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"The World" (3 OPEN NOW)

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Takuya laughed as he watched the events unfold. He leapt down from his perch atop the Gate and landed a few feet or so from the door. HE calmly walked out as he sent Pallida a short mail telling her she should have looked up when she got to Mac Anu, and to meet him by the fountain in the main plaza.

'Heh. Bet she wonders why I'm back when I said I'd be gone?' he thought. 'Yare yare...'

Vector simply watched her, she seemed to be juggling multiple things at once, she must of received a short mail or two.. The crowd seemed to of gotten bored of them, and was quickly dissolving, leaving them alone. "Rude?..." He echoed softly, though she didn't seem to notice, he hardly found standing here to be rude, there was plenty of room to walk around them.. He was about to speak again when she shook his hand, gave the fastest greeting/goodbye he'd ever heard, and left. "Strange girl... Takes all sorts I suppose.." He started along the bridge, continuing what he had started when he arrived there.

((OOC: I think she's funny XD))

'Looked up'?! Oh come on, Rin thought to herself as she read the short mail. Snapping off a quick one herself to tell Riku where she was heading, Rin turned around and started full tilt towards the fountain, dodging left and right in order to avoid people. This time, she was actually watching where she was going ass she beelined towards the fountain. Clearing the crowd, she spotted Ken standing around and snuck around behind him. With a huge smirk on her face, she jumped out of her place directly behind him only to pounce on his back, both hands over his eyes. "Guess who?"


Riku growled to himself as he started moving forward. Bleh, I can tell from these short mails. She's agitated. Either she's in a hurry, angry at someone, or both. Let's hope its not both.

"Let me see...Pallida-Chan?"

He had seen her weaving through the crowd, but he'd let her sneak up on him. He gently took her hands off of his eyes and he turned around smiling.

"I ended up having a few hours to kill before my trains gets here, so I thought I'd do a bit of leveling. Care to join me?"

Alexander was at his computer again, logging into The World. It was good money for him, taking that a video game was his job. He got paid by how long he was in the game as long as he wasn't on idle. He thought about making a bot so he would be online 24/7, but they would catch on eventually.

He had checked his e-mail before logging in, and he hadn't gotten any messages about weapons or areas in the beta stages, so he thought that he could just hang around for a while. The Arena was getting interesting in his mind, so he entered it from console commands instead of the normal login. The use of the Admin. Raziel99 spawned at the front of the arena, and he slowly walked in, where registration was. Hell, he might join one. But only one. He had some other stuff to do today.

Vector took his time crossing the bridge, his large tail swaying in the digital wind as it blew past the bridge, the occasional strong burst washing over him and other players nearby. He reached the town square, it was full of the usual noise and sights that belonged in an online game. He might be a PK'er, but he would always be the person he was in real life, and he enjoyed watching people go about their daily business.

He carried on around the town, most people didn't pay him any attention, though the occasional person spotted him and gave him a wide berth, he liked Mac Anu for the fact most people didn't pay attention to him, since there were too many people to look for someone in, though he did stick out a bit.

"Ooooh, fun," Rin squealed, "I was just working on leveling, but I think I can keep going. In fact," she looked off to the side as she tossed an idea to Riku, "I think we could make this a group activity and add in my bro-I mean my teammate, Palaios."


Riku continued along towards the fountain, not really running but in a slight bit of a hurry. It surprised him all the more then when he received the short mail. Huh, a three-member party? Who's this guy...Lunar_Blade eh...meh, at least she's staying out of trouble. He threw back an agreement to tag along as he continued towards the fountain, now moving slightly less faster since he wasn't too hurried. While he was walking along, he checked his list of member addresses. Huh, Vector's still on. Good god, it'd be horrible if he met Rin. He was now within sight of the fountain, and started searching for her bright red hair.

Because of his Admin and Moderator powers, he was able to set up the tiers for the Arena personally instead of letting the automation do it. He never made it unfair, though, always matching levels and equipment to make it more fair than the computer could. But sadly, the brackets were filled for the time being, so he moved to the stands to look over the fights. He found it entertaining, considering that he did make people lose every so often from distracting them. Just being there, he was well known enough that people flew to him for advice and help.

