To lost to sing? (Distain and nightsorceress)

Nia looked at him with shock and fear in her eyes "WHAT! What is Thomas doing here, i was so careful coming here, so he wouldn't follow me" Nia's heart began, to race tears came to her eyes "he told you i was crazy, didn't he, and you believe him don't you." Nia began to cry and shake her head "i'm not crazy i'm not, i swear, i swear" Thomas had told the lie before so no one would help or believe her. She sobbing now, hard.
"You need to tell me more about him so i have a way to argue with him. I am not certain who to believe. Who are you? Where are you from? It would appear you are just like another friend of mine... cursed with a haunting past. "
Nia shook her head she knew Thomas had made him doubt her like so many other friends she had made in the past. "Fine don't believe me" It hurt that with a few moments he had went from a kind caring man to someone who no longer trusted her. She flung the bed cover of and climbed out of bed she made it through the bedroom before her knew buckled and she went crashing to the floor.
Docis dove in not able to spare her completely from the fall but able to spare her the brunt. She landed on him hard and he grunted a bit. " I never said i did not believe you. I just need to come up with a way get him to leave with out your body. " He spoke not realizing he had not told her what he said to him.
"yes you did, you said you didn't know who to believe! but i guess you could arue that i am really crazy and hearing things." Nia looked at him, she had so much anger so much fear and more than anything so much hurt. she was tembling in his arms now.
He hugged her tight slowly moving to stand groaning as he picked her up. "You leave now... your going to die! Not to mention that your fiance will find you if you leave this house. "
Nia struggled away from him "thats fine, what choice do i have you don't believe me, i would rather be dead then remain here" She couldn't look at him now.
He grabbed her roughly taking her laying her on the bed with a bit of force. "Now... your going to stay in this bed till i inform you your allowed to leave. If i have to tie you down i will!" He stared into her eyes calmly. " I do not think your lying but i know your not telling me the whole truth and i wont make that mistake again. "
"you ever think the whole truth is to painful. you ever think i don't want to relive it. well fine then, if that what you want. . My father used to hit me, and made me watch as he killed my mother, because she defended me, then he married another women and i was locked away from the world, until he traded me away to thomas. Thomas has almost raped me now twice, if i hadn't had scream the way i did he would have succeeded" Nia could barely breath by the time she was done she had worked herself into a frenzy.
Docis listened intently patting her cheek looking into her eyes. "You are safe here no one will ever hurt you in this room. " He took a deep breath standing up slowly releasing his grip on her. "Now i know how to defend you. I promise you you will never have to see your family again. " He looked into her eyes sorry for making her relive it but he could not have another namir on his hands.
Nia looked down she couldn't look at him. Her heart was pounding her chest, her breathing harsh, and tears flowed freely. Everything she just said was replaying in her mind, all the images of her past. She worked so hard to keep them at bay now he made her see them all again.
"I am going to get you something to drink you need to take your medicine. Then... we can talk more if you want or ... you can sit there and yell at me if you want. " He moved slowly to the door taking a deep breath.
Nia didn't know what she wanted to do. Part of her wanted to storm out of the house and never look back. Part of knew he needed to know, but not right now, not like this. She wanted to some day talk to him when was ready not be forced into it.
He left the room quickly getting a bottle of juice moving back into the room looking at her. "If he comes back... I will make sure it is the last time. " He looked at her taking a deep breath handing her the pills she needed to take and starting to open the bottle of liquid.
Nia looked down she didn't take the pills. she couldn't bring herself to look up at him. "don't worry about it, you have so much for me already, i think tomorrow i will let you have your bed back, and your life back i will leave." she didn't want to leave
"So your going to make me get the ropes is that what your telling me? " He looked at her taking the pills from her hand and put them in her mouth covering it. "I will not let you be childish and kill yourself! "
Nia swallowed the pills and then pushed his hand away she glanced up at him and then looked back down "don't you see i can barely look at you right now, you were the first person i have trusted in so long, my heart truly cares about you, i can't even look at you now you know my past"
"I know you like me your past only maters to me so that i know how staunch my defense of you needs to be. In 2 days I am going to move you so your safe here. There is no reason for you to be ashamed of your past. Though... the next time i see him I am going to break his nose. " He growled holding the bottle to her lips to give her a drink. He wanted badly to kill him but he would not do that unless threatened. "Do you have any personal effects that i can give him to get him to leave?"
Nia drank the liquid. "no i sold everything i had to get here." Nia then bit her lip a moment then put her hand on her necklace. "i have my mothers necklace, but i don't think i can bare to see him touch it, she gave it to me the day before she died. i haven't taken it off since"
"Okay then ... Is Nai your real name? " He spoke softly looking into her eyes he would have her do the same thing Namir did change her name and hope they would not look to hard for her.
"I think if you wish to hide from your past that we do as a friend of mine did long ago... We bury it. " He spoke softly looking into her eyes taking a deep breath. "I have already told the man Thomas that you are dead. I can arrange for you to vanish if you would like. "
Nia looked down unsure what to think. "what do you mean by vanish would i have to leave here? and i don't even know another name to go by"
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