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"The World" (3 OPEN NOW)

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The massive shockwave caught Rin and Riku off gaurd, hurling them both across the area. Rin caught the edge of a building, levering herself to a stop before dropping back to the ground safely. "Ha!" she exclaimed, laughing in the face of danger.

Then Riku slammed into her, hurling the both several feet within the game. Outside the game, Rin slammed down her controller and pointed out in the same direction her PC saw the hacker. "Foul! Foul!" she screamed, "no fair hurlng people at people!" Realizing what she was doing, she quited down and picked up her controller as her play stood back up.

Riku stood up and turned to her. "Sorry about that," he called out before turning back to survey the scene after dropping another healing potion. And I was already running low to begin with. Don't have too many less. He started scanning players before Vector and Ken caught his eye. Oh great, what are those two up to now?
Vector nodded and got himself ready "Heh, I don't need weapons mate, my fists are all I need!" He prepared a skill to use when he was launched, it would engulf his fist in fire, making the overall damage to this guy all the more destructive. As he did so he glanced over at Palaios and Pallida, who seemed to have been flung against each other, it was actually very amusing, seeing as Pallida had chosen that time to have a small outburst.

After a few moment's he was ready to be launched, he felt weird, and a little stupid, standing on this guy's blades, most people would be hit by this move because they'd be watching with a strange look on their face, but he couldn't wait, speed was the best tool in combat, as far as he was concerned... "All set, fire when ready!"
The attack the PK Hacker unleashed was even deadlier than she had orginally assumed it would be. Given her distance from his avatar, her fall damage was extensive. She flew up and fell back, slamming into the ground, her hit points more than 3/4 deleted. "Sunuvabitch!! Now I'm getting really pissed off!" Michi snapped to herself as she pulled her avatar up from the ground, using two consecutive healing potions to restore her HP. Shit. I'm getting low on recovery inventory. Don't think it will be possible to restore my items here in Del Donna given the seige by this jerkwad...gonna have to kick his ass down for good and soon. Her thoughts even more solidified as she surveyed the other fighters who had joined in the fight to help take down this threat.

She watched the beast she knew to be Vector, a PK she hadn't encountered yet. She didn't know who's blades he was climbing up onto. That avatar was unfamiliar to her. She frowned behind her visor and clenched her hands on the controller; she was getting a bad feeling. It seemed like they were going to launch some falsified range far only her arrows had caused a substantial amount of damage to the avatar. That led her to believe that he could only really be harmed by range attacks, such as the arrows of her Electro-Arch, though that guy's spear did a good number, too. The PK Hacker was clearly on the defensive which she knew meant the stretch to the finish line was going to be a difficult one.

Michi moved towards the avatar of the PK Hacker and ducked behind a pillar, stringing an arrow in the crackling electric flow of the Electro-Arch. She sat in wait, knowing the man(or woman, she didn't know who was behind the avatar)would eventually give her an opening.​
Takuya smirked as he spoke.


He flipped his hands around the sword hilts so that his arm movements made the blades slice outwards at an angle that launched Vector into the air, arcing in a way that would bring him down upon the hacker's head from the skies. In the same motion, Takuya also started strafing the hacker at a speed that left multiple afterimages.

"See if you can keep up, ya two-bit hack!!" he called out, hoping against all odds that his taunting would distract the hacker long enough for Vector to connect.

Takuya was unaware of the archer's plans, but he hoped that he or she had caught on to what his plan was. He taunted the hacker again, but using only Japanese.

"Ore sanpo isogiashi yori goshujin shisutemuhakkingu! Anata amarini yurui!!"

Anyone who would be able to translate what he said would either laugh or become upset, depending on who it is. His second taunt translated out to 'I walk faster than your system hacking! You're too slow!'
Michi watched as the twin blade launed Vectore at the PK Hacker, still nibbling at her lip from behind the visor nervously. She had definitely caught on. Being a PKK, she had to be able to determine and read the movements of her targets; she'd naturally picked up the ability to predict what one was up to by subtle changes of their attitude, or stance - things of that nature.

From behind her visor, Michi tried her best not to laugh at his taunt; she was japanese, it was easily understood by the young woman. It was amusing to say the least. Shaking her head, she guided her avatar to hold the strung arrows steady, peeking out to see what the PK Hacker was going to do in response to their attacks. She just needed one opening...just one.​
Raziel had more than enough time to prepare his counter from the two PC's. They were taking long enough to attack. Before they launched, he cast a spell that dumped all of his strength into his dex stat, and made his dex stat his damage stat. He held himself in position as he watched the man launch into the air, waiting for the perfect moment to strike. The launcher was rushing around, taunting him, and he knew what he was saying because the creators of The World were Japanese: He had to learn it. He did a quick type in of code and split his vision, aiming at the launching PC. "Disable!" The guy would see his character freeze before being launched from the server. It was something he was just able to access in the system.

