To lost to sing? (Distain and nightsorceress)

He put the bottle back away smiling kissing her forehead."I am sorry nothing i have here that makes you feel better tastes good. "
Nia smiled and shook her head "its ok, you are taking such good care of me i can deal with the stuff tasting bad." Her hand touched his cheek stroking it softly
He chuckled as he felt her fingers run over the stubble from not shaving today. " I am treating you well because you deserve to be treated that way. " He smiled reaching out rubbing her cheek lightly smiling.
"how do you know how i deserve to be treated?" she asked softly. Nia's hand stopped moving against his cheek but still rested there. She seemed deep in thought as her eyes showed saddness.
"Every woman deserves to be treated as well as i treat you. Besides, you have to be one of the sweetest women i have ever met. "
"i wish more people felt that way." Nia looked down "and i am not the sweetest women you have met, i know there are more better women out there"
"If you knew more about me dear you would understand. Your past is your past, what happened before you met me means little to who you are. " He smiled leaning in giving her a soft kiss. "If i leave you alone for a short while can i trust your going to behave and stay laying down and relaxing?"
Nia nodded. "yes i will rest, besides i don't think i have enough strength yet to misbehave." She tried to smile for him look happy again but her past flooded her mind and it was tough to hid.
"We can talk about the things your hiding later. I don't have my thumb screws in the house. " He chuckled kissing her forehead and turning to walk from the room.
Nia watched him leave the room sinking down into bed. She did not want to spend the afternoon thinking about her past, or pitying herself so she took a couple of good strong deep breaths and tried to push it from her mind.
Docis made up the medicines that he needed to send to Lily and then went out into the town looking for the runner he sent to Namir regularly. Once he found him he gave him the bag and paid him to deliver it then sent him on his way. About an hour later he returned home walking into the room with Nia nearly 2 hours after he left her.
Nia was half way between being awake and sleeping when he entered the room. She didn't seem to notice. Her blankets her pulled up to her chin and shivered slightly. Her brow was damp with sweat. Her fever had spiked again but not as bad as the last time. His medicine clearly working it was just taking time for her to fully feel well.
He walked over smiling looking into her eyes placing his hands on her forehead he nodded felling her temperature. It was not high enough for her to need more medication. He smiled rubbing her cheek softly smiling taking a deep breath patting her cheek lightly. "Your going to be okay beautiful."
Nia heard foot steps approached the bed. She turned her head and saw Docis. Her lips smiled at him him. Her eyes closed when he rubbed her cheek. She took his hand in hers and kissed it softly "i know, because of you."
Nia kissed him but pulled away "to be honest with you docis i have been getting sick like this for over half my life. I was never allowed to see a doctor. I had given up fighting when i met you."
"You should tell me who prevented you from seeing a doctor... I have something special just for them. " He growled looking at her.
"Your family! Why on earth would your family bar you from a doctor!? " He looked at her the anger visible on in his eyes.
Nia was shaking now. "because i didn't want to marry who they want me to, because i would rather spend my time playing the piano then learning how to be a good wife. it was there way of punishing me."
"Well i tell you right now if any member of your family ever enters this town.. You tell me and I will have something to for them. " He growled clearly furious about her families treatment of her. "As long as you stay in this town you can do what ever you want if anyone tries to stop you come talk to me!"
Nia looked up and saw how angry he really was. she couldn't believe anyone would care enough about her to get as angry as he was. Nia reached for his hand and held it in hers. Her cheeks still had tears running down. "its ok, you don't need to be angry about it, as you said my past is my past"
"You have a point." He took a deep breath and smiled looking at her patting her cheek. "I am hopping that tomorrow you will be up and walking though... knowing how long you have been sick that might not happen. "
"oh it will because as comfortable as your bed is, i am so tired of laying it in. I need to get up for a little while." Nia smiled at him. She was glad to see him let his anger go
"Do you want a book or something to keep you entertained while your laying there? " He spoke softly smiling at her patting her shoulder lightly.
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