After a while Vector got bored of wandering around town, he stopped in the middle of the road to check his stats, a few people giving him annoyed looks as they had to walk round him. "Huh.. Only a short amount of exp till I level up..." He shrugged and headed to the Chaos Gate, going back via the smaller gates around town. He warped in front of the Chaos Gate's hall, walking inside he noticed the girl from before, and Palaios heading towards her, he shrugged and warped to Dol Dona.

Takuya caught the not so subtle slip.

"If you were going to say 'brother' don't worry. I kinda figured it out from the way you were chatting with each other in the Arena, and from the similar Greco-Romanistic naming of your characters." he said, giving an understanding smile.

He'd thought of bringing in a third person himself, but since she'd already invited Palaios, he closed his member list.

"Would you mind if I chose the area words? I know this Earth/Dark tower Area that my Uncle told me about. Most of the enemies are between levels 20 and 23, and the Boss at the end is at level 25, and it's weakness is something you love. Scythes."

He thought that would catch her interest, and waited for her response as he skipped a stone across the fountain, scaring off a few birds in the process.

"Oooh, fun fun fun!" Rin continued, jumping up in place a few times before she noticed Riku's approach. "HEY! Took ya long enough."

"Meh," Riku muttered, "I wasn't exactly in a hurry." Riku stepped up to the fountain and looked at the other player. He looked okay, although his style seemed reminiscent of the Haseo fanboys that sometimes show up. You show up, conquer the three arenas, and I guess you're bound to end up with a few. At least this one isn't using some bastardization of his name like Has3o or H4s30 or whatever... "So you this guy Ken was it? How ya doing, name's Palaios. I heard your comment, and yeah we're siblings. Twins actually, although you'd never guess from our personalities."

"Hey!" Rin shoutted, "what's that supposed to mean?"

"It means you're loud. Now, where's this place you wanted to hit up? I've been thinking of doing some leveling, and I might as well do something while I"m not cleaning my car."

"Uncle Takumi said it was Delta Eternal Midnight's Silver Lake. You might want to bring some Healing and Sprite Rains, cause these critters are pretty strong. I've been there a couple times, solo, and gotten to the Boss once. My goal is to take it down." Takuya said. He then explained that his uncle had been a player since R:1.

He started heading towards the doors that lead to the Chaos Gate, making a mental note to try to meet these players in RL, if he could. His only lead to who they really were was his father's indirect hint that one of his coworkers was a former PK turned Arena Duelist.

"Let's get going then. Best to get there before too many others show up to steal our kills, right?"

Vector walked down the steps of the Chaos Gate in Dol Dona, glancing around he spotted a fairly big group of people in a circle. Curious, Vector walked over to see what was going on, it wasn't too hard to see over the players, since he was rather tall compared to most players. In the middle of the group a rich-looking player was talking, "-nd yeah, those guys just love me, gave me this stuff they got from the PK's they kill, it's pretty cool I have so many friends who are PKK's... They tell every PK they run into to leave me alone, it's awesome.. Anyway I ju-". Vector had heard enough, walking away, a look that was both anger and delight washing over his face, he had found his next target.

After about 10 minutes of going on about the items he had, the group broke up and the player walked towards the Chaos Gate, flanked by two attractive female players, a quick look at their stats made Vector hold his mouth so he didn't laugh, he was level 20 and the two females were level 10 each, this was going to be no challenge, just pure pleasure. He moved forward and heard them speak, taking note of the area code and letting them enter, following them in a few minutes later.

He was having fun watching the matches, but it was only three that had gone through before the screen faded, and he found himself at the login screen. He cursed slightly as he wasn't able to login through the Admin portal. It was a moment before he saw the blinking icon showing that he had a e-mail. So he closed The World down to open it and read it.

What he saw enraged him. "They can't do that to me!" He roared, going back to the login for The World. He wasn't able to login through the Admin portals, but he could get in normally. He brought up the command prompt and tried to access it, but found that he was barred. No problem, he knew another way in, one he made just in case, like all programmers did. Even so, he found his access limited. It would take some time to get into the rest of the code. As it stood, though, he had enough to make them pay, and he started tweaks with his character...
Re: "The World" (4 OPEN NOW)

It only took a few moments for the Doppelganger to take advantage of Fel's openings, turning the tide now. Fel got knocked back a few feet, skidding to a stop, holding his scythe with one hand. He looked up and saw the other Doppelganger slowing doing the same with Michi. "Warp out, now!" Fel called out, going to a defensive as he looked for his Escape Rope in his inventory. He pulled it out and used it, turning the two of them invisible temporarily.

