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"The World" (3 OPEN NOW)

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Jan 24, 2009
The World Home page said:
"The World", a MMORPG or Massive Multiplayer Online RPG, is an ever popular video game
played through new virtual graphics and by many people across the globe!

Gain levels with experience by killing monster in many different areas and dungeons!
Battle and win prizes with the Colosseo, becoming the strongest in the arena!
Build your character from one of (number of classes) unique job classes!
Collect many treasures and weapons and trade them with other players or stores!
Travel across many different servers for different levels, increasing in difficulty!
And you can also relax and look at the magnificent, breath-taking scenes!

Do these and many other things inside The World
many different ways to go about your life here!

Join The World and conquer the many quests, monsters, and the Colosseo
and make your own legend in this new, magnificent, and wonderful World!​

Welcome to Seloâ??s and Anjeruâ??s Group RP based on the game â??The Worldâ?. This RP will be an action based video game where the players make people playing a video game. You will have a RL(Real Life) character and an IG(In Game) character. Any field in the profile stating RL means the character, not your actual RL things (i.e. RL Name means your characterâ??s name, while Name would be for the character in The World)

We will have a few simple rules, and hopefully everybody will obey them all!

1) No god moding, it isnâ??t going to make the rest of us have fun if you have an lvl 10 killing everything on sight with no trouble at all. Try to roleplay out the game is if you were really playing a game, you do run out of AP and items, you do not have an endless supply of them in real games and so not here.
2) When leveling up your character, try to remember what level they are and abide by the leveling requirements! You donâ??t get 80 experience for your level 20 from an enemy granting 10-30 to a level 10â?¦
3) Listen to what I and Anjeru tell you to do! If we update the rules, obey them, if we warn you to stop something, do it. Me and Anjeru agree: It is not fun using our power as rulers of the RP, but we will if we have to!!
4) Wellâ?¦this being a virtual reality game I guess we can allow just about any sexual activity, though I must say that is not what the RP is about! This really isnâ??t a rule, but I suggest people act like they are really playing a MMO, and generally people donâ??t aim at sexing everyone up on those types of gamesâ?¦like I said, this isnâ??t really a rule, just a guidline for game play
5) And may I say, this is a game, limbs wonâ??t be getting hacked off with a bunch of ones and zeros. When you attack something, numbers come up saying how much damage you did, not an arm flying to the side, though blood will be simulated by ones and zerosâ?¦
6) Youâ??re playing a character made up of pixelsâ?¦meaning which you need no bathroom usage! I do not have to say this but I do because I actually saw someone in another RP like this one do thatâ?¦it was dumb as hell!
7) When sending in the profiles, send them to me or Anjeru, who ever is online at the time preferably! Make sure the title is â??Welcome to The Worldâ? or we will not accept it! And also tell us which rule is not really a rule, that way we knew you read them all!

1- Selo
2- Anjeru
3- Lunar_Blade
4- Palaios
5- (Reserved)
6- Ronyo
10- Raziel99

Profile Skeleton said:
Username: (Your BM account)
RL Name: (Your â??playerâ??sâ?? name)
RL Age: (Again, the â??playerâ??sâ?? age)
Screen Name: (Your â??The Worldâ?? screen name. You use this to contact other players in The World)
Area: (The place your player resides, i.e. Americas, Japan, United Kingdom)
Race: (Below)
Job Class: (Below)
Weapon Proficiency/ies:
Level: (Starting 1-25 but you can level up to 50)
Occupation: (Just a small description of what else you do in The World, i.e. A Treasure Hunter, or a PK/PKK)
Appearance: (For your â??The Worldâ?? character. You may also give one for your RL)
Bio: (A brief description of what your player has accomplished in The World, what they might be famous or infamous for, how they got the game, or even a bit of their RL background just in case other characters live near them.)

[u][b]Username:[/u][/b] (Your BM account)
[u][b]RL Name:[/u][/b] (Your â??playerâ??sâ?? name)
[u][b]RL Age:[/u][/b] (Again, the â??playerâ??sâ?? age)
[u][b]Screen Name:[/u][/b] (Your â??The Worldâ?? screen name. You use this to contact other players in The World)
[u][b]Area:[/u][/b] (The place your player resides, i.e. Americas, Japan, United Kingdom)
[u][b]Race:[/u][/b] (Below)
[u][b]Job Class:[/u][/b] (Below)
[u][b]Weapon Proficiency/ies:[/u][/b]
[u][b]Level:[/u][/b] (Starting 1-25 but you can level up to 50)
[u][b]Occupation:[/u][/b] (Just a small description of what else you do in The World, i.e. A Treasure Hunter, or a PK/PKK)
[u][b]Appearance:[/u][/b] (For your â??The Worldâ?? character. You may also give one for your RL)
[u][b]Bio:[/u][/b] (A brief description of what your player has accomplished in The World, what they might be famous or infamous for, how they got the game, or even a bit of their RL background just in case other characters live near them.)

Information; Job Classes said:
In The World R:X2 players will create a character from one of eight unique Job Classes. Each one has their own weapon specialty, with the exception to the Adept Rouge, and skills preformed with each one. Characters will also gain universal abilities, some stronger with certain ones than others are. These Job Classes are described below.

