediate three meter area around him. He then leaped up, stabbing his scythe into the air and opening a gateway. The gateway would suck in the people knocked up by his initial spin, and then spit them back out with only half their remaining life left. It came at the sacrifice of doing the same to Fel, only he didn't get sucked to the gateway. He used half his remaining life to open the gate way, inside this gateway their worst nightmares happened, programed by the personalities they gave with their subscription profiles.

(AKA, it tries to take a guess at the player's nightmares by what they put under their profile as a personality and their background, and as such it is not always accurate...)​
Vector jumped back as Fel attacked, shocked by the sudden Rengeki "But you just attacked..." He said to himself, watching as he started his attack, it was a nasty attack, but from what he knew, only high level players were able to use such a powerful move. He stayed back, not dumb enough to blindly charge in and get caught, but now he was very suspicious of Fel, was he the same as the guy they were fighting? Vector hated hackers, but for now he knew that hackers were no pushovers, so at least this hacker would have some use, but he would confront him sooner or later.
The look in Takuya's eyes seemed to change at the prospect of a fight. His demeanor also shifted to that of a more blood-lustful guy. His fingers twitched in anticipation.

"Right behind ya, Pallida-Chan!!" he said, his blades appearing on the belt behind his back. "Let's teach that hacker a thing or two!"

He took aim at the hacker and pointed his silvery blade towards him, uttering a couple words.

"LEI ZAS!!" he cried, firing a series of silvery-white laser-like projectiles towards the hacker, arcing them upwards so as to not hit any of the 'allied' forces that fought along side Palaios. Then he charged in, following Pallida's cue, preparing for a quick flurry of strikes.

'Bet I can get a Rengeki in here if we manage to hit the bastard at least a dozen times.' he thought, watching his monitor carefully.
"Fools." He simply muttered. Vectors every punch and kick were parried away, leaving stinging marks on the fists, though it didn't equal to the HP damage a counter attack would leave. The random factor for him to counter didn't seem to be in his favor today, it looked like.

Fel was successful in sweeping him off his feet, and he was pulled into the vortex for all of a moment. He was shot out and landed on his feet, and a simple "1" was shown for damage taken. A similar thing happened with the Laser projectiles the newcomer used on him, every blast showing a single "1" each.

"You call that magic?" He taunted, running forward slightly before spinning fast, blades outstretched. "VORTEX!" The virtual winds picked up fast, spiraling around him and pulling everyone closer to him, up into the air with him now. They were disoriented, taking moderate to heavy damage if they hit him, but only if they smacked against the fast spinning blades. He jumped out of the wind burst, landing a good 20 feet from everyone else as they crashed onto the ground for moderate fall damage.
Riku watched as the hacker unleashed a powerful magic attack, forming a vortex that sucked in many of the characters closer to him. It's a good thing I kept my distance, but still... he let it hang as he jumped forward, running alongside Rin as the charged forward while the vortex died down. "Mmkay, Rin," he chuckled to her in the party chat, making sure no one could hear them, "pincer movement. Let's go." He dodged off to the right matched by her charging off to the left. "Come on, you son of a-" he yelled, charging around his falling comrades to dive straight towards the PK.

Meanwhile, Rin chuckled to herself as she circled off to the left. I haven't seen Riku this worked up in a long time. And why not? This is such a powerful opponent! I can't wait to see what else he can do! Chuckling to herself, she circled behind the PK, jumping up and forward while Riku charged straight at the PK. It was a classic trick they used to pin opponents. While Riku charged straight at them, she would sneak into their blind spot and strike hard from behind. They always blocked or tried to back away, which inevitably lead them to her blade.
Vector got to his feet, his teeth bared, he'd been unlucky and got caught in the vortex, and his fist's looked like he'd been punching a bush full of nettles "Bastard..." He snarled, watching Palaios and Pallida charge in at the hacker, he quickly got up and charged as well, leaping up and smashing his foot down as Palaios attacked, knowing full well what their tactic was "Raargh!! Die you hacker-freak!!" He gritted his teeth as his foot came down, he would be damned if this guy was able to parry and block every attack thrown at him.
Takuya pulled himself from the wreckage of some cargo crates that he'd been flung into.

