To lost to sing? (Distain and nightsorceress)

Docis closed his eyes and went to bed. If she was going to leave he would let her he could not fight her. His heart was breaking but he did not know how to handle a relationship at the pace she wanted to go.
Nia thought she was well enough to leave but she was mistaken, she knew she had pushed herself to hard today, knew that her body was not ready for it. and now she paid the price, her fever which she thought was gone spiked again.
Docis got up a few hours later seeing her on the bed he walked over. She was sweating he checked her pulse then went to get more medication to help her fever.
Nia felt his hand on her, part of her wanted to yell at him, to stop from touching, but of her wanted to beg from more, and then all to soon her left her side again.
He slowly pulled out the medication pressing it to her lips. "Drink up hunny. " He spoke softly holding her close he was beginning to worry if she was ever going to get better.
Nia drank the medicine no longer caring about the taste. She looked up at him once she finished tears in her eyes "docis i feel like i don't have much time left, thats why i am pushing so hard to go faster than you want. I know in my soul that you are the right man for me, and its not because i am sick, or that you are a doctor, its your sprite, that is talking to mine telling me i found the man spend the rest of my days with"
"Your days are not numbered. You are not close to the end. Your life is just starting and if you listen to me i can get you over this illness quickly. But if you insist on fighting me and not this illness then i can only do so much. "He looked at her and gently brushed the hair out of her face running his fingers threw her hair. "Stop getting up and running around stop being so stressed out. Eat your food, rest as much as possible. " He spoke softly staring into her eyes.
Nia sighed. She felt like hopeless in that moment, all he was worried about was her health. He never once answered her question about why he wanted to go slow. She had poured her heart out to him more than once and every time he slammed another door in her face. "fine" she said shortly and turned away from him, anger clear in her voice.
He looked at her kneeling next to her on the couch he let out a groan as she answered clearly angry. He did not understand why she got so mad at what he was saying. "I understand why you want to move so fast, I am telling you that you do not need to rush your going to be fine you have a long long life ahead of you to fall in love with me. " He spoke softly his hands slipping down into her hair holding her so she would look at him.
"every time i pour heart out you you slam another door in face as if you don't want to deal with it. I don't understand you and you won't let me, i mean for god sakes you won't even explain why you want to go at this hellish pace." Nia looked at him her eyes pleading with him for once to tell her what ran through his mind.
"When you follow Namir around the country you meet a lot of very nice women. To many times have i allowed myself to get drawn in by women who only wanted to be with me to be around Namir. " He spoke softly looking into her eyes taking her hand with his leaving the other hand in her hair. "I have been hurt to many times, i am a bit shy of putting my heart out there i am sorry. "
Nia looked back at him her face seemed to soften "i don't want to be with to be close to Namir, i could careless about him. My heart, and body want you, and i would rather die then hurt you Docis. I don't know how to make you see that you can trust me"
"I do trust you Nai. But if you do not wish to hurt me then let us take it slowly for now. Lets get you better then ... we can discuss going at a faster pace. " He smiled kissing her forehead.
"fine, for you, but you have to understand it will be very tough for me, I want to be yours, you to be mine, and i don't know how long i can handle the slow pace." She bit her lip even right now she longed to pull him to her and kiss him with all the passion she felt for him.
"Then that is all the more reason for you to get your little butt into bed and fight this. "He smiled scooping her up carrying her into the bedroom.
Nia wrapped her arms around him tight, her head rested near his neck and couldn't stop herself as she kissed it softly. "Docis can you do one thing for me, just kiss me once. to give me something to help me fight faster."
He shivered and laid her down as she kissed his neck a tingle going down his spine. "After you take your medicine. Then i will go make you breakfast. " He smiled gathering her pills and the medicine she had to take every day offering them to her.
He chuckled handing her a glass of water for 2 reasons. One he did not want to taste the medicine in the kiss and two he was enjoying teasing her. " He chuckled softly and once she drank it he took the glass putting it down then leaning down pressing his lips lightly into her's.
Nia took the water, and drank then he took it from her, her heart hoping now would be the moment he would kiss her. and prays were answered when she felt his lips on hers. Her mouth hungrily kissed him back her arms wrapped themselves around him
He reached up running his fingers threw her hair returning every ounce of passion in her kiss. With a happy groan held his lips to here until he felt his lungs burning for air. Knowing he should not allow her to strain herself he broke the kiss smiling looking into her eyes.
Nia felt the passion in his kiss, she wondered how a man with that much passion in a kiss could ever want to go slow with her. She kissed him back sucking on his bottom lip slightly. then he pulled back but she wouldn't let him pull away from her she held him to her, she was panting slightly "that was wonderful" she said softly
"Now relax while i go make breakfast. " He smiled patting her cheek lightly his eyes locked on here as he slipped from her grasp slowly. He backed to the door watching her before disappearing around the corner and into the kitchen.
Nia sighed when he left the room. God she couldn't wait to get better, she was already craving another kiss from him. her body was craving his touch.
Docis took as little time as he could making breakfast but it still took him nearly 20 minuets. When he was done he came back in with both their breakfasts on a tray setting it down next to her. "Eat up. "
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