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To lost to sing? (Distain and nightsorceress)

Nia giggled. it echoed a little but hoped Namir didn't hear. "we should get dressed. before we are found out up here" she said softly.
"As long as he is playing we will be fine only he and i have keys. " He smiled softly kissing her ever so tenderly as he put himself away.
Nia kissed him back softly. She adjusted her skirts before standing up. She realized then that her womanhood was swore but she tired to hid it.
He smiled looking at her helping her cover her self up standing up kissing her cheek. "Shall we go see namir? Or do you want to set here and enjoy his playing?"
"thank you" Nia finished adjusting herself "and i think we better go talk to Namir, because if we were to stay here and i think i wouldn't be able to keep my hands off of you" Nia smiled and walked towards the door.
"Now who is the horny teenager. " He grumbled as he walked over gripping her bottom firmly as they left the room and began their decent into the theater.
He laughed softly smiling brightly kissing her cheek giving her bottom another firm grip as they walked down the stairs. His hand remained on her bottom as the walked onto the stage Namir turned seeing them he smiled. "Hey you two what are you up to?" Docis smiled looking at him smiling. "She wanted to practice so i brought her here.
"yes, my doctor finally let me out of bed." Nia said smiling. "how are you today Namir. And how is your wife" although Nia did not know Lily she thought it was only poliet to ask how she was.
Docis smiled and let the pair talk he was just delighted to have a woman who loved him on his arm. He smiled brightly kissing her cheek as Namir spoke. "I would imagine he will be getting you back in bed soon. " He winked playfully clearly able to tell they where in love and consummating. He smiled and stood up walking over to them smiling. "Lily is doing well though she complains constantly about having a maid and not being allowed to work around her own house. Why don't the 2 of you come over for dinner she would be delighted to have someone other then me and the maid to talk to. "
Nia was a little taken back by Namir's comment, she didn't think her and docis were that obvious. "i would love to meet Lily, seeing as how i know no one here." She looked over to docis to see if it ok if they were to go to Namirs.
"Tomorrow night for dinner it is. We will meet you here and drive with you to the your home. " He smiled looking at her kissing her cheek smiling. Namir smiled with delight and turned to head to his office. "Excellent i will see you then I have to get acts ready for our show next month. " Docis nodded and turned to lead Nia from the theater his hand still firmly gripping her bottom.
Nia was glad that they would be going over to Namir's tomorrow as she walked out of theater with Docis she felt his hand still on her bottom. "docis someone will see your hand on my bottom" she said with a soft giggle.
Docis grumbled and slipped his hand to her lower back smiling. "There are you happy now? " He chuckled softly kissing her cheek.
He smiled as he opened the door and patted her on the bottom. " Then lets change so we do not get our nice cloths dirty and then you can cook while i get some work done. " He smiled heading to the bedroom taking off his jacket.
Docis watched her intently loving the way her body looked nude. A bright smile on his face as he undressed slowly letting out a happy sigh. "Absolutely amazing. "
"Everything about your body!" He chuckled softly as he stripped down nude deciding to change completely for the night. His hands searching for a clean pair of boxers finding them he started to slip them on.
Nia shook her head "i can't believe only a couple of days ago i was fighting you to see my body. and you fighting back wanting to go slower. I guess i won that fight" she began putting on her simpler panties.
"You won it on accident! You did not plan on falling asleep in the tub and making me come get you out. " He chuckled slipping on a pair of light pants leaving his shirt off for now not needing one in his own house.
"well if that was all it took to get you to drop your guard i should have done that from the beginning" Nia smiled as she put on a plainer dress with no bra not needing one in the house.
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