"Tch, kono yaro..." He saw Pallida and Palaios going for a pincer move, and Vector not too far behind that, so he thought of joining the fray once more.

This time, though, he chose to attack with a weapon more suited to his idol...a jet black Scythe Shoxiou with blood red trim. Engraved in the blade were three dots arranged in a triangle. He used the one code of hacking he'd managed to remember from watching his uncle, and he smirked as his speed became closer to the levels of the legendary Haseo. Not quite the same, but close enough for his liking.

"Kono taberu, anata chikushoume!!!!" he cried, charging forward.

Takuya dug a heel into the ground before making contact, though, sending his character into a spinning maneuver that resulted in what looked like a tornado-like flurry of strikes, seemingly hell-bent on downing the hacker with as much damage to him as possible. He only hoped that his attack made contact, though, as it was fairly inaccurate against a single enemy at higher speeds.

Michi's reaction to the data drain was one of shock, and of awe. She had only ever heard legends about the data drain technique, and only on the forum boards. Never in her life would she have thought to see one; her avatar dashed back behind the roof so that it did not hit her. She stayed there as all the other then unleashed barrages of attacks. Fel used his rengeki technique, but the PK Hacker only did one of his own a moment later. Her avatar managed to stay out of range since she was using her Electro-Archer job class for range instead of her Flick Reaper class for close range melee. After a moment, she dashed out from behind her hiding spot and activated any scroll she had to power up her character- out of speed scrolls, she ended up boosting her strength, and defense mainly.

She used her natural agility and dashed to the edge of the roof, raising her bow up, but this time she only strung one single arrow. Pushing her power, all she could into a single bolt, she loaded it with electricity and strength. Lifting it, she took very careful aim at the PK Hacker's chest of his avatar. With all the attacks coming at him, he wasn't likely to avoid the arrow, at least that's the normal PKK's assumption. She pulled the string and snapped it, letting the arrow free at blinding speed for the PK Hacker.​
There was at least three guys attacking him, maybe four, but apparently none of them learned from earlier. He brought his blades down hard on the ground, unleashing another shockwave blast that broke their attacks and sent them flying. If they were lucky, they would only take light environmental damage.

And then he heard the PING of a bow, and he was able to swivel his view to the roof just before he was pierced by a arrow, seeing his HP take a nasty hit and drain for a few seconds from the electricity. He let out a growl before raising his blades above his head, focusing energy into them.
Vector slammed into the side of one of the building's nearby, that damn technique was not letting him close "Come on!" He yelled in annoyance, watching as an arrow hit the guy, thinking for a second, melee fighters couldn't do anything unless something was distracting this guy, that shockwave just knocked them away. It pained him to think of it but, right now, he'd have to rely on other people. He fired a short-mail to Palaios "Hey, we need to wait till he's distracted, there's no way he's gonna let us get near him otherwise, that archer seems to be doing the job for now.." He watched as the hacker prepared to attack again, no doubt about to attack the archer. Quickly applying a heal potion to himself he slinked around the hacker, moving behind him.
The Adept Rouge gave a satisfied noise as her arrow hit its exact, intended mark. She saw the damage come up and was pleased; it seemed that the range attacks were doing much better than any of the magic/close range ones her companions were using. Michi reloaded her bow with another arrow and then quickly took note of what the man was doing - when he raised his blades like that, it was never a good sign. And this time, he was aiming for her. Shit! I'm a sitting duck up here! I'd better get off this building! She thought to herself as she quickly dashed to the side of the building, using boxes and stuff she'd used to get up, to get down. Once she hit the ground, she rolled, and came quickly to her feet, running now. Not so much towards him or from him, best thing to do was to stay in motion to avoid getting hit until an oppurtunity to attack presented itself.​
Riku caught Vector's short mail after picking himself up and chuckled before firing a simple one back. Then we keep distracting him, Riku thought, repeating in his mind the message he had just sent. Turning back to his party chat, he threw a message to Rin and Ken. "Hey, keep his attention, but what your health levels. Who knows what buggy stuff could happen to our PCs if he actually PKs us. Ken guy, follow Vector and attack from the back." Throwing a health potion on himself, Riku charged back in, turning to Rin as he charged straight forward again. "Rin, reflex maneuver. I'll twitch."

