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"The World" (3 OPEN NOW)

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Riku settled back and looked off into the distance, staring into the rendered seas as he reflected on his past. "Heh, 'no real PKer would give a damn'. I remember thinking like that. That causing trouble and not caring was the coolest thing to do. I remember reveling in the thrill of PKing," Riku's focus shifted back to who he was talking to, "but it wears of quick. I don't care if you even think of calling me soft, or if you question my motives. I tracked you down because I never did figure out what the appeal of being a jackass is." Riku grinned as he made the obvious jab, pretty sure this Vector guy, regardless of hit attitude, wouldn't take the bait and make a stupid response. "In any event, you are skilled, and I was wondering how you'd feel about sparring in a field sometime? No items, no allies, just two people beating the crap out of each other the best they can. I'm curious as to whether PKs are still as dangerous as the were in my day."


Rin ambled on through the plaza, wondering where she should go now So, Ken will be gone a few days. Awww, and I was hoping to have fun with him immediately. Oh well, maybe I can find somebody in a field somewhere to play with...or I could go hunt down Riku. Rin sat down on the steps leading to the Chaos Gate, positioning herself off to the left to keep out of the other players' ways. Watching the players come and go, Rin sighed and set her head in the palm of her hand. "It's so boring with nobody to play with." As she sat there completely bored, her thoughts reflected on her past life as PK, same as the always do after an arena battle. "Oy," she grumbled, "wasn't that some fun times. But then it had to go and get boring. I wonder if I shouldn't take another try at talking Riku into doing it again. Although....he seems to really have a bad taste for it nowadays. I can barely even drag him to the arena some days." She snapped a glare at a player who wandered past her staring, no doubt because of how odd it is to see a player talking to themself next to the chaos gate.

Michi was pretty good at catching the drift of one's emotions, even in the game world. Could tell the other woman was disappointed by her choice not to go with them. With a slight smile, she shook her avatar's head. "One second..." she said.


Michiko sighed and took off her console equipment for her game and left her room. She was going to have to leave for a gathering she had with her friends, but she decided to skip it. Moving to the phone, she dialed her friends number and waited till she answered. "Sumimasen. Ikinai masen. Hai...hai. Daijobou desu ka? Ii ii. Ja mata." was how her side of the conversation went before she hung up and made her way back to the computer. She put the gear back on and clicked a few buttons.


Michi's avatar moved again and she smiled. "There, I can go now if the two of you would like." She readjusted her armor so that the majority of it was black, with large shoulder pads, outlined in red. She again smiled to the woman, eyeing her bracelet. "Don't feel bad about the bracelet. Really, it's happened to me before." She opened a trade and gave a girl a substantial sum of money, over 20,000 at least.​

He strugged as the other spoke "I don't care what people think, and I don't act like I do because I want to piss people off, they just do.." He ran a hand through his hair, ruffling it slightly, a slight habit he'd developed "And I wouldn't call you anything, not unless you wanted me to, everyone plays The World to their own devices, some become great traders, others the leaders of massive guilds, and of course, some become feared killers... I might be a PK'er, but I respect the fact everyone does what they want.." He stopped leaning against the side and moved forward, turning his head and sending a members address trade request "And I'm always up for a fight, but you better stick by the rules you set, backstabbers are the only kind of people I hate.."

Riku caught the member's address trade request, accepted it, and sent back his own in response before chuckling to himself. "Me? A backstabber?" he laughed, making sure Vector was already out of range, "of all the absurd ideas. Still, he seems like an okay player, despite the whole PK thing. I'll have to keep him in mind if I ever feel like scouting out a third for the team. Don't doubt Rin would go for it."


Rin continued to sit her happy little but on the steps to the Chaos Gate, occasionally glaring back at a rude player between thoughts. If was after one particular venomous glare that she noticed the beast player meander out from behind the arena building. Wow, I didn't even think players went back there! Maybe he's worth playing with? After watching him for a few more minutes, Rin shook her head and stood up. Nah, he looks kinda grumpy. I think I'll go visit a field. Maybe do some solo leveling and then force Riku to play catch-up. I've already got a couple levels on him, so what's a few more? Rin turned and started scrolling through the keywords, trying to find a decent match-up.

