To lost to sing? (Distain and nightsorceress)

Nia's pulse was there but not strong. when he replaced the cloth she didn't even feel it. Nia remained unconscious for many hours. It would appear as if she would never wake again. But once again she slowly started to stir. While her eyes were still closed she called out his name softly.
He had sat next to her he whole time his fingers playing nervously in her hair. When she called his name he looked down at her smiling. "I am right here!" He took her hand holding it tightly.
Nia's eyes slowly open and looked at him. She looked so tired, her body felt like it had been run over by a carriage. "thank you for staying with me" she said softly
"Thank you for not dieing on me!* He smiled patting her cheek his thumb rubbing her cheek bone. "I don't know if i could handle losing a beautiful young