Rin nodded as she came trailing behind him. This PK is such a bugger. I'd like him if he wasn't so rude, she thought as she applied a health potion to herself. Charging up to the PK, she knew she'd have to stop just short of his range. At the moment, it looked like his attention was on the lucky archer who notched an arrow in his chest. That be great for Riku, since he'd try another swift frontal attack. This maneuver was designed for aggressive scythe users, but worked just as well for this guy's ground pound skill. Riku 'twitches', running up for a hit. If the PK has good reflexes, he'll catch him and pound him back. Then Riku should signal me the moment he sees the 'reflex' hit, and I'll jump up before he can recover.
All the hits that came at him he took during the charge without so much as a flinch. But most of their attacks, even with his low defense, did little but whittle his health down some. Soon, his charge time was done, and the attack was more cinematic than anything. But they would learn fear.

"Ground Crusher!" He jumped backwards, propelling himself into a flip and a launch upwards from the building behind him, and he hit the ground, hard, with his energized blade. The ground shook and waved, sending everyone within a good 50 meters flying, the ones further out getting thrown up higher. There was no weapon damage to this, it was all fall damage, but that was more than enough, since it broke all the attacks that were happening. The ones further out were guaranteed dead from the height they were flung up, and the ones closer in would take at least 100 points.
Vector's eyes widened as the shockwave came at him, a solid wall of air could be seen before he was flung backwards, yet again smacking into a building behind him, a chunk of health leaving him. He had expected such an attack to be devastating, but the attack did little, then again the attack had once again failed, but he was still behind the hacker, so maybe not all was in vain. He gripped a fist, getting very frustrated, he was more annoying then some of the monsters, and that was hard to beat... He crouched and moved towards the hacker's rear, staying low and making only tiny sounds, this guy was so gonna burn...

In real life the controller in Jack's hand was moist from the sweat perspiring from his hands, which were shaking a little in annoyance, the phone rang but it fell on deaf ears, all the player's attention was on his headset, this battle was nowhere near over yet.
Takuya made sure to down a health potion before he picked himself off of the ground. He saw a Grunty nearby and quickly told the little guy to hide himself so he didn't get hurt, then turned his attention back on the hacker.

So melee and magic ain't gonna do jack to this bastard. What now? he thought. Then Palaios' note popped on screen. He nodded, staying low. Ne sent a quick note to Vector in hopes of getting a tag-type strike.

"Vector-San, there's a move I developed that might give you an edge in your next strike. It works by my ally leaning against the flat of my blades and using the force from the cross-swing to accelerate them to a point that rivals the speed of an archer's bow or a Steam Gunner's 'Plectra Bullet'. I don't know how well it'll work against this prick, but it's worth a shot. What do you say?"


As he waited for Vector's response, Takuya set his controller down and he cracked his knuckles in anticipation. This was the first time he'd be using this maneuver against a hacker like this guy, but his prior usage of the move had rarely failed to take a healthy chunk of HP from the target.
Vector had been getting ready to strike, in real life he'd just cracked both his knuckles, his neck, and his shoulders, making sure his body would be able to keep up with the flailing around he was probably about to do. He was about to move forward towards the hacker again when he got Takuya's mail.

He glanced back and replied "So let me get this straight, I rest on your swords and you launch me at uncontrollable speeds towards a hacker who so far knocks-back melee attackers?.... Why the hell didn't you ask this before, that's perfect!" He let out a wide grin, moving back towards the other while keeping an eye on the hacker, making little noise of course.

As he came next to Takuya he fired another shortmail towards him "So what I just stand on your blades? Sounds easy enough, this is gonna be a blast!" He clenched his fists in anticipation and looked to Takuya, waiting for him to get ready to do this technique of his, he'd never heard of such a move, but if it worked, even if it didn't do anything, it'd still be a ton of fun.
"Pretty much. The only thing you gotta worry about is keeping your weapon aimed at your target." Takuya said, crossing his blades, the cutting edges dangerously close to his own body. "Just gimme a sec..."

Takuya punched in his now familiar code-line faster than usual, since this was the first time for using it against another PC. As he heard the 'A in C-Major' that was his 'Ready' signal, he nodded to Vector.

"Ready. Just put a foot on the edge here, and get ready for some insane speed!"
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