Adept Rouge
-Weapon: Dependant on Job Classes
--The Adept Rouge is the only Job Class without their own weapon proficiency as it can gain three weapon proficiencies from the other classes. A character will be able to choose which classes they will use, up to three of them, by a point system at character creation. They choose which they will start with and can accept a quest every fifteen levels to gain the other two. Once chosen a player may not change their Job Class proficiencies. The Adept Rouge will not be as strong in their proficiencies as the actual Job Class, but will still be a formidable enemy if the right combination of classes is chosen.
-Weapon 1: Single-Handed Sword (Agility and Speed)
-Weapon 2: Two-Handed Sword (Defense and Power with more on Defense)
-Weapon 3: Two-Handed Axe (Defense and Power with more on Power)
-Weapon 4: Spear or Lances (Accuracy and Speed)
--The Blademaster is just that, a master of blades. At character creation a player chooses their weapon and their states will build according to which weapon they choose. A Blademaster is still able to use the other three weapons, but will gain no skills for those weapons. An Adept Rouge may choose Blademaster multiple times to gain the skills of different weapons as if each time they choose Blademaster was a different class, but will need to choose one of the other weapons each time they choose. Blademasters are possibly one of the best close range fighters, no matter which weapon they choose.
-Weapon: Electro-Arch (Accuracy and either Range, Power, or Speed)
--The Electro-Archer is one of the most technologically advanced of the classes, using pure energy as a projectile. The Electro-Arch draws out an electrical current as a bow-string and arrow as the Archer pulls back to fire. When close combat arises they Archer can pull out an Electro-Dagger that comes with the Electro-Arch, or uses the blades built into the Arch to fight the enemy off. These close range weapons are not very powerful and are meant as a stun weapon to allow the Archer to move away and get distance to fire their Arch once more.
Flick Reaper
-Weapon 1: War Scythe (Power and Speed)
-Weapon 2: Reaping Scythe (Accuracy and Speed)
--The Flick Reaper has the lowest defense out all of the classes but makes up for this by being able to target many enemies with a single sweep of their scythe. The Flick Reaper is built to attack all enemies around them and â??flickâ?? their enemies away from them, spreading their ranks fast. Speed being a key attribute of all Flick Reapers they are able to execute their skills and abilities much faster than any Job Class, and swings happen more rapidly as well.
Knuckle Master
-Weapon 1: â??Glovesâ?? (Speed and Agility)
-Weapon 2: Brass (Power and Agility)
-Weapon 3: Claws (Power and Speed)
--The Knuckle Master is one of the fastest, second only to the Flick Reaper, in close range combat. The Knuckle Master will either use their bare fists as weapon, unleashing multi hit combos as their skills, or slash through with terrible claws. The most common aspect of a Knuckle Master is their multi hit combos, unleashing ten to fifteen hit combos in one skill, or even going up to the high twenties even thirties.
Steam Gunner
-Weapons: Steamgun (Speed and Agility), Steamrifle(Accuracy and Power), Steambuster (Power and Defense)
--Another one of the long range Job Classes, the Steam Gunner wields a steam powered, long range gun. Steam weapons are among the only weapons that come with their own skills equipped with the weapon, the Steam Gunnerâ??s skills being universal to all their weapons. Steam Gunners are the only class with such universal styled skills, being able to use any skill with any of their weapons. Adept Rouges need not take Steam Gunner multiple times as they will use any weapon for their skills.
Twin Blade
-Weapons: Twin Daggers (Agility and Speed)
--A Twin Blade may be one of the easiest classes to adept to, using two daggers as their weapons. Twin Blades have weak attack power but make up for it by using a high hit rate, leaving no opening for their enemies to seize on them. A Twin Bladeâ??s skills are easy to link together, making them capable of multiple skill combos, and gain many skills to choose from to do this.
-Weapon 1: Gremoir (Speed and Magic Power)
-Weapon 2: Staves (Agility and Magic Power) or Wands (Accuracy and Magic Power)
-Weapon 3: Dual Fans (Agility and Magical Balance)
--The spellcaster of the Job Classes, the Wavemasterâ??s spells are decided by which weapon they will use. Like the Blademaster, the Wavemaster may use all the weapons but only gain spells from one Weapon Proficiency, though these spells can normally be cast with any of the weapons equipped, though there are few spells with a weapon requirement. Wavemasters are normally looked for as a healer or a buffer, having spells to either revitalize their party or boost their capabilities. A Wavemaster with the Dual Fans weapon proficiency will gain the moderate powered spells of either side, being the neutral zone while ones with Staves or Wands are the healers and the Gremoir gives more of the boosting or attacking spells of this Job Class.

Information; Races said:
There are many races in The World, each being unique. The main three races are Humans, Beasts, and Elves. Though there are many other races, these are the only three that players may use in character creation.

Humans: Thought to be a branch of evolution from the age old Elves, Humans tend to be the ones into technology rather than the use of magics. Humans are the most versatile of the races, being able to adapt to a situation as their abilities are generally balanced; only changed by their Job Classes or occupation.
(Average between Health and AP)
Beasts: A race of beings with no known origin. They do resemble humans in a way almost, looking like a mixture of some animal and a human. The Beasts tend to be more battle ready, but there are those prepared for magic. They may not have as much technological advancements as Humans do, but they do contribute to better armors and weapons, creating better crafting materials than Humans can. Beasts are a medium for magic and brute force, the preference changing from one to the other.
(Choice of more Health OR more AP)
Elves: The magical beings, thought to be the first sentient race to develop in The World. Elves use their magic to advance in technology, constructing many energy circuits, their most famous advancement being Electro-Technologies, i.e. the Electro-Arch and Electro-Dagger. Elves prefer to use magic more than brute force, this showing in their reserves of magic.
(More AP than Health)

Information; Servers said:
In The World there are different servers, showing different regions in The World. Each server is also more difficult than others; players will gain access to them when they reach the appropriate level. The exception is the Ω Omega Server, which is home to the Arena.

Î? Delta Server: The beginnerâ??s server, all just created characters start in this server. The Root town is Mac Anu, with the level of the areas being from level 1-30. Mac Anu was made by the Humans.

Ω Omega Server: The home of the Arena, characters from every level enter and leave this server. There are no areas in this server, all the fighting consisting of PvP, or Player versus Player. The Arena will not allow players with a large level gap to fight each other, so because of which a low level character will not be able to fight the Emperor, or any other high level character. The Root town is Lumina Cloth. A collaboration of all the races built the Root town of Lumina Cloth.

Î? Theta Server: The Root town being Dol Dona, with a level for the areas being from level 20-50. This server will be the second server any player is allowed to access, the areas and dungeons being of a moderate difficulty. Dol Dona was made by the Beasts.

Σ Sigma Server: The most difficult of all servers in the areas and dungeons, the Root town of this server is Fort Ouph. The levels of areas in this server are for characters level 40+ only. Fort Ouph was made by the Elves.

There will be more updates on servers for later version of The World, along with changed difficulties and levels for the current servers.

-Sun Jun 14, 2009: OPEN!-
-Wed Jun 24, 2009: OOC made from the request thread-

Revision X2
-The Battle system is no longer a limited ring. Battle Modes will activate when you come into contact with enemies or start a fight with other players. The only limited ring fighting area is in the Arena-
-Guilds are under construction, and will be down for the time being. Those Guilds made before and were under the making will be stalled until further notice-​

{Accepted Profiles (1)}​

Selo said:
Username: Selo
RL Name: Cladius Wenster
RL Age: 18
Screen Name: Soul_Reaping
Area: Scotland
Name: Fel-Reaper
Race: Elf
Job Class: Flick Reaper
Weapon Proficiency/ies: Reaping Scythe
Level: 19
Occupation: Treasure Hunter to public
Appearance: Fel-Reaper
Personality: He tends to be high spirited when partying with other players, or just chatting, but alone he would look like a secluded loner. He tends to speak fast, and sometimes runs over his own words, and seems nervous as well when speaking, as if he is hiding something a lot of the time.
Bio: Playing video games since a little kid, when he found The World he thought it was perfect, a place to leave reality and live a different life he wants. The most famous thing he is known for is getting some of the best weapons for high level players, but is still low in level him self. He gained the reputation of being one of the few famous Treasure Hunters in The World. When somebody wants either an uncommon or rare item, they will try to find him as best they can. His most common place to hang out is in Mac Anu, near the Chaos Gate.