"Come on!" He said, grabbing her wrist and putting his scythe on his back, making a run for the chaos gate. I'm in way over my head right now. I need to get better at this before I can actually take it on again. He thought as they started to fade to view, being out of the aggro range of the Doppelgangers now. He then slowed to a stop, looking back at the black figures, fading away into nothingness. "I'm sorry I drug you into this. I got in over my head." He said, the scrolls cutting off now as he pushed a few keys on his computer. "We need to head back, I got a few items I need to sell." He informed, walking to the Chaos Gate now.​
Re: "The World" (4 OPEN NOW)

Michi ran with Fel as he used the escape rope to turn their avatars invisible to the DoppleGangers. Before long, they reached the choas gate that would allow them to warp back to Del Donna. "I was wondering what the heck you were thinking..." she said once they stopped running and he gave his apology. "It didn't seem likely from the get go we would do well here." Michi readjusted her armor back to her normal level 20 equipment, keeping her two weapons equipped as they were, though both were now 'sheathed' and no longer out in the open, since it didn't seem like they would be battling in here anymore.​
Re: "The World" (4 OPEN NOW)

"There. That should do it for now. I think I'll do this one personally..." He had a rather Vicious grin on his face as he logged into The World, right into Del Donna. Time to put the few changed lines of code to test.

He saw himself warp in, his characters aura being one of purple and black, barely seen though. A nice touch he added. His clothing was changed somewhat, to a black kimono. Raziel's blades unsheathed as he walked out of the ally he spawned in, and found a good first target. There was two NPC's walking towards him, and he quickly attacked, horizontal slashes that took their HP to 0 in little more than 5 seconds. He heard the screams and saw everyone scramble, and smiled. This is only the beginning...

Slowly going down the road, anything that came near enough to him suffered a very quick HP loss.
Re: "The World" (4 OPEN NOW)

Just as Fel would have responded, there was the familiar noise of receiving a message. Michi groaned slight. "One second, Fel." she said as she scrolled over and opened her message screen. It was from one of her contacts in Del Donna, that often helped her keep track of what PK's in that area. What she read made her eyes widen. Seemingly, a PK was attacking people in Del Donna. How was that possible? Weapon use wasn't normally allowed inside city limits. She finished the message and immediately turned back to Fel. "Um, Fel? One of my contacts in Del Donna says that a PK is wiping out players and NPC's inside of the city limits." she said, doing her best to explain the message she had received. "I don't how that is possible, but come on, we need to warp back and see what's happening."
Re: "The World" (4 OPEN NOW)

"Sounds like a plan," Riku agreed as the started for the Warp Gate, "although I'll need to head to Del Donna to bump up my inventory. I haven't restocked since my last excursion."

"Yeesh, still?" Rin jabbed, "you should take care of that when you get back."

"Wait, you're giving me advice? The world's coming to an end I guess."

"Whatever," Rin continued, sticking her tongue out at Riku, "we're gonna go wait at the area. Since we're all in a party together, you can come join us when you're done. Just make sure to hurry up, cause I don't wanna have to PK anyone who tries to steal our area."

Riku sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose. "Please tell me you're not serious."

Rin smirked as she grabbed Ken's arm and dragged him to the Warp Gate. "Maybe." Leaving no time for response, she warped herself to the area along with Ken.

Riku just grinned and continued on towards Del Donna. As he materialized on the other server, he looked up and gasped, stepping back in horror. Just down the road, a dark figure swathed in purple and black aura stabbed another player, dropping him to the ground in an instant. Something's attacking town?! Riku was paralyzed with indecision at the sight of the spectre.
Re: "The World" (4 OPEN NOW)

Another player figured out that code? What the hell... He thought, knowing a couple of hackers who knew the coding for an avatar's block on attacking in town. He was told it too, but couldn't remember it that well any more. He raced to the Chaos Gate, unsure if Michi was following him or now. "I think I know what to do with this. Might be a hacker who learned a certain code." He said aloud, not caring if she figured out he was a hacker, too. He logged the Chaos Gate and warped bake to the root town. He ran forward a few steps, seeing people run the streets and a purple and black figure walking down slaughtering everyone and thing. He equipped some of his best hacks and charged behind him, pulling out his scythe.

