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To lost to sing? (Distain and nightsorceress)

Docis laughed and smiling rubbing Nia's side. "You found your first common point now your going to be friends and me and Namir are screwed. " He laughed as did Namir both standing and helping the girls up to go eat.
"well perhaps that was our plan all along" Nia smiled and looked to Lily who gave a nod. Both Lily and Nia rose from their seats and followed them into the dinning room.
Docis and Namir chuckled and helped them set down smiling brightly. Once they where seated they began eating a nice meal.
Namir and Docis spoke threw the dinner talking mostly on business. Docis smiled reaching his hand down resting it on Nia's thigh. He smiled as he continued to speak and drink with Namir seeming to ignore the fact he had his had was on her legs.
Lily looked to Namir a couple of times through the meal and smile she couldn't believe how nice of the time they were having. As the meal concluded Lily turned to Docis "Mind if i speak to you for a moment"
"Certainly!" Docis sprang up and moved to Lily's side helping her to her feet then escorting her to Namir's office. Namir smirked at Nia once they where out of sight. "Oh it would appear docis trust you very much he never leaves me with the women he cares about. " He chuckled softly referencing an inside joke he had with docis for years.
Lily smiled as they entered the office "i wanted to ask you a big favor. And you can say no if you like but i was hoping when i deliver this baby that you sit with Namir, I have a feeling he will be very nervous that and will need someone to be by his side" Lily asked him. She would like nothing more for her husband to be at her side as she gives birth but knew it was no place for a man.
"I think it would be best if Nia sat with him until i am able. I will have to deliver your baby then make sure your okay then i can check on Namir while your resting. " He smiled placing his hand on her stomach. "Do you mind if i give you a check up?"
"I thought you might say that. Its not that i don't want you to deliver my baby honestly i know my child and i could be in no better hands if you were to delivery the baby, but i can help worry about my husband, i think he will truly need you more on that day then i will" Lily bit her lip she hope she didn't offend him. But her man concern was for namir right now. "and no you can not check me over, because you came here tonight as my friend and not my doctor so you don't get to do any work tonight" Lily smiled warmly at him, just wanting him to relax tonight.
"Oh your just a bugger. I will have Namir with us while we deliver your baby that way i can watch over you both. " He smiled leaning in kissing her cheek in a friendly way then lead her back out to the porch where Namir had drug lily to relax.
Namir nodded slipping his arms around her kissing her lightly his hands folding over her stomach.

Docis smiled and sat down next to Nia gently lifting her into his lap. " Party is over Nia you have me back now. " He chuckled softly kissing her shoulder.
Lily leaned against Namir. She yawned a little it had been a busy day for her, and she did not take a nap like she should have.

Nia sighed playfully "just when i thought i was free of you."
"I do suppose we should get going so these to can enjoy the rest of their night. " He smiled kissing her softly. "Say good by to your new friend love and i shall go get our carriage. "
Nia nodded "well it was nice to meet you Lily i had such a wonderful time tonight..."

"Me too" Lily cut her off "you have come over and talk some more since i am house bound for a little while longer"

Nia nodded happily
Namir shook Docis's hand, then Docis kissed the back of Lily's hand before he went to get the carriage. Docis returned shortly in the back of the carriage getting up as Namir said good by and helped Nia into you.
"I had a great time but that is because you were there. " He smiled brightly kissing her softly slipping his arms around her pulling her into his side.
Nia smiled "Lily and Namir are such a wonderful couple. when you were talking to her that all he could talk about was her. it was so sweet."
"Namir finally found the girl who he was meant for. " He smiled brightly kissing her softly pulling her into his lap. He smiled brightly laughing softly enjoying holding her close.
Nia nuzzled his neck just slightly "when we get home can we go to bed, i just want you to hold me. I love the feeling of you arms around me"
"My arms are already around you!" He smiled brightly looking at her chuckling softly kissing her lightly. "Or is this just not good enough for you? "
"no it is not good start this carriage is to bumpy, and I want to be laying down my body pressed close to yours. the blanket wrapped around us." Nia explained softly
"I could tell the driver to just drive us around for a while and we could make use of the bump carriage. " He winked playfully kissing her softly. "I agree though your wearing entirely to much clothing. "
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