Now, he turned back to the guy who was just falling down for the attack. "You will be the first conquest here!" He jumped backwards a half moment early, so the guy hit the ground. Raziel placed a perfect stinger stab to stagger him before activating his ability. "Rengeki!" He slashed and stabbed fast now, a huge combo of finesse that was doing multiple damage from his boosted dexterity stat. The final attack of what seemed like 50 slashes was the Raijingeki, a very fast and fierce flaming upward slash that sent the guy flying. He was surely dead. He would have been launched to the sign in screen with a timer of 5 minutes counting down until he could rejoin.

But the battle would be over before then. He quaffed a small healing draft before turning back to the rest of the group.
Midori Hair came to the fore front, her PKK mannerisms wanting out from behind her normal and shy demeanor, as she watched how quickly the PK Hacker took out Vector and the twin blade - he had moved so fast, she was sure he'd dumped everything into his dexterity. A small smirk overcame Michiko's lips just as the attack to the end. Now was her chance. The arrows already strung, she dashed out from behind the pillar and released them with the half the strength her power shot had. As soon as it released, she strung two more, released, strung two more, released, and again, one last time, each pair of shots quickly aimed, but carefully so as she dashed across before rolling behind the adjacent pillar.​
It was all over before Vector's mind could even register what to do, one moment he was flying directly at the hacker, the next he had hit the ground and right after that, his HP bar had the living daylights beaten out of him, he couldn't even try to block the guy. Vector only had about 5hp left after that onslaught, but the fall damage he'd get in a few seconds would take care of that, he hit the ground with a loud thump, and his avatar lost all it's colour, he wasn't getting up again.

Back in the real world, Jack's computer was going haywire, flashes of the blue screen of death hit his screen before suddenly appearing back at the login screen. "What........... Was that?........." He just sat there, stunned by the speed of the attack, he'd never encountered an enemy that could react as fast as this guy. He typed in his login details and press enter, only to get a warning sign with a countdown timer, "No way..... You.... Fucking coward..." He slammed his fist down on the table in anger "Goddammit!!"
Takuya dropped his controller in shock. Not only had his tactic failed miserably, but he'd also had his avatar frozen in place before being essentially chunked and blown back to the login screen.

he screamed, forgetting he was at home.

Instead of waiting five minutes to log back in, he sent a quick note to Pallida. Nothing special, just a quick e-mail letting her know that he was going to be meeting with his uncle once he arrived in Tokyo.

'Pallida-Chan, I would login again, but my train arrived early. I'll leave my email and snail mail addresses at the end of this note, but I wanted to let you know that I'll be speaking with Uncle Takumi about this hacker. I wrote down his screen name, but I think I may have misspelled it. Either way, my Uncle will find some way to handle it. He was one of the original .hackers during R:1, and he was Raven Guildmaster Yata during the days of R:2. If anyone can figure this shit out, it's him.'

He put his home address and email at the end of the note like he said, then he turned his computer off and started to gather his things. What he'd said was true, the train had arrived two and a half hours early, and he was not going to pass up this chance to regain his thoughts.

"Sorry about the outburst, Mom." he called out as he walked down the stairs. "Some hacker managed to completely freeze my afterimage maneuver."


(OOC: I actually had looked through the .hack wiki for Yata's player name, and it seemed to fit. I was actually trying to decide whether Takuya's C.C. Corp. uncle was going to be Balmung's player or Yata/Wiseman's player, and Yata seemed to fit better.)
Lunar_Blade said:
Takuya dropped his controller in shock. Not only had his tactic failed miserably, but he'd also had his avatar frozen in place before being essentially chunked and blown back to the login screen.

he screamed, forgetting he was at home.

Instead of waiting five minutes to log back in, he sent a quick note to Pallida. Nothing special, just a quick e-mail letting her know that he was going to be meeting with his uncle once he arrived in Tokyo.

'Pallida-Chan, I would login again, but my train arrived early. I'll leave my email and snail mail addresses at the end of this note, but I wanted to let you know that I'll be speaking with Uncle Takumi about this hacker. I wrote down his screen name, but I think I may have misspelled it. Either way, my Uncle will find some way to handle it. He was one of the original .hackers during R:1, and he was Raven Guildmaster Yata during the days of R:2. If anyone can figure this shit out, it's him.'

He put his home address and email at the end of the note like he said, then he turned his computer off and started to gather his things. What he'd said was true, the train had arrived two and a half hours early, and he was not going to pass up this chance to regain his thoughts.

"Sorry about the outburst, Mom." he called out as he walked down the stairs. "Some hacker managed to completely freeze my afterimage maneuver."


(OOC: I actually had looked through the .hack wiki for Yata's player name, and it seemed to fit. I was actually trying to decide whether Takuya's C.C. Corp. uncle was going to be Balmung's player or Yata/Wiseman's player, and Yata seemed to fit better.)

([I may not have made it clear in the OOC or the Intro with the RP
But none of the original .hack people are alive during this....
None of them

Sorry if I did not put that down but that was what I was aiming at


And sorry for my absence, but what has happened?])
(one person disconnected and isn't getting back on because he has to leave, one died and has to wait 5 minutes to log back in, a couple of low damage shockwaves, and a devastating attack that did fall damage to everything in the city. the further you were from me, the more you took. but everyone besides Lunar and Ronyo are still there)
Lunar_Blade said:
(OOC: Ah, my bad. You can just reword Takuya's note to say that his uncle 'worked with' Yata's player.)
([How? That *era* is all dead of either old age, natural causes, or some...unnatural causes, lol....])
((It seemed a little too convenient that he knew of any .hacker's anyway >.> Or anyone connected to them XD

And yippe, I died XP))
Rin watched as Vector jumped on Kenny's blades, only to get himself launched towards the PK. 'Hey! I wanna do that! That looks fun!"

"Rin," Riku called out in party chat, "focus." Turning back to the events unfolding, he finished off filling up his HP to full and started charging in. And then Vector was PKed. Crap, there goes one of the more vicious attackers. And it looks like...yup, that Ken guy is gone too. Bloody hell, now what are we going to do.

Rin gasped, realizing the same thing he did. Looking at his head-up display, Riku noted his HP, Rin's HP, and the various other info. We're close a rengeki. If we can pull that off, maybe we can chip off some of this hacker's HP. In the meantime, we still have work to do. "Rin," he called out again, "don't lose focus just cause we're down two people. We need to keep the PKs attention so the real damage is deal: from that archer. Let's go."

"Uh, right," Rin answered hesitantly before regaining herself, "I'm gonna kill that PK. I was gonna do stuff with Kenny!" Leading the charge, Rin dashed in, barely noting the fact that she'd received mail.
Fel had been hiding away, watching the battle at a safe area. He then sighed and returned in. He was wearing a black robe with the hood over his head, and pure black pants and a shirt. His aura was also emanating a purple haze around him. "Shadow Play; Active." He said to him self and pulled out his scythe once more and made his dash into the fray once more, heading to the PK's back this time. He had speed, power, and accuracy for a player at level 30, holding his scythe blade down and behind him. "Heaven's Arch." He called out his Reaper Skill, swinging at the PK's feet, hoping he would leap up. If the PK leaped, he would make him self mostly defenseless for Fel's second attack. After the dodge, her would charge his scythe blade, "Reaper's Grasp." He said, reaching his hand out to grab the enemy, but his Avatar's actual hand wouldn't reach, a black-purple hand would emerge and grab the PK, if he didn't dodge this that is. He then would swing his scythe one-handed and a pure black wave would slash through the target, this being Fel's strongest attack.
This would all be based on if the PK, Raziel was his name as Fel found out, did not dodge or block any of his initial attacks.​
Probably the only thing that was good about his rest time was that he was immune to knock back and stuns, since he was technically stunned as it was: unable to move and deflect attacks, he was absorbing a rather large amount of damage for such low levels attacking him. Two of the 4 arrows had hit him, taking quite a bit of damage because the second one was a critical hit. The first guy that had attacked him was back now, and he did a trip move, which did relatively low damage. Too bad it was done in the last second of his cooldown. He dashed away from the grip attack, noticing that it would have been magical damage anyway. Easily shrugged off if it had hit.

His Rengeki bar was active and refilling, and because of The World's protocols, everyone could see the bar filling up over time. It would be another 2 minutes before he could use his devastator and be stunned for cooldown... but 2 minutes was a relatively long time.

He turned to Fel baring his blades before his arms shot up. The area got dark, and a lightning bolt came down at Fel from behind. But it was suppose to make him jump forward, and Raziel did as wel, his blades doing a rather powerful quad cut.
It felt like seconds turned to hours with how tense Fel was getting. He saw the bolt behind him and got ready to dash forward but saw Raziel heading to him. Which way? He thought, having only a split second to choose. He held up his scythe and made his dash forward, swinging his scythe as he passed by the PK. Two groups of numbers leaped up around where the two collided. One was a bunch of 9's, the other was a random set of four numbers, pretty high as well. Fel was holding his stance, his scythe at then end of an arched swing.

"Fuck." He said, reading his HP as his avatar fell to the ground, not K.O.ed, but unable to move now. His HP was critical, most of the 9's being absorbed by one of his armor scrolls, but the bulk of the damage took him from the triple digits down to a single digit: 8. He lay on the ground. trying his best to stand back up after the attack to get to a safe area. "Shhhhit." He said through gritted teeth. He knew he could get 'killed' and just wait five minutes to log back in, but he was thinking of getting rid of this PK before he made a giant terror in the entire World servers.

((The bunch of 9's hit Fel but he absorbed a small amount to prevent from 'dying', so the four digits could hit Raziel and he could do the same as absorbing most of it.))​
Riku watched as the two struck. He'd been intent on circling around, but this works just as well. "Rin, heal that guy now!" he called out in party chat before turning his attention to other player named Fel-something or another. "Repth," he called out, directing the heal spell at the fallen PC. It wasn't much on it's own, but it does add up when you keep using it. And with both me and Rin using it, that should keep this player up a bit longer.

"Repth," Rin called out, echoing Riku's words and target. Dammit, I wish I could get in there and tear that guy up, but I guess I should be smart about this. It was obvious that the two of them couldn't do much to the guy directly. Any assaults they launched tended to get repelled, and the bulk of damage against this hacker seemd to only come from the archer and the apparent hacker on their side. Right now, I guess I'll just follow Riku's plan to keep them on their feet.
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