Anjeru said:
Username: Anjeru
RL Name: Michiko Kurosaka
RL Age: 21
Screen name: Midori_Michi
Area: Japan
Name: Michi
Race: Elf
Job Class: Adept Rouge (Flick Reaper/Electro-Archer)
Weapon Proficiency/ies: Reaping Scythe/Electro-Arch
Level: 20
Occupation: Treasure Hunter/PKK
Personality: Michi doesn't often party with other players when in 'The World'. She is secluded and seems cut-off, but when she meets someone whom she hits it off with, she is open and friendly. When she does chat or party, key word there is when, the secluded illusion falls away, though she is still very shy.
Bio: Michiko wasn't very big into games, but when her co-workers began to talk about this amazing place called 'The World', she could nothing else other than try it for herself. She was hooked the moment she logged in for the first time. She couldn't decide what occupation to take on in 'The World', but after hearing about Fel-Reaper and his ability to locate almost any treasure, she couldn't help but want to become one herself. Michiko then began the task of becoming a Treasure Hunter. She became a semi-well known player after a little time, despite her low level. When PK's threaten, she will step in and take out who she can because Michiko absolutely despises PK's. Just recently coming into the occupation of becoming a PKK under the cover of being a Treasure Hunter. When and if she is spoken of, she is often referred to as Midori Hair because the player who began to spread word of her was rather lazy and her hair is distinctly green.

Ronyo said:
Username: Ronyo
RL Name: Jack Copperstone
RL Age: 19
Screen Name: Vector
Area: UK
Name: Vector
Race: Beast
Job Class: Knuckle Master
Weapon Proficiency/ies: Fighting Gloves
Level: 23
Occupation: Arena Player, Pk'er
Personality: Vector is a rather sadistic person, he enjoys playing with his prey while he fights them. He is also a bit of a solo-player, preferring the knowledge that nobody would be able to backstab him. In a complete contrast, his real life self is very friendly and enjoys being around people, Vector is his darker side. Although he is a solo player, he is incredibly loyal, and those who have gained his friendship can rely on him to the end.
Bio: Vector starts his hunts by following prey around the root towns, watching them and trying to understand how they act and behave, once they enter an area, he follows them in until they are too far into the field to escape. He loves fighting unpredictably, which is why he chose the Knuckle Master class. He considers using skills to be boring and shows a lack of skill, preferring to fight using his own abilities, this is helped by the fact he takes a martial art in the real world. He started playing in the arena after getting bored of hunting people, but considers it more of a pass-time then a full time commitment, going back to pking once he's interested again.

Lunar_Blade said:
Username: Lunar_Blade
RL Name: Shimabara Takuya
RL Age: 15
RL Occupation: Homeschooled, plans on becoming a manga-ka (author)
Years playing the world: Six
Bonus Info of RL self: Left eye is pale lavender, Right eye is a ruby-red
Family: Shimabara Clan, descendants of Ninja (mother's side) and Samurai(father's side), Family owns a dojo in Shinjuku.
Area: Resides in Shinjuku.
ScreenName: Lunar_Blade, often referred to as 'Tsukino Ken', which means 'Blade of the Moon', which is just a retelling of his name
Class: Adept Rogue
Class LV: Twin Blade LV14, Flick Reaper LV13
Race: Human
Class Attack List: Twin Blade - Gale Blade, Sparrow Counter, Sword Dance, Tri-Strike, Whirlwind, Chaotic Strike. Flick Reaper - Wicked Strike, Lotus Flower, Reaper's Touch
Character LV: 19
Special: Acquired Job Extension at LV15
PC Occupation: Treasure Hunter, In the process of creating his own monster manual.
Weapon: Shingetsu/Mangetsu (Twin Blade weapon, Shingetsu is Dark, Mangetsu is Light, both with Backstab and are a pair of Spin Corpse rarity *5),
Armor: Demon Shell (Rough Shell - Mind Egg)
Boots: Jet black, open-toed ninja-style.
Gloves: Jet black, fingertip-claw attachments for delicate work
Accessory: Brave Steam Ring (Simple Steam Ring - Red Sun Stone)
Appearance: Shingetsu/Mangetsu, Real World Takuya, PC Lunar_Blade
Personality: Kind, yet innocent. When in battle, he exhibits a battle lust that makes it seem like he belongs in the Arena.
Character Bio: Trained at a young age to know the ways of the Ninja and of the Samurai, Takuya has taken his skills with lone-fighter tactics into 'The WORLD' in hopes of being able to make friends. As a young child, he had been teased often about his eyes. His left was a pale lavender while his right was a deep ruby. The reason for this coloration, which he applied to his PC using a special code received from his Uncle who works for CC Corp., is that he was supposed to have a twin, but he was born alone. Five years later, he was given a sister. His sister does not play any MMO, let alone 'The WORLD', but she is a sweet girl, reminiscent of a Harvest Cleric PC named Atoli from the days of R:2. He himself is similar to the Legendary 'Terror of Death' Haseo in terms of battle ferocity and relative eagerness for his character to grow stronger. Takuya has played 'The WORLD' for three years, and has received a special weapon from his CC Corp Uncle, the Twin Blade weapon Shingetsu/Mangetsu. Although the weapon itself is described as a LV5 weapon to other players, he is capable of wielding the blades quite well at his low LV19 status. Takuya makes sure that he never goes into an area with a LV difference of 5 levels up or down from his PC so as to train quicker and not get murdered. He is not a member of a guild. He spends most of his time on the Delta Server. He will occasionally attend the Arena in Lumina Cloth as a spectator, but he plans on being fighter someday.

Palaios said:
Username: Palaios
RL Name: Riku Hinseihito
RL Age: 21
Screen Name: Palaios
Area: Japan
Name: Palaios
Race: Elves
Job Class: Blademaster
Weapon Proficiency/ies: Spear
Level: 19
Occupation: Ex-PK / Arena Player
Appearance: { X } Outfit color: varying shades of green, except for the off-white straps, with matching colors on the spear
Personality: Reserved and held back, Riku's current temperament is nothing like the crazy arrogance he used to show when he was a PK.
Bio: Previously known simply as â??The Green Spearâ?, the character Palaios was constantly associated with two things: the player Pallida and the act of PKing. Riku the player, however, eventually tired of inspiring fear and decided to call and end to a terror spree he and his twin sister, Rin, had been inciting as said PKers. Still feeling the lust for combat however, and feeling a need to occupy his overenergetic sibling, Riku sometimes logs on to enter the Arena and test his might against new players. That is to say, when he can find time between college classes and part-time jobs. And even then, he rarely actually participates unless his sister is working with him.


RL Name: Rin Hinseihito
RL Age: 21
Screen Name: Pallida
Area: Japan
Name: Pallida
Race: Elves
Job Class: Flick Reaper
Weapon Proficiency/ies: War Scythe
Level: 22
Occupation: Ex-PK / Arena Player
Appearance: { X }
Personality: Rin is just as cheerful and loud now as she has always been, although she's far more friendlier than in previous years.
Bio: Previously simple known as â??The Red Reaperâ?, the character Pallida was constantly assoicated with two things: the player Palaios and the act of PKing. Rin the player was actually quite content with this, amused at how panicked people would become at the sheer sight of her and her twin brother. The novelty soon wore off for her, although at the time she had little idea of what else to do. When Riku decided to give up PKing, Pallida followed, although more because she was curious to see what it was like a â??normal playerâ? than for any other reason. When she found out how boring things became, she almost went back to PKing. It was only when her brother mentioned the idea of th Arena, which is to say being cheered on while killing other players in an even match, that she decided not to. She eventually matured to point where she realized it was wrong to PK, although she still feels most alive fighting in the Arena.