Fel made it to the Chaso Gate and turned to the two females. He then sent a party invite to both of them, the experience for the previous fight being split in two, not shared, for Fel and Michi. "Go ahead and send it, but I already have both of your addresses." He stated and waited for them to accept his invite. When they did, he took them to Dol Dona. He then opened the Chaos Gate once loading was done and put in a set of key words.

The level of this dungeon was 39, twenty levels above Fel-Reaper. He had a feeling about these two women, he could trust them with his secret, and he was going to show them what it was. On top of that, to protect them with out being there, he would get them legit rare items.

"Ready for this?" He questioned, the level and area a mystery to the rest of the party at that moment. They won't find out the level until they transported to it. Fel equipped his hacked scythe, and his 'samurai' armor was also hacked, boosting his armor beyond normal standards. Fel found him self a moral-hacker, he wouldn't use his items unless it was fare for both parties or he was hunting for items on computer played monsters. He would never abuse his hacking abilities on others, he found it useless and unnecessary.​

Vector stretched, accepting the other's member address request, heading back to the other part of Lumina Cloth. Reaching the Chaos Gate, He gated out and headed to Dol Dona. He appearing in the Dol Dona courtyard a few moments later, he was about to start looking for another area to do a small spot of training when a noise broke through to him, it didn't sound like a noise he'd heard while playing before, after a few seconds he mentally kicked himself.


Jack took off his headset, setting his player status to 'AFK' and walked over to the table near his bed, picking up his mobile he answered "Hey... Oh hey man... Yeah I should be free about that time, why?...... Oh awesome, yeah that sounds like tons of fun, so 4:00pm tomorrow?.... Mmmhmmm.... Uh-huh.... Ok, well I'll cya then... Yeah, bye man.." He put the phone down, heading back to the computer and sitting down, stretching slightly before sticking the headset back on.


Once back, Vector resumed looking over the area words he could use, eventually chosing an area, he gated out, something a few levels above him, he liked to challenge himself. Once he appeared inside the field he quickly headed out to the nearest party, starting the fight with a good suprise attack, smashing one of the goblin monsters into another "Heh.. Wake up you guys, show's about to begin..."

    • Seeing Michi agree to accompany Lorelai and Fel to their next destination, the blonde grinned wide in response. Maybe this godforsaken anklet is lucky? Lorelai mused, while Luna smiled behind the computer monitor. "Oh!" She exclaimed when seeing the trade open. The steamgunner didn't want to trade the anklet; however, she saw that Michi had handed out the money asking nothing in return and Lorelai bit onto her lips, grateful. It was a large amount to simply give away. Lorelai felt like a child accepting the gift, but it would have been completely idiotic to refuse. Quickly dropping the topic from thought, the blonde accepted the party invite. Her forest eyes turned to Fel suspiciously when he said he had both of their member addresses already. Lorelai's gaze on him didn't shift until they transported to Dol Donna.

      Arriving at their destination, Lorelai pulled out her steamrifle and readied herself. Her eyes darted around, looking for any sign of monsters. They were obviously going to be extremely challenging there. Lorelai was preparing for a fight. "Ready." She replied to Fel. As if on cue, a large shadow loomed over the group from their right. Weird; I didn't see anything... The steamgunner thought to herself as she turned towards where the monster would be. Except there was nothing there. "Did I miss something?" The shadow disappeared. The blonde raised a brow before rising out of her battle stance, allowing her guard down.


Vector continued to move through the field, it was a large one, he had taken a short while to clear the first area, taking his time slightly, he didn't rush through everything. As he came to the start of the next area he was assaulted by three flying-types, he leapt up, smashing his fist into the first one's head, taking a large chunk out of it's health, preventing it from flying again "Heh.. Nice try.."

He proceeded to unless a flurry of hits, his arms and feet colliding with the monster again and again, ending it's digital life with a nice 18-hit combo. The other two monsters followed a similar fate a short bit after, "Too easy... Now wheres the guy I came here for?.." It was a boss-type field, with a large monster at the end, after a while, and three more fights, he came across a massive monster, three times higher then him, with large guns for arms "Hehe.... Finally.. A challenge..."

