To lost to sing? (Distain and nightsorceress)

Nia smiled as he entered the room again. She was glad to see he brought a plate for himself "thank you." SHe took her plate and began to eat. watching him the whole time. "so will i be left alone all day while you work?" She asked softly
"Only for a short while... I have a pest i need to get rid of. " He smiled at here while she ate figuring she knew who he was speaking about.
Nia stopped eating and looked at him "Docis please don't bother yourself with him, i couldn't bare it if he hurt you. cause he would,he would show no self control, as soon as his tampered flared he would move to hurt you"
"Nia do not fret I will not go alone i have made good friends with some of the guards of this town." He chuckled to himself looking at her putting on a hurt face." Why do you think he would hurt me and not the other way around? Do you think i am to old to hold my own in a fight? "
Nia sat up quickly "no, no i never thought you were to old, its just Thomas fights dirty and doesn't care about it. It kill me if you even got a tiny scratch on you." Nia looked at him with pleading eyes she was worked into a frenzy "please don't go after him please i am begging you"
"My love i have to get rid of him or he will never give you any peace. If i get hurt you can play doctor. " He smiled standing finishing his meal kissing her cheek and moving over to his dresser to gather the things he would need.
"docis please don't...." she paused and her forehead wrinkled did he just call her his love, she thought he wanted to take things slow, and he wasn't ready for things like love. "docis, did you just call me your love?"
"Yes i suppose i did. It is my preferred pet name i suppose i should not have said that so soon. " He spoke softly grabbing a small fighting dagger designed to be used on the defensive.
"oh i just thought that well maybe you might....never mind i can see that you don't" Nia was disappointed seeing it was just saying as a pet name not as how he truly felt. She stared down at her hands
He rolled his eyes and turned slipped from the room slowly. He was getting so tired of falling over himself every time he spoke to her. He was glad to be going out and getting a break from feeling like a damn fool. "I will be back shortly, Nia. Please get some rest and do not worry about me. " He turned and left the room and then the house the dagger tucked under his shirt in his belt.
Nia was upset when he left god he was sending her mixed signals. How could possible take it slow when he used a name like that. And how in the world did he expect her to rest when he was going out and risking his neck for no reason. She quickly jumped from the bed when she heard the door close she went into the living room and sat by the window watching him walk away from the house.
Docis walked to his neighbors house and knocked on the door a few moments later he smiled hugging a young woman with a bright smile on his face. Moments later she turned and went back into the house. Not long after that a young man came up to him and shook his hand. They spoke for a few minuets and the man slipped into the house. Returning a few minuets later in full armor a sword at his side. The pair then made there way to the first of the 3 inn's to see if they could find Thomas.
Thomas was not stupid, if nia was alive, and he had a feeling she was she would not be able to resists playing the piano. After a little digging he found out that the only public piano in the town belonged to the bard Namir. Thomas thought the best placed to wait for Nia was in the threater. He hid in the back in the shadows his men placed around the threater.
Namir came into the theater seeing Docis and the guard entering the theater. He went up to the stage running his fingers across the piano looking around the room.
Thomas was getting bored waiting. He wondered what taking the dumb girl so long. Then he hear notes being played on the piano and moved from his hiding place thinking it was Nia. He was wrong. It was someone he had not see before.
"What are you doing here? " Namir turned to face him his arms slipping behind his back nervously. "What the heck are you doing hiding in the shadows. " He stared at the man looking at him trying to place what he was doing here.
Thomas tried to relax to show the man he meant no harm to him "i am waiting for my bride to be, she has run away, i found that she hiding in this town, but i am afraid she has given me the slip. I knew that she would come here because of the piano." Thomas explained softly "you see sir she is mentally ill and i must bring her home for her own safety."
"This theater is only open to those who wish to preform. I am sorry that your wife has run away but you need to leave this theater right now. I will not have a confrontation in this theater. This theater was built as a SAFE HAVEN for all musicians. " He pointed to the door with his left hand his right gripping the handle of the sword in his jacket. " If you are not hear for a job or to practice you need to leave ... "
Thomas clenched his fist but tried not let his anger show. "fine then i will wait for her outside." He turned and stormed out of the threater slamming the door waiting just outside of it.
Namir followed him out opening the door looking at the man he was furious that the young man disrespected his property. "Who the fuck do you think you are to slam the doors of MY theater! I have half a mind to have you ran out of town!" Namir stood face to face with the man his temper flaring for the first time since he got home. Docis left the last in seeing Namir screaming at the man who he was searching for he walked over slowly sending his friend to gather more guards.
Thomas quickly grabbed the man and pushed him out of his face. "who the hell do you think you yelling in someone face like that. I would gladly leave your town as soon as the son of a bitch hiding Nia would give her back." Thomas now was yelling.

voices carried to the streets to docis's home. Nia was now afraid of what could happen. She paused for a moment before going to the door of the house.
"I am Namir. I own this building you are still standing on my property so i can treat you how ever i see fit. " He growled the sword slipping slowly from its scabbard. Docis walked up as the town guard followed not far behind him. "Sir i think it would be best if you left this town before you are forced to do so. You have offended the 2 most important people in this town. " Docis stood there hand on his dagger. "I am not required to give you anything. I am only required to give her family anything and you tell them that if they ever set foot in this town i will personally promise that my face is the last one they see. " Docis stood sternly ready for an incoming attack even though they had at least 6 guards with in striking distance.
Thomas snorted a nasty laugh "you think you can stop me from taking back what is rightfully mine." With a whistle Docis and the gaurds were now surrounded by Thomas's many men. Thomas drew his sward pointing it at Docis. "now step out of my way old man so i can collect my bride"
Docis did not move nor did Namir. All of the guards turned and faced the many men surrounding Thomas, Namir, and Docis. "You have just made a fatal error Thomas I am a doctor I can decide how you die slowly or quickly. " Docis took a deep breath debating if he should attack or not. Namir how ever was not going to wait for his friend to be impaled. His sword slipped from its scabbard silently and came around driving down into Thomas's bicep driving the blade away from Docis.
Thomas laughed and lunged for Docis but before he could get very far he felt an overwhelming pain in his arm. and spun quickly away from docis and screamed in pain. Thomas could not longer hold the sward in his right hand so he switched to his left and lunged at namir.

Nia heard the scream, she prayed that it was not docis in pain. She hurried from the house towards the men, but she could not see who was hurt.
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