Raziel99 said:
Username: Raziel99
RL Name: Alexander de Vaux
RL Age: 28
Screen Name: Raziel99
Area: United States
Name: Raziel
Race: Human
Job Class: Twin Blader
Weapon Proficiency/ies: Long Blades, katanas and wakizashis
Level: 20
Occupation: Admin
Appearance: Tall and wearing little armor. Dark hair and light eyes, white skin. Body fitting for speed attacks and combos rather than heavy single strikes.
Personality: Quiet, a little brash. But as a Admin, thinks things through for what is best for The World.
Bio: It was early in the history of The World's history that Alexander applied for a job, and got one. He helped with some of the coding, and eventually, it was advertised and made huge. Creating a character, Alexander's character Raziel was there to beta test parts of The World, as well as perform Admin duties secondary to other Admins. Many found him to be quite a challenger, though he never accepted a group invite to raids.

STAGE 1 said:
Username: Raziel99
RL Name: Alexander de Vaux
RL Age: 28
Screen Name: Raziel99
Area: United States
Name: Raziel
Race: Human
Job Class: Dark Samurai (AKA: Twin Blader)
Weapon Proficiency/ies: Long Blades, katanas and wakizashis
Level: 20
Occupation: Ex Admin, pk
Appearance: Tall and wearing little armor. Dark hair and light eyes, white skin. Body fitting for speed attacks and combos rather than heavy single strikes. Surrounded by a dark aura.
Personality: PK, Aims to destroy everything. Arrogant and brash.
Bio: It was early in the history of The World's history that Alexander applied for a job, and got one. He helped with some of the coding, and eventually, it was advertised and made huge. Creating a character, Alexander's character Raziel was there to beta test parts of The World, as well as perform Admin duties secondary to other Admins. Many found him to be quite a challenger, though he never accepted a group invite to raids.

But just recently, he has gotten a e-mail from the people at the head of the organization. They were thankful for his help, but they fired him, removing his admin rights as well on the game. Angered that he wasn't given the credit due for his work on The World, he hacked the system. At the moment, he doesn't have much access, only being able to get into what he coded. But he made himself stronger. It will only be a matter of time until he has all the code for The World, and he can bring it to its knees.

Keyword Guide:

1st word


LV. - How many levels are added by the keyword. The first keyword always
affects both the Area and Item levels by the same multiple of 10.

Element - What element the field will have. Remember, the first keyword's
element is the most dominant in the set and will be included even if another
keyword might be of the opposing element.

F/D - (F)ield or (D)ungeon.

Type - What type of field/dungeon the keyword will create.

Keyword | LV. |Element| F/D | Type
Courageous* | +0 | Earth | F |Grass
Buzzing | +0 | Water | F |Grass
Ele gant | +0 | Wind | F |Grass
Forgotten | +0 | Earth | F |Grass
Essential | +10 | Fire | F |Grass
Screaming | +10 | Fire | F |Grass
Chasing | +0 | Water | D |Shrine
Creeping | +10 | Water | F |Grass
Dancing | +10 | Fire | F |Grass
Hidden | +10 | Earth | D |Shrine
Wealthy | +0 | Fire | F |Grass
Peaceful | +0 | Fire | D |Shrine
Submissive | +0 | Fire | F |Grass
Great | +0 | Water | F |Grass
Blurry | +10 | Earth | F |Grass
Gallant | +0 | Fire | D |Shrine
Lazy | +20 | Water | D |Cave
Sneering | +10 | Fire | D |Shrine
Pulsating | +20 | Water | D |Cave
Delicious | +20 | Fire | D |Shrine
Setting | +10 | Water | F |Grass
Disputing | +30 | Fire | D |Cave
Crying | +30 | Water | D |Shrine
Coiling | +30 | Wind | D |Cave
Rising | +20 | Earth | D |Shrine
Choosing | +10 | Fire | D |Cave
Heartless | +20 | Water | D |Cave
Entwined | +30 | Wind | D |Cave
Endless | +40 | Earth | D |Cave
Sacred | +0 | Fire | D |Shrine
Upfront | +0 | Water | D |Cave
Fly Away | +0 | Wind | D |Shrine
Heavenly | +0 | Earth | D |Cave
Truthful | +10 | Fire | F |Grass
Halberd | +10 | Water | F |Grass
Warm | +10 | Wind | F |Grass
Rough Song | +10 | Earth | F |Grass
Unseeing | +10 | Fire | D |Cave
Harvesting | +10 | Water | D |Shrine
Croaking | +10 | Wind | D |Cave
Overjoyed | +10 | Earth | D |Shrine
Graceful | +20 | Fire | F |Grass
Paling | +20 | Water | F |Grass
Agonizing | +20 | Wind | F |Grass
Piling | +20 | Earth | F |Grass
Restful | +20 | Fire | D |Shrine
Wandering | +20 | Water | D |Cave
Unknowing | +20 | Wind | D |Shrine
Obstructed | +20 | Earth | D |Cave
Saddened | +30 | Fire | F |Grass
Counting | +30 | Water | F |Grass
Dreaming | +30 | Wind | F |Grass
Decadent | +30 | Earth | F |Grass
Playing | +30 | Fire | D |Cave
Beloved | +30 | Water | D |Shrine
Fattening | +30 | Wind | D |Cave
Unending | +30 | Earth | D |Shrine
Roaring | +40 | Fire | F |Grass
Spring's | +40 | Water | F |Grass
Concealed | +40 | Wind | F |Grass
Protected | +40 | Earth | F |Grass
Closed | +40 | Fire | D |Shrine
Freezing | +40 | Water | D |Cave
Immovable | +40 | Wind | D |Shrine
Dawning | +40 | Earth | D |Cave
Starting | +0 | Water | F |Grass

* - This word is only used for the tutorial area. You can't obtain it
for your own purposes in this volume.

2nd word


LV. - How many levels are added by the keyword. The second keyword always
affects both the Area and Item levels by the same amount.

Element - What element the field will have. If you'll recall, the second
keyword comes second in area elemental priority, so if the first keyword's
element opposes the second's, the second keyword element won't be used. See
section 2 if you're confused.

S/B - (S)ymbol Fragments or (B)oss for fields.

Floors - The number of floors/blocks a dungeon will have if the second word in
question is used.