She gave a satisfied nod after the other woman accepted her trade. Michi was a pretty good treasure hunter, so the money wasn't a huge loss to her, actually it wouldn't be that hard for her to earn it back. Though, she really wasn't in 'The World' for money. She enjoyed the sense of adventure and being able to play as someone other than herself. She accepted Fel-Reaper's invite to party and before she knew it, they gated to Del Donna. Michi was curious as to why they were here, because Del Donna had a great deal of higher level areas than Mac Anu. Curious.

Fel put in a set of keywords she was unfamiliar with and they were soon in an area she did not know, obviously. She was wary because of the level of the area - 19 above her own. Curiously she glanced upon Fel. What is he doing?...we're not a match for monsters in this level, not by a long shot. Once again she adjusted her equipment, putting on black boots, gauntlets, and waist flaps, all outlined in red. They wouldn't be enough to save her should the encounter monsters, but they would give her a better shot at escaping before they could eliminate her avatar.

"I am ready, I suppose. she mused softly, eyes glancing over the area and then to his equipment. There was apparently something Fel-Reaper was hiding and Michi had a good feeling that he was about to reveal a secret, possibly about himself. "Might I ask your purpose in bringing us here, Fel-Reaper?" she asked, turning to face her new companion, one hand holding her scythe against her shoulder so that it somewhat hooked around the back of her neck. The other hand was now resting upon her hip as she awaited his answer.​

Fel noticed the shadow as well and looked around, wondering what it was. Areas with this high of level normally had an anomaly in them. It was known as the Doppelganger, a being that took the form of who it attack, and if a group it formed into the number of people in the group, looking like each of them, but the difference is it was about three levels higher than the people. He was on a search for it, seeing as it had the rarest items. Fel wasn't sure of it, but he thought this anomaly was made be one or a few of the creators. He held his scythe read, looking around.

"I'm looking for certain items, one in particular. You two might need these." He said, trading them a couple of weapon enhancement scrolls. They would boost the item's damage up to maximum while they were inside the area, but once they leave or die the effects went away. They also raised their defenses, but even with these hacked scrolls, they could still get killed by the Doppelganger, even Fel could be killed by it. "And I'm not sure what you missed, Lorelai, but I think I missed it too." He stated and started to walk off, still holding his scythe ready.​

The boss monster let out a roar, flailing it's arm's up and smashing them down on the ground, sending a shockwave in a 360 degree arc, it's first attack. Vector was already in the air, landing behind the shockwave and charging the monster's torso, leaping up and getting a solid 6 hits in, taking a small chunk off it's health bar. The monster suddenly jumped in the air, blasting the ground with it's arm guns, Vector guarded and a small sliver of his health was lost "Heh.... Nice try.."

About 5 minutes later the battle was nearly over, both combatants had taken alot of health from the other, Vector had about a third of his health left, he didn't heal unless he needed to, it added to the thrill. He jumped up, avoiding the monsters swing and moved up the arm, leaping towards the head and giving it one last smack with his fist, sending it to the floor, dead. Vector panted slightly, taking the loot and heading for the Chaos Gate, he would celebrate once he was out of the field.

Rin let out a laugh as she dodged, forward, striking with all her might into the surprised monster. Oh yeah, I love this place! The keyword combination Rin had put in had revealed a deep dungeon with a boss monster at the end. And not only had it been 2 floors so far with no signs of stopping, but Rin had found it incredibly easy to surprise attack any monster she came across. Dancing around to the left, she finished off the monster she'd surprised and started working on the next one. Still, I wished Riku had stayed on long enough to come leveling. Or Ken. Yeesh, anyone actually. More than anything, Rin had come to enjoy the player interaction within 'The World'. Her current choice of occupation, an arena player rather than PK, had especially opened up player interaction for her. Before, she tended to scare away anyone but the dumbest or newest. Now, she even had admirers. I suppose I should be thanking Riku for dragging me outta that, she thought as she finished off the second monster and moved onto the last. After this, she still had alot of the floor left to cover, as she liked to sweep the entire level for every little surprise and reward.


Riku scratched himself on the head as he pondered the mess in his car. Mexican? I don't even remember the last time I ordered Mexican food! Grumbling to himself, he bent forward and continued digging. He'd logged off shortly after his conversation with Vector, deciding that he'd procrastinated long enough. Wonder how Rin is doing by herself? Hope she's not causing too much trouble...

