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To lost to sing? (Distain and nightsorceress)

"You best be careful how you go about teasing me you may not be able to handle what happens as a result. " he laughed walking over to kiss her on the cheek before heading into his office.
Nia shook her head and went to the kitchen. Poking around seeing what he had. She decided to make a shepard's pie and began cooking the meat and cutting the vegatables.
Docis smiled groaning happily as he smelled the food starting to cook. He filled out dozens of forms ordering things from around the country to refill his medicines he seemed to be going threw them faster then ever late.y
Nia made the pie crust and then began to fill it with the mixture of meat and vegetables. She cover the whole thing with a layer of mashed potatoes and then baked it. Nia began to clean the kitchen.
He smiled as he smelled the food baking in the oven it smelled amazing. His stomach grumbled loudly as it did not want to wait for the food to finish cooking before it ate. He sat back at his desk chuckling his feet up on the desk as he wrote on a book in his lap. "That smells amazing!"
Nia finished cleaning kitchen and let the food cook. Nia picked up the rest of the house making the bed, fixing up the living room and so forth. It was if she was already wife looking out for him and there home. As the was almost done she wanted to let Docis know. She not on his office door "my love dinner is almost ready"
He smiled looking at her threw the open door smiling brightly. "Okay love come here and give me a hug and a kiss before dinner. " He smiled putting his feet down patting his thigh then held his arms out for her.
Nia smiled cutely and did as he asked. She walked over to him and planted herself on his lap. She gave him a soft kiss as her arms wrapped around him "there are you happy?"
"As happy as i can be with you being dressed. " He chuckled softly looking at her laughing softly patting her bottom to urge her up. "Okay lets go eat dinner. "
Nia smiled and shook her head at him She rose from him and left the room going to the kitchen taking the food out and putting it on plates
Nia came over the the table placing the food down. "now i didn't know what to make so let me know if you don't like it won't hurt my feelings if you don't"
"Yea i understand. " He smiled looking at her chuckling lightly. "I am sure i will love it, it smells heavenly. " He smiled taking a sip of wine before he began eating smiling at her.
"I am going to have to get you drunk I think you will be interesting drunk. " He chuckled as he at groaning happily as he chewed. "This tastes great!" He smiled as he swallowed.
"i don't think so" Nia took a few bites of her laughing softly. "and i said you don't have to lie if you don't like"Nia bit her lip looking up at him.
"I am not lying! I love it, it tastes amazing!" He smiled reaching over the table touching her hand lightly. "And i will get you drunk sooner or later. "
"Yes i do. Even if i have to spike all your drinks. " He laughed softly kissing her hand softly as he continued to eat.
Nia knew that he was just teasing her but his statement made her think of one time her father threaten to spike her food with poison. She didn't eat for a week for fear he did. She took a deep breath and tried to shake the memory from her mind.
Docis ate slowly watching her taking a deep breath he could not help but feel like he said something to upset her. He smiled looking at her kissing the back of her hand giving it a light squeeze.
"I don't know what your thinking about but push it from your mind your safe here!" He smiled looking at her kissing each of her finger tips pushing what little food he had left to the side.
"i guess my past still haunts me from time to time" Nia cleared her throat and tried to look happy again "but i know i safe now in the arms of my love" Nia gave him a soft smile.
"Well then your not safe over there!" He chuckled scooting back his chair patting his lap taking a drink of the wine.
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