Keyword | LV. |Element| S/B | Floors
Engaging* | +0 | Earth | S | 2
Wrath's | +5 | Fire | S | 3
Swift | +0 | Water | S | 2
Black | +5 | Water | S | 3
Ruined | +0 | Wind | S | 2
Honor | +5 | Wind | S | 3
Marble's | +0 | Earth | S | 2
Military | +5 | Earth | S | 3
Aster's | +0 | Fire | B | 3
Bustling | +5 | Fire | B | 2
Vane | +0 | Water | B | 3
Daybreak's | +5 | Water | B | 2
Kourin's | +0 | Wind | B | 3
Humbling | +5 | Wind | B | 2
Heretic's | +0 | Earth | B | 3
Dusk's | +5 | Earth | B | 2
Sunshine's | +9 | Fire | S | 3
Nirvana's | +9 | Water | S | 3
Cupola | +9 | Wind | S | 3
Friend's | +9 | Earth | S | 3
Forbidden | +0 | Wind | S | 3
Idling | +0 | Fire | B | 3
Returni ng | +2 | Fire | B | 3
Cupid's | +4 | Fire | B | 3
Fortune's | +0 | Fire | B | 3
Mourning | +0 | Fire | B | 3
Medium's | +0 | Fire | S | 2
Leading | +2 | Fire | B | 2
Tragedy's | +2 | Earth | S | 2
Cursed | +8 | Water | B | 2
Obsessive | +0 | Earth | S | 3
Season's | +5 | Wind | B | 3
Advice's | +2 | Wind | B | 2
Failing | +6 | Earth | B | 3
Unlimited | +2 | Wind | B | 2
Past's | +1 | Fire | S | 2
Eternity's | +8 | Wind | B | 3
Gray | +6 | Wind | B | 3
Gambler's | +6 | Earth | B | 3
Destiny's | +0 | Fire | B | 3
Love's | +5 | Water | B | 3
Superior | +0 | Earth | B | 3
Starting | +0 | Fire | B | 3
Joyous | +9 | Earth | B | 3
Corpse's | +6 | Water | B | 3
Blazing | +9 | Fire | B | 3
Discord's | +9 | Water | B | 3
Red Plum's | +9 | Wind | B | 3
Doomed | +9 | Earth | B | 3
Your | +0 | Wind | S | 2

* - This word is only used for the tutorial area. You can't obtain it for your
own purposes in this volume.

3rd word


LV. - How many levels are added or taken away by the keyword.

Item LV. - How many item levels are added or taken away by the keyword.

Element - What element the field will have. If you need a reminder, the third
keyword comes dead last in area elemental priority, so if one of the first two
keyword's elements oppose the third, the third keyword's element won't matter.
See section 2 if this is a bit hard to understand.

Miscellaneous - Any additional data relevant to the keyword. This is all
explained in greater detail at the end of this subsection.

Keyword | LV. |Element|Item LV.| -/+ |Miscellaneous
Daydream | +1 | Water | 0 | 0 |Cannot be obtained
Two Wings | +3 | Fire | +3 | 3 |
Phoenix | +2 | Fire | +3 | 3 |
Hand Song | +2 | Fire | +2 | 2 |
Pure Bred | +1 | Fire | +1 | 1 |
Fast Horse | +1 | Fire | 0 | 0 |
Belladonna | +0 | Fire | +1 | 1 |
Bum | +0 | Fire | 0 | 0 |
Generation | -1 | Fire | -1 | -1 |
Nemesis | -2 | Fire | -2 | -2 |
Alga Grass | +4 | Water | +3 | 3 |
Old World | -1 | Wind | -1 | -1 |
Princess | +1 | Fire | +1 | 1 |
Phantom | +1 | Fire | 0 | 0 |
Paradise | -2 | Water | -3 | -3 |
Masquerade | +0 | Wind | -1 | -1 |
Holy Ground | +1 | Earth | 0 | 0 |
Dead Wood | +1 | Water | 0 | 0 |Cannot be obtained
Radiation | +1 | Wind | 0 | 0 |Cannot be obtained
Bulwark | +1 | Fire | 0 | 0 |
Camellia | +4 | Fire | +3 | 3 |
Freedom | +1 | Wind | +0 | 0 |
1000 Oaks | +1 | Earth | +1 | 1 |
In-Laws | +0 | Water | +1 | 1 |
Slacker | -2 | Earth | -2 | -2 |
Drunkard | +0 | Fire | 0 | 0 |
Exile | +0 | Water | +1 | 1 |
Empire | +1 | Earth | 0 | 0 |
Metal Doll | +0 | Water | +1 | 1 |
Weed Eater | +2 | Fire | +3 | 3 |
Night Moon | +1 | Water | 0 | 0 |
Tiny Beast | +1 | Earth | 0 | 0 |
Footsteps | +1 | Fire | 0 | 0 |
Whicker | +2 | Wind | +2 | 2 |
Gate | -2 | Earth | -2 | -2 |
Offerings | +1 | Fire | 0 | 0 |
Pilgrim | +1 | Water | 0 | 0 |
Venom Fang | +1 | Water | 0 | 0 |
March | +1 | Wind | 0 | 0 |
Ocean | +3 | Water | +3 | 3 |
Fountain | +2 | Water | +3 | 3 |
Life Boat | +2 | Water | +2 | 2 |
Bodhi Tree | +1 | Water | +1 | 1 |
Snow Lamp | +1 | Water | 0 | 0 |
Cathedral | +0 | Water | +1 | 1 |
Puddle | +0 | Water | 0 | 0 |
Tide Road | -1 | Water | -1 | -1 |
Frog Lake | -2 | Water | -2 | -2 |
Blue Cloud | +4 | Wind | +3 | 3 |
Scud | +3 | Wind | +3 | 3 |
Gold Bird | +2 | Wind | +3 | 3 |
Dark Tree | +2 | Wind | +2 | 2 |
Vagabond | +1 | Wind | +1 | 1 |
Pinwheel | +1 | Wind | 0 | 0 |
Evergreen | +0 | Wind | +1 | 1 |
Malt Town | +0 | Wind | 0 | 0 |
Ignorance | -1 | Wind | -1 | -1 |
Globe | -2 | Wind | -2 | -2 |
Snow Caps | +4 | Earth | +3 | 3 |
Foot Stone | +3 | Earth | +3 | 3 |
Twin Rocks | +2 | Earth | +3 | 3 |
Holy Relic | +2 | Earth | +2 | 2 |
Cat's Eye | +1 | Earth | +1 | 1 |
Whiplash | +1 | Earth | 0 | 0 |
Crawl Tree | +0 | Earth | +1 | 1 |
Fortune | +0 | Earth | 0 | 0 |
Resort | -1 | Earth | -1 | -1 |
Cassiopeia | -2 | Earth | -2 | -2 |
Shadow | +1 | Water | 0 | 0 |
Berserker | +1 | Fire | 0 | 0 |​

EXP Guide

1-10 = every 100 is a lvl up.
11-15 = every 150 is a lvl up.
16-20 = every 200 is a lvl up.
21-25 = every 250 is a lvl up.
26-30 = every 300 is a lvl up.
31-35 = every 350 is a lvl up.
36-40 = every 400 is a lvl up.
41-45 = every 450 is a lvl up.
46-50 = every 500 is a lvl up.

Characters, at this time, cannot be leveled up past 50.

[Monster Guide Under Construction]​
Re: "The World" (A Group RP by Anjeru and Selo)

"Logged in. Welcome to The World, Soul_Reaping" Was what was on the screen as the eighteen year old teen signed into his account on one of the newest MMO games for the computer. The mid-height Elven Flick Reaper appeared in the root-town of Mac Anu, in the Delta Server. He looked around at the many people walking by, some simple NPCs while most of them actual players. "Hey, U want 2 join my prty and keel som munstrs?" A random newbie asked him. He shook his head and kept walking by, ignoring the invite and it soon disappeared. He took a look at his friends list and saw basically no one online. He sighed and walked to the market place.