    • ooc| BAH. I typed it, and BM timed out, raar. ><;

      Searching through her mind, Lorelai attempted to figure what the monster was. She had faced something like this before, and it was a few levels below her and it still almost obliterated the blonde. Her grip on her steamrifle tightened slightly as she remembered that it would take the shape of them if it can strike. That would definitely make for a confusing fight. "I'm looking for certain items, one in particular. You two might need these." Fel had told the two. Lorelai took the scroll and applied it to her large gun. A bright luster appeared on the rifle, and the blonde couldn't help but nod approvingly at the sight. She could get used to this treatment. Too bad she wasn't any good at making money in the game, or else the steamgunner would attempt to pay the man back. That thought quickly left her as she asked, "What item are you looking for?" Lorelai spoke more to herself since she expected Fel to ignore her question. The leather glove lightly rubbed Lorelai's forehead. Back to the Doppelganger.

      Her dark green eyes turned to Fel when he said her name and sighed. She shrugged her shoulders at Michi before thinking about where they may see the monster again. Reeling back to her last rendezvous with the Doppelganger, she predicted where it may appear next. It had sporadic movements since it could move quickly, and what other way to confuse its prey by appearing on the other side? "I think it's going to appear next to our right, guys." Lorelai mused as she hurried to catch up with Fel. Of course, Lorelai's inferences were sometimes inaccurate. Hopefully the blonde wouldn't lead the group to be destroyed, and Lorelai would lose the beautiful scroll that pumped her up, ready to fight. Suddenly, a small, expanding shadow appeared from their right. Lorelai inwardly cheered at her accuracy, but her reflex was to shoot, and shoot fast. Tightening her grip again, the steamgunner refrained from disrupting the monster. Phew. That was too close. She frowned to herself, wondering what move Michi and Fel would brainstorm next.


Vector warped into the courtyard of Dol Dona, he smirked, looking over the loot he had gained from the boss monster. It wasn't much, just a large sword and some potions, plus the money you normally get "Not bad... I've had worse.." He said, walking towards the NPC shops to sell the sword, he reckoned he could get some good money out of it, and it was alot faster then haggling with the players around town.

He reached the market and sold the sword to the closest shop, not bothering to look around, he sighed and walked along the path leading down to the guild area, he didn't belong to a guild, but he liked the walk, and since most people simply used the Chaos Gate, it was always quiet. He reached the guild area, it was a building suspended above the water, it had large doors and was guarded by two NPC guards. He walked down to the waters edge and stared out at the water, it wasn't something a person like him would do, but his real-self couldn't get enough of the game's graphics.

"The item I'm looking for you can only get from one-" He started. Fel then saw the shadow expanding, and knew it was the Doppelganger. Finally, there you are. He thought, charging the shadow, holding his scythe up. When he got near it, he charged his attack, coming to a sliding stop and swung his scythe, causing a disc of wind to fly at the being that now was taking his form, and splitting in two to take on the form of the rest of his party. Just as they finished forming, the wind-disc hit them, separating them and knocking them back away from the Flick Reaper.

He then commenced an onslaught of attacks, building his combo multiplier. He then accessed his quick skill bar and activated one. He spun once and knocked the two near him into the air and leaped up, "Reaper Gate!" He called out, causing a funnel attack around him and tossing the two Doppelgangers, one of him and one of Michi. He landed down, some of his energy gone from the attack, but not much. He got ready to charge at his Doppelganger, holding the scythe at the ready once more.​

Michi watched as Fel began to expertly take on the Doppleganger but soon, after it became split, there were two. One of him and one of her. She pursed her lips and contemplated - with the hacked scrolls activated, she supposed she could stand a chance against a simple split off of a Doppleganger. And, if anything, she had two team members(one obviously hiding something that allowed them to take on a high level dungeon) to watch her back. Her armor, mixed with that of the weapon and defense enhancements, gave her a decent shot. And she wasn't about to let Fel do this alone, not when he had been so nice to her to begin with.

