Ghouls Dogma (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

Which one would Megohime be in if she was in one at all? If there were two, there was a 50/50 chance he would be wrong if he picked one. So he kept digging, he needed to know where they were keeping her.
If she was still alive at all, then why was she being held prisoner, and for how long? The more Masamune wracked his brain, the more he remembered something; the night they took Megohime, they never called her Megohime, they had called her something else; Tamurai? Takuma? No, Tamura. Why did that name sound so familiar?
He saw that name briefly while looking through the ghoul sites. He looked the name up and found several different things about them; a family of ghouls that took humans and sold them off as food for ghouls. A lot of it seemed rather negative, but he knew that it had to be done for them to live.
It was only took him a few more minutes of digging before another name popped up with the Tamura name. Tsukiyama. This name was much more known; Rosewald also came up a few times, along with articles of incidents over in Europe- just how far did this Tsukiyama family’s branches extend? Was Megohime involved with them and their business as well? Was this why she never told Masamune her family name?
How was he to find out where Megohime was being held if at all? He needed information, but where was he going to get such a thing?
The only other ghoul he knew of was Akihime. Just the thought of talking to her made his skin crawl. But ahe might know where they were keeping Megohime. He exhaled and took his seizure medicine at least so he wouldn't fall to the floor on the way to see her.
Was it smart to go to her? For all he knew, she’d just eat him the second he showed up, and would she be willing to help him if she didn’t eat him right away?
He would have to risk it. If there was any chance Megohime was alive, he needed to bring her home. He moved through the streets and into ghoul territory, where he felt hundreds of eyes on him. He didn't care, he just needed to get to Akihime.
Entering Chisai Hakuga, ghouls froze to stare at him, kakugan after kakugan locked on him.
"Mune-kun~" Akihime smiled as she moved to greet him, "How can I help you?"
"I need to find Mego..." He said softly, "Please, the CCG has her, but I don't know where."
"Yare~ poor Mego-chan~ she may not be alive, you know~"
"If that's the case then I want her home. Please." He begged. Akihime made a noise before taking him to her office.
"I'm going to need something from you first."
"Done. Name it." Masamune agreed. Akihime grinned.
"Your blood and a limb~" She said. Masamune swallowed hard.
"How about an organ instead?" He asked. She smiled coyly.
"Maybe a kidney~ I'd say liver but you need that~" She said. Masamune took a breath and nodded.
"Ok. My blood and my kidney is fine. Just...get me to the hospital after, if you would be so kind..."
"Of course, Mune-kun~ if you would be so kind as to go to the back of the kitchen, we can get started." She said. He nodded and headed off, Akihime pulling out her phone to email Yukimura.
"Meet me for coffee later, I need to ask a small favor💕"
Akihime would get a relatively quick response, as Yukimura had learned a hard lesson for taking too long to respond. He agreed to meeting her, not even questioning why, just saying he’d be there.
She smiled and went to go take what she needed from Masamune, easily draining a pint or so of his blood before removing a kidney. And as she agreed, she took him to the hospital straight after. Then she went home to shower and meet with Yukimura.
Yukimura was already waiting in the coffee shop for Akihime, shifting nervously and glancing at his watch every so often. Had he gotten the time wrong?
Yukimura stood to meet her, looking relieved. “It’s alright, I was just worried something had happened... You don’t usually ask for favors, so I was worried it was something serious.”
"Sort of.." She smiled softly and sat next to him, "A friend of mine called the favor, really...he's human and he said he has a ghoul friend who was taken into CCG custody." She told him.
Yukimura frowned a bit and glanced around before looking to Akihime. “I... That might be a bit out of my control, Akihime..”
She shook her head, "Mm, don't worry, I don't want to put your job at risk. I just want to know if you may know where she was taken? And if there were any...easy ways to get the blue prints and floor plans?"
He fidgeted a bit, but gave a nod. “I could try to see if she’s been logged in our systems, it would tell me her containment status if she has been logged.”
His face and ears flushed a bit, and he gave a nod. “I-I just need a full name..” He said quietly.
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Yukimura’s face only flushed more, and he cleared his throat. “I-It’s really no problem..”
Yukimura seemed to be rather compelled by her promise of a reward. As of late, she had been rewarding him more by pleasuring him, and that seemed to have promising results to get him to do things with less of an argument. “I’ll see what I can get.” He would promise her before leaving, heading back to work to look up the woman in question.

Said woman, Tamura Megohime, was having a rough go in Cochlea. As her family had close ties with the Tsukiyama family, she was believed to have valuable information- which she did -and those at the CCG would be willing to do anything they could to get it out of her.
Hisehide moved with some of the guards to Megohime's room and they moved to grab her, "What a pleasure to finally meet you, Tamura Megohime."
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