He saw it was busy as ever and smirked. 'Time to find some new items and make some money.' he thought as he moved to a booth, examining the weapons and armor. "Aye! You're that rare item collector! Uh, Flick, Fein....OH! Fel-Reaper! I've been looking for you man!" A Beast-male character said, running up to him. "Can you take a look at this item? I got it from some guy and he said it was really rare, can you check it for me?" He asked, opening a trade window. "Not as rare as he said." He said, closing the window. "If you would excuse me, I have some things to attend to now." He said, leaping up onto a stand and to the buildings, leaving the market place now. He liked to buy and trade things, but he didn't like to chat a lot with people, only a few people actually talked with him and shared his secrets.​
Re: "The World" (OPEN, accepting 3 more)

Jack booted up 'The World' as he sat down at his computer, donning the headset as he entered his login details, Logged in. Welcome to The World, Vector came the usual words. The yellow-furred Beast appeared at the chaos gate in Dol Dona, Theta server. He glanced around slightly and walked down the steps, heading towards the large gates to the market area, he needed to restock on potions and seek out another good target. He looked at the groups of players chatting as he entered the gate, smirking slightly as he overheard a rather animated conversation about how hard one of the lower level quests was.

He walked into the market area and headed staight for the NPC shop, he never bothered trying to haggle with players, he couldn't care less if he could 'get the bargin of a lifetime'. He restocked and walked around, his eyes moving along the groups of players walking around, spotting two players heading towards the gate, he casually followed them, so as not to look suspisious, eavsdropping as one of the players spoke, "This'll be easy, level 20 area, good item at the Gott Statue, heh, and seeing as there's two of us, being level 18 is no problem.." Vector couldn't help but smile, this was going to be a good day. The players stepped up to the Chaos gate "Ω Screaming Sunshine's Beladona.. Ok, here we go.." They activated the gate and warped, Vector stood at the gate and waited, so they wouldn't see him when he warped after them, after a few minutes he warped as well.
Re: "The World" (OPEN, accepting 3 more)

As the busy period of log-ins started, Riku and Rin were already hitting their stride in the arena on Lumina Cloth, finishing off the surviving member of the team they were facing.

"Hey!" Rin called out as she circled around behind the frightened steam gunner, "I just realized something."

"What?!" Riku called, knowing that his sister was about to mention something completely irrelevant. It was a given that she couldn't focus, even in the heat of an arena battle, "and if its something about leaving the coffee pot on, I swear..." Riku cut it off with a grunt as he dashed forward to catch the steam gunner attention. In his panic, the gunner shot, but missed horribly as Riku dodged to the right. Bringing his spear to bare, Riku stabbed without even bothering to use a skill, satisfied as he sliced off a decent chunk of the gunner's HP. Jumping back, he continued swinging as his twin moved into position.

"Yaaah!" Rin screamed, slashing across the steam gunner's backside, dropping him the last of his hit points. The player's character dropped, fading away as the victory was announced. Turning back around, she grinned all lop-sided at Riku. "Uhh, never mind then."

Riku grunted in annoyance as he wandered towards the exit. "Meh, whatever, I suppose you wanna face another team now?"

"YES!" Rin exclaimed, jumping forward and running at full-tilt towards the exit, likely to check the rankings for an acceptable target. "I think alot more people should be logging in soon, so maybe we'll find somebody fun to fight."
Re: "The World" (OPEN, accepting 3 more)

Vector warped into the field, glancing around quickly to make sure his marks hadn't noticed "Hmph.. Guess they're better then I though.." Me muttered, moving forward as he noted the open treasure chest on the raised platform. As he moved along he could hear fighting in the distance, but he kept his distance, he normally waited until his targets were at the Gott Statue, that way there was only one way out, past him. A few minutes later he spotted two figures moving to the Gott Statue, a quick look at their vitals and Vector grinned, as usual, they hadn't bothered to heal, he quickly moved up to the entrance as they passed into the statue chamber, hearing the last few words of a sentence as they pass through the gate "-nd we rock!"

The two players walked up to the chest in front of the Gott Statue, laughing and high-fiving each other "Haha, told you this would be easy... Let's just see what we got in here.. Woah! Nice.. The player gasped as he held up a pair of sword swords. The other clapped and turned to leave, freazing in place "Urr.. Dude?..

"Well.. That's an exquisite pair of swords you got there.. They should bag me a good amount of gold.." Vector walked towards the pair, grinning slyly, stopping a few feet away and crossing his arms. The leader of the two put the swords in his inventory and scowled "You can bugger off! You stupid noob! There are two of us, and only one of you! Vector laughed, arching his head backwards as he did, the two players backed up, glancing at each other, "Hahahah-... Wait a second.. Did you just call me a... Noob?" Vectors attitude had completly changed, he unfolded his arms and got into combat stance "Normally I would play with you a bit more, but... You just had to call me that..." Vector leap forward.
Re: "The World" (OPEN, accepting 3 more)

The instant before the beast-race character leaped, a scythe blade rested around his neck, the handle reaching back behind him, over his right shoulder. "I wouldn't do that if I were you, Vector." He said, reading the screen name of the beast's character. "You two move on out of here. You obviously can't read statistics very well." He said and the two people were about to start up with him until he looked sinisterly at them and a black aura surrounded him. "Don't make me say twice. I won't hesitate to PK you with this guy." He said, tapping the scythe's handle on Vector's shoulder once.

The two of them ran around Fel-Reaper and Vector, Fel holding his black perfectly balanced around the best's neck. His hand was holding the staff of a handle at the very end to get the most distance between him and his target. "A Lvl 23 Knuckle Master, eh? I've killed stronger people than that." He said, his level oddly only 19 at the moment. "I guess I'll let you off the hook this time, PK'er." He said, pulling his scythe away and resting it on his own shoulder as he started to walk away. "Maybe we can do some trades later, if you stay around the market long enough." Fel-Reaper said, waving his free hand behind him to the other guy. Fel-Reaper was wearing his normal cloth outfit, but had a few spells acting as damage soakers and some light armor underneath his clothing. He also had a high alertness, so if Vector got edgy or angery and attacked him, Fel would know, or be at least slightly prepared.​
Re: "The World" (OPEN, accepting 3 more)

Vector stopped in his tracks, suprised by the suddenly appearance of the blade blocking his path, he turned to see the being stopping him "And why not, Fel-Reaper?" he sneered, sluring the name as he said it, is this man wanted to play the smart-ass then he would be happen to play along. He watched as the two players left, smirking at them "You won't always have someone to be there for you, next time I won't be stopped..." He quickly brought up the others statistics and frowned.