Michi activated a speed scroll and her avatar began to illuminate as the spell took hold. She dashed forth towards her double, swinging the scythe to slash at its 'body'. It did as she expected and dodged quickly to the right; given her speed boost, she managed to move directly into the same spot and she swung again in an arc, pausing only for a moment before activating her rush skill. This, mixed with her speed, had her hitting the Doppleganger of herself in rapid succession. Even as she damaged it, it began to mimic her and before long, it was hard to tell the difference between Michi and her double.

As the Doppleganger flew back from the last powerful hit of Michi's scythe, she was quick to switch her equipment to the Electro-Arch, not hesitating a moment before letting off a barrage of electric arrows. These didn't sit well with the creature as it made it impossible to phase in and out because of the constant electric flow now surging through it.​

After dinner, Takuya noticed he had a couple hours to kill before he had to leave, so he sat down at his computer and checked his mail. When he didn't see anything new, he logged back into 'The WORLD', hoping to get at least two or three levels in before he had to go. As the words saying he was logged in flashed across his monitor, he glanced at his member list to see who was on and smiled.

"So Pallida-Chan is still on, is she? Well, guess she'd be fun to level with. Who knows, we might run into one of those PKs on the blacklist." he said to himself. He sent a small note to her, asking to meet up at Mac Anu's Gate, and that he'd be sitting on top of the thing when she got there.

Once he arrived at the Eternal City's Warp Gate, he jumped on top of the thing and waited, as he'd said he would. He got a couple wierd glances from some of the other players, but there was a Steam Gunner who recognized him and waved.

"Hey, Ken! How ya been?"

"Busy. I've got a couple hours to kill, and there's a female scythe-wielder who was in the Arena recently that I plan to go leveling with before I have to take off for a couple days. Going to see my cousin in Osaka and babysit her kid. My boss already told me I could have the week off, so I'm all set. Gotta hop the train in three hours, so I thought I'd level for a couple, since the station's right across the street from my place."

"Geezis, you are busy. Well, tell Arasaki-Chan I said hi would ya?"

"LOL. No problem, Jake." Takuya said, referring to the player's actual name, since it was a classmate of his. "See ya."

Vector walked back along the long path to get back to the market area of Dol Dona, deciding to go look around Mac Anu, he didn't know why, but he just felt like doing so. After a few minutes he arrived at the Chaos Gate and warped out, a few people had watched him leave, talking in hushed voices, thinking Vector hadn't noticed them. Vector traveled through the warp space in the usual fashion, it was a solid reminder that this was all happening on a computer.

Vector warped in front of the Chaos Gate in Mac Anu, he glanced around, he didn't come here too much as it was considered a low-level area. He spotted a steam gunner, but thought nothing of it, and carried on out the doors, his bright yellow tail swishing peacefully, he was in a good mood for some reason. As he came out onto the bridge the Sun reflected off his fur, people noticed who he was and gave him a wide berth, though he didn't notice, it was normal behavior.

Soon as she struck the final blow to the boss monster, Rin looked up to realize she had a short mail. Hey! It's Ken-chan! Wonder why he's online? I thought he said he'd be gone... Figuring she'd find out when she got to Mac Anu, she ran forward to collect the item from the Gott statue, knowing a warp point would be close by.

As soon as she landed in Mac Anu, Rin looked around, trying to figure out which direction Ken was. Running forward down the steps, she turned a corner without too much attention, only to run into another player. Crashing backwards to the ground, she looked up just in time to see the bright yellow tail get out of her way. For a second she seemed ready to shout at the player, but then she realized who it was. "Hey, you're that angry player from behind the arena! You look happier now!"


Riku looked up from his work as a shiver ran down his spine. Why do I feel like I should call Rin and make sure she's staying out of trouble? Surely she can't do too much while I'm offline....right? Riku turned back towards his apartment, considering whether or not he should head inside and log on.

Vector had stopped to look around, once again his real personality showing through. He was about to go look inside the town when something bumped into him, knocking him slightly, he was able to catch himself before he fell, turning around in surprise to see a player on the ground. "What the hell?" He said, his personality changing back as he frowned, looking down at the girl, though he suddenly realized he'd seen her before "Wait a second.. I know you.. You were part of that duo in the arena? Along with that other guy.. Did he sent you or something? Or do you not like watching where you're going?"