Come on, what was that code? Hurry! He thought, typing out on a second window he had open over The World. He stopped just a few feet from the figure, still holding his scythe out but unable to swing it. Shit! I can't remember! He thought, and in the next instant...

He swung his scythe in an arch, a purple haze following behind the swing. He didn't have the greats of weapon hacks, but his armor was damn sure good. He only was wondering if his accuracy was up enough to hit this man, if not he just left him self wide open for a counter attack now.​
Riku noticed the other player dart past him, then realized what he was doing. Smacking himself in the forehead, Riku dashed off to the side. Dammit, I gotta stay outta the way. I don't think it's an area bug. That guy has to be a hacker. The nerve, attacking other players. Even this other guy looks not so sure. Riku watched as the new player stepped up to the hacker, pausing for a second in indecison. Crap.

Then Riku breathed a sigh of relief as the player swung, a purple haze trailing behind his scythe. Well, at least someone can handle this situation. Still, shouldn't some mods be showing up. If this guy is one, why doesn't he have back-up?


Rin popped up in the area, glancing around at the scenery. "Woooooow," she exclaimed, "I can't wait to get started. Let's hope Palaios hurries up."
(The area hack affects the whole town. You don't need to know the code to attack him. But there's a 'friendly fire' effect if you aren't careful)

The man had charged behind him, and he could see it coming. The moment delay in the guy's attack allowed to use his parry skill, easily knocking the scythe away. "Stupid." He hissed, before his blades came down hard. His strength was boosted very high, so this was going to hurt, no matter how good his armor was.
Michi looked at Fel curiously, but nodded and warped back to Del Donna with him. Fel wasted no time to launch an offensive, but when he came up behind this aura surrounded man, he seemed to pause, almost in indecision. Is this guy a hacker?...if so, Fel seemed familiar with it...does that mean Fel is a hacker, too? Michi equipped her armor back to how it had been in the level 38 area they had just come back from and put her Electro-Arch as her primary weapon.

The hacker moved to attack Fel, smacking the scythe from his hold and coming after him. Michi lifted up the Electro-Arch. "Fel! Look-out!" she yelled, stringing the electric arrows and with a grunt, she fired them at the man that was trying to attack her friend. As the those first four electric arrows moved to hit, she dashed to the side and again fired another set. "Leave him alone, you bastard!" she snapped, using a power scroll to power up her ranged shots as they flew at him, eight in total, aimed at his side and back. If there was one thing that bothered Michiko, it was PK's. 'The World' was supposed to be enjoyed, not feared or terrorized..​
Seeing the third player show up, Riku made up his mind to join the attack on the PK. He felt odd attacking a PK, considering he used to be one. Then again, after meeting that person, he expected he'd end up doing it someday.

Not giving in to reveries, Riku focused on the action at hand. Staying clear of the arrows, Riku skirted the edge of the area, hoping to circle behind the PK and do some real damage. Given the type of weapon he has, it's likely that it won't be possible to do that without taking heavy damage. Scythes are notorious for the area attacks, and this one is sure to be no exception. I never even occurred to him that he should be calling his teammates for help.
(i'll let Selo decide if he gets hit, but i'm taking him out of the equation for now. And he has the Scythe, I have a daisho)

The arrow rain was coming down as the blades came down, and now he wasn't paying attention to the Scythe wielder. A lot of the arrows missed their mark, some by a mere centimeter, but a few did hit, and it hurt. He staggered slightly before turning to Fel. His foot came out, hitting for no damage, but staggering him back before he brought up a barrier. Two people were hard enough to battle on your own.

Turning to the two that were attacking - one using arrows and another crying to circle around him, he now stopped his slow stalking. This wasn't NPC's attacking him, these were players. He turbo-ed forward, almost as if he was gliding on the air. He jumped up, then brought the blades down near the archer. It wasn't meant to hit them, but it sent out a shockwave-like blast, one that would knock back and damage pretty good.
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