He snarled as the blade was removed from his neck, turning to face the man "So what? Now you're a PKK as well as a treasure hunter? And last time I checked, my highest level for a PK was 27, recent. Or are you somehow able to defeat stronger opponents?" His eyes followed Fel as he walked away, running the thought of attacking over in his mind, he was angry he'd lost out on his marks, but he wasn't stupid, and blindly charging this man, regardless of level, was not a smart move. "And trade? I have no time for such trivial matters, if I want something, I get it, that's it.." He stretched slightly and started to move towards the exit, gaining speed as he began to run, he didn't like taking his time too much, overtaking Fel and leaving the Statue chamber, gating out once he was outside, "Meddling git.." He muttered as he disappeared.
Re: "The World" (OPEN, accepting 3 more)

As Takuya logged on to 'The WORLD' for the first time in a week, due to having been at the ocean for vacation, he noticed that he had a couple notes from a friend. After reading and clearing them, he decided to go watch a couple matches at the Arena, just to see if there was anyone aiming for the Emperor's title.

"I wonder if I should aim for the title some day?" he thought aloud, not noticing a female cat-beast player give him a questioning look. "Nah, I think I'll wait till I'm at least twice my current level before that."

He gated over to Lumina Cloth and started towards the spectators' entrance. He caught the last few moments of the previous match on the replay, and he noted that the pair in the clip had just left the fighters' entrance. He made a mental note to watch their next match closely, since he thought they seemed a bit too familiar as he read their names in the stat box. Before Takuya made it to the entrance, he spotted a familiar face in the crowd and went to his friend.

"Glad you could make it, Tsubaki-Chan" he said. Then he was promptly smacked upside the head by the female twin blade. "OW! What was that for?!"

"I've told you a million times that here I'm not Tsubaki! It's Sakura-Hime!" the raven-haired wolf-girl said. "One of these days I'll just have to fight you in here just to knock it into that hard-ass skull of yours!"

With that, the two gated to the stands and found a front-row seat still open. Takuya hoped that the wolf-girl next to him wouldn't actually go through with her threat. However, he managed to sneak in a kiss before the next match was announced, since Sakura's player was his RL girlfriend. That only earned him a soft blush and a glare from her, since she wasn't used to showing affection in public.

"Th-the next match is starting soon. Who do you think will win it?" Sakura asked him.

"If that Blademaster/Flick Reaper pair from the last match are in it, I think it might be them. I caught the last minute of their previous fight, and that Reaper girl has some serious moves, albeit a bit unfocused." Takuya said, his attitude instantly serious, as he was with all things that involved the Arena.

"What do you mean, 'unfocused'?"

"You'll see once they get in the ring."

Not only had Takuya thought about going after the Title, but he and Tsubaki were planning on starting a Guild soon, one dedicated to helping new players and first time Arena fighters. He leaned against the rail and watched as the commentator for the Arena got into place.
Re: "The World" (OPEN, accepting 3 more)

Fel smirked as the beast ran past him. "Too much of a rusher." He said softly to him self. He then went exploring, going back to the root town and then to another field. When he appeared in the field he saw a group of people fighting some other players. Only one player was on his knees, the PKers surrounding him. There were about five PKers and two other players down dead. "Hehe, your the last one now. Time to finish this!" One PK said, and Fel-Reaper sighed, pulling out his scythe. "I wouldn't do that if I were you." He said, appearing on a stone, crouched. "And what you gona do about it?" One PK asked.

"It isn't much fun fighting something you know will lose." Fel stated, not answering the man's question. "Go on and get him Grog and Kya." The one who seemed to be the leader said. A female beast and male elf started to advance on Fel's position. Fel smirked and made a dash, turning into a blur. "Reaper's Justice!" He called out, an unfamiliar skill being used. When he landed behind the leader. The two that were after Fel dropped dead in the next instant. "Shall we dance? Reaper's Dance!" He said, spinning around and hitting the leader, barely missing the other players. The numbers that came up were unbelievable. All 9's came up, killing the leader.

"Any one else?" He questioned, the last of the PKers logging out. Fel walked over to the guy on his knees. "P-please! D-don't kill me!" He pleaded. "Get up, help your friends outa here." Fel said, walking past him. "Be glad I only go after higher characters. Low levels bore me too much." He said, holding his scythe on his shoulder once more as he headed for the monsters in the area.​
Re: "The World" (OPEN, accepting 3 more)

Michiko sat down at her console and sighed, stretching; it had been a long day at work and she could use some time in 'The World' to simmer down and relax. She booted up the program and soon, she was standing in Mac Anu, beside the Choas Gate. It had been well over a few days since she had logged in last, so of course the treasure hunter had some notes to look through. As usual, they were just requests for items and offers of payment. She sighed; Michi, as she was known in 'The World', hadn't really made any friends in the virtual reality. Though, she highly enjoyed it. It gave her a chance to be someone else other than who she really was in her everyday life.

The Adept Rouge decided to take on one of her lower level requests for a rather new twin blade player. Something about a better pair of twin blades. Walking through the streets of Mac Anu, she went and got her usual field items from the NPC shop keeper; she didn't deal with the marketplace players very often. After she was done, she went back to the Choas Gate and chose a lvl 20 set of keywords at random and let herself warp. The green haired player let out a sigh as she found herself standing in a field. "Alright. So, twin blades? I suppose I could manage that, nothing better to do." she murmured, quite literally just speaking to herself.

Bringing up her inventory, she adjusted her weapons, making the Reaping Scythe her primary, and the Electro-Arch her secondary - this gave the lvl 20 player a good variety of both powerful and ranged attacks. Michi then began to walk through the field, holding her scythe in one hand, resting it up and against one shoulder. She knew she looked like rather easy prey to PK's, but looks were rather decieving. Midori Hair as she had been called before, has taken out a good number of PK's herself; she used her Treasure Hunter occupation as a guise when she went off as a PKK. She loved her Treasure Hunter occupation though, having chosen it after hearing about the rather famous Fel.​
Re: "The World" (OPEN, accepting 3 more)

Fel went back to the Root Town Mac Anu once more, having went through enough monsters in the field. When he appeared and instantly four trades opened up and then a couple more, all requesting rare items.

Damn it, why can't I get a moment's peace!

He thought as he set in a random keywords setting and disappeared. When he came out he saw a female elf holding a scythe on her shoulder, so she was either an adept rouge or flick reaper. Fel found out soon enough she was the first when he opened her statistics window. Michi? Oh, wait! She is that PKK, Midori Hair. He thought and chuckled. "Started a treasure hunter because of me, aye?" He questioned aloud. He had heard of many people becoming treasure hunters because of being inspired by him, though none of them knew his true secret. He only gave that out to a few people, and made sure he could trust them. "So, how long exactly have you been searching for items?" He questioned, walking closer to the female.​
Re: "The World" (OPEN, accepting 3 more)

Vector walked along the streets of Dol Dona, his mind kept comming back to Fel-Reaper, he was a famous player, but from what he knew, he wasn't a PK or a PKK.... To the public that is, it could be he just says it was self-defence while he was looking for items. "Hmmmm... An interesting man.. If he truly is as strong as he acts like-" He paused as he saw a player come out of the Chaos Gate, sweating slightly, muttering. Amused slightly he walked up to him "Heh.. What's wrong with you? PKK nearly get ya?" He smirked, PK's were easy to identify by other PK's, the man looked at him "Yeah... Some Flick-Reaper, used moves I haven't seen before.. Hitting all 9's! He ran off to the market.