Other players were beginning to take interest, no surprise really, seeing as two well-known players had just bumped into each other, Vector cast a glance at them and scowled, a few people backed away. "Anyway, feel free to say sorry if you wish, not only did I forget what I was thinking, but I normally yell at people for not watching their step..." In truth both she and the other player had earned his respect as he watched their fight, but he wasn't one to go saying things like that.

"And there it goes," Rin growled, picking herself up off the ground. "You should apologize for stepping in my way! And what do you mean? "Did he send me?" Do you mean Ri-" Rin caught herself as she almost shoutted out Riku's real name, remember how he'd gotten onto her about that. "I mean, do you mean Palaios? If that's it then I don't know what you're talking about." Rin crossed her arms as she stared at the beast player. Then suddenly, the though occurred to her. "Hey wait a minute! How do you know Palaios anyways?"


Riku growled to himself as the chill on the back of his next refused to go away. Dammit, she's gone and gotten herself into trouble again. Slamming his car's door shut, Riku stepped back into his apartment, finding his way back to his room and to his computer. Flipping back on the monitor, he was relieved that he'd left the thing on instead of shutting it off along with the monitor. This better just be a false alarm... he muttered as started up 'The World'.

Vector sighed, "Fine, I'm 'sorry' for stepping in front of you..." He slurred the word, turning to face the bridge once again "Oh? Then in that case forget I said anything.. And I know him because after your fight he came to see me while I was passing time behind the arena... You seem to know him more then just online friends, I'd of thought he would of mentioned it at least... We traded Member Addresses even..." Vector smirked, though she couldn't see it, getting people mad at each other was surprisingly easy sometimes.... And fun.

Rin huffed and crossed her arms again. "Hmph, just like that idiot to go and make friends without introducing them to me," she growled. Throwing a lop-sided look at Vector, she raised an eyebrow as she tilted her head to one side, "although how he'd associate himself with a jerk like this is beyond me." A sudden thought occurred to her, much as they always do, and she scanned the growing crowd with a dawn of realization. Turning back to Vector, she braced up and arm and propped her chin in the raised hand, doing her best impersonation of of an investigator puzzling out a mystery. "Hey, who are you anyways? As much as I'd like to take all the credit, I don't think it was must me who drew this crowd." Scanning the player's information, she caught his name and continued to think. "That name sounds familiar, I think I've heard of you somewhere."

He smirked, he didn't care what people thought about him, even though pained him a little to have people insulting him, but whatever. He glanced around at the crowd and turned to her, shrugging "I dunno... You kill a load of people and all of a sudden you become popular.." He looked at her as she looked up his stat's and smiled slightly, raising an eyebrow, she wasn't involved with PKing or PKKing anymore, so his name wouldn't ring too many bells "I'm a PK, and I guess that I've become pretty well known.. I guess.. Your friend knew of me as well.."

Finally, Riku thought as he finished logging in. Scanning the list of member addresses he had to check who was online and who wasn't, he found himself not surprised to see Rin still on. Of course, and likely in trouble... he grumbled as he shot her a short mail asking where she was.


"He what?" Rin exclaimed, then turned around and smacked a fist into the palm of her hand as a term of exclamation. "That's it! So that's what they guy's been up to. Why, when I see him-" she cut off the moment she caught the short mail, almost gasping aloud as she saw who sent it. Heh, speak of the devil. Turning back to the, now known as, PK, Rin threw a hand on her hip as she cocked it to one side, "So you're a PK? Then go PK something instead of standing in peoples ways. It's rude ya know. Just be glad I can't stand around, cause now I've got to meet..." her words trailed off as an inkling of realization struck her once again. "Dammit, dammit, dammit! Kenny!" she exclaimed, tugging at her hair in frustration before shooting a quick short mail to Riku telling him to meet her at the gate in Mac Anu. Turning back to, once again, the player infront of her, she complete forgot her previous anger in the face of the realization of her forgetfulness, Rin slipped into the greeting she used on every new person she met. Reaching forward to grab his hand, she shook it vigorously and grinned. "Nicemeetingyougottagobye!" And then, before Vector could make a response, she ran off, bolting across the plaza.

((OOC: Yes, yes I do find her as funny as you. Also, if you can't figure it out, she's saying that last line really fast so that it all comes out sounding like one word))
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