Vector crossed his arms as the man ran away "Flick-Reaper..... It couldn't be 'him' could it... All 9's sounds like something in the 50's would hit on people around this level..." He frowned slightly, and turned to the Chaos Gate, he needed to train up a bit, searching through the area words until he found what he wanted, a nice level 25 area, he didn't bother looking at the item level. He gated out and appeared in a dungeon, walking forward he stretched, flexing his fists as he approached the SpearFish ahead. He charged, jumping in the air and drop-kicking the first of the three monsters to the ground before finishing it with a good 12-hit combo "Heh... Easy.."
Re: "The World" (OPEN, accepting 3 more)

Michi was idling about the fields by the time that Fel wandered upon her. She turned her head and almost wanted to jump out of her skin when she realized who it was; she didn't have to pull up his statistics to know who was standing in front of her. Michi turned fully around and gave a half-nervous smile. "A-ah, hai, b-because of you...y-your stories of t-treasure hunting that I-i heard made it s-sound fun." it was at this moment that she despised her shyness around new people. And just because she was online, didn't mean it went away.

"I-i was asked to f-find a new player some better twin b-blades," she answered, it seeming like the more she talked the more the nervousness in her voice faded. She began to idly tap the Reaping Scythe against her shoulder armor. "What bring y-you here, F-fel?" she asked, a little curious.​
Re: "The World" (OPEN, accepting 3 more)

Fel chuckled as she stuttered. A fangirl now. I didn't know I had became so popular. "So, I'm that famous then? Wow, didn't know word got out that fast." He stated and watched her movements. Her elf looked kind of hot, but he reminded him self that it is only a bunch of pixels made from ones and zeros, though her personality seemed cute enough as well, and that was all the player. "Just trying to escape everyone asking me for items." He said, and opened up his inventory, pulling out a trade request, giving Michi a level 23 twin blade weapon. "Here, take this." He said, and when the trade was done, he would start to walk off, heading around for some monsters now. "Need anything else, I'll be killing things." He said with a chuckle, placing his scythe on his back and it staying there.​
Re: "The World" (OPEN, accepting 3 more)

Minako sat down at the computer, just getting out of the shower set for a full evening of the world. She typed her login "Hakurei" and her profile picture of Reimu showed up greeting her. She clicked the icon for "The World" Bypassing the link to the message boards she logs onto her Wavemaster; Alice. Upon the loading screen vanishing revealing Mac Anu. Opening the interface she noticed that none of her friends were on, which wasn't too odd. She only added other rpers to the list and as such the rpers in Mac Anu were usually the alts of more militant players. Sighing she goes to the market area hoping to catch someone's conversation that was filled with story rather than emoticons.
Re: "The World" (OPEN, accepting 2 more)

((OOC: Wow, I missed alot. At least not a whole lot of time passed in the actual timeline))

"Hey, lookit this!" Rin squealed, "there's some pretty strong people in the next round. We've gotta stick around. Hey, I even wanted to face that guy!" Rin was all but able to contain her glee as she scanned the list of combatants in the next round of matches.

"Okay," Riku grumbled, "but afterwards I think I'll have to log off. I've been putting of cleaning out my car, and now I think the pile of burger boxes in the back has gained sentience."

A short while and a quick registration later, Rin and Riku found themselves both standing back in the Arena, watching as the announcer introduced their opponents. "Hey Rin, ever think about filling out the team. I was considering recruiting a Wavemaster. We have attacks down and can handle just about anything, but its always a pain to hunt down those ranged fighters like Steam Gunners and the Wavemasters themselves."

"Meh, maybe," Rin chuckled, "but then do you really wanna have someone else have to deal with me?" A mischievous grin crossed her face as she pulled out her scythe, twirling it in place while the announcer continued his monologue. In seconds they would be transported into the actual battleground area of the arena, and she always liked to have her weapon in hand, in not necessarily ready.

"Hmm," Riku pondered, "you're right."

Rin laughed as the teleported, landing on their designated side of the field. She looked up to scan the crowd, feeling a content sigh as the crowd they drew. She knew they weren't all there to see her, but she liked thinking it sometimes. "Hey, I think that guy is staring right at me!" she gasped, pointing into the stands.


"That guy. The one with the beast twin-blade next to him."

"That only narrows it down to a few dozen. Now focus, the match is starting."

"Oh right," Rin chuckled as she readied her scythe, "let's get this party started!" She scanned the enemy team quickly, this time actually studying them. Two Adept Rogue twin-blades and a Blade Brandier?! This'll be easy!
Re: "The World" (OPEN, accepting 2 more)

"A-ah! Oh my gosh! I'm sorry, I guess it sort of sounded l-like I am a fangirl of s-sorts," she stumbled the words out, a tad embarassed. She didn't want to sound like a virtual stalker; it wasn't unheard of, even 'The World.' Michi became even more flustered as he traded her the lvl 23 twin blades, but, not wanting to be rude, she took them. She watched as he walked off. Staying there a moment, contemplating, she reflected upon this encounter. Never had she thought that Fel would come upon her, nor so soon into her time in 'The World'.

She began to follow after him, at a slow jog, to catch up to him. Her scythe being carried almost the same way as his, but on the opposite side. "T-thank you, Fel. Really, that was kind of you." she said, in regards to the trade. He had saved her from a rather boring escapade of sorting through weak monsters who barely were worth her time, if they were worth any of it at all. Not that she had anything better to do, she mused. She didn't want to pass up this oppurtunity to converse with Fel, as she admired him as a adept player of their virtual escape. Not many could catch her attention since Michi was a rather shy girl - stutter a total give away - but Fel did.

"Do you mind if I-i come with for a bit?" she inquired innocently. The stutter seemed to be going away the more they talked; it was all a matter of getting over the fact of talking to a stranger. Her shyness was one reason she took to a solitary existance in both the virtual world and reality. "You can say no if you like," she reassured, not wanting him to feel like he had to say yes.​
Re: "The World" (OPEN, accepting 2 more)

Kotaro warped in front of the Chaos Gate in Dol Dona, having completed the area and gained some decent exp, he wasn't far from becomming level 24. He yawned and glanced around, bored, he had thought about doing some PK'ing but after hearing about that attack from the guy eariler that day, a slight amount of worry was jabbing his mind, not wanting to just quit and go away. "Mmmm... Damn.. I don't even know if it was Fel.." He sighed and turned to the Chaos Gate, keying in Lumina Cloth and warping, at least there was somewhere other then fields where there were people to be killed.

Kotaro appeared in the courtyard of Lumina Cloth, walking towards the registration desk be recieved a few party requests, all from people a few levels lower then them "Bugger off.." He growled as he declined them all, if he was going to be in a party, he might as well make sure the players in it were his level. He got to the desk as the clerk spoke "There is a match about to start, if you would want to see it, please enter via the Chaos Gate on the left, thank you for your patronage" Kotaro glanced at the stats of the players involved "Hmm.. Might as well watch, not like there'll be noone to fight afterwards..." He left the desk and warped into the stands, walking down the stairs and leaning on the railings, ignoring the people commenting on how his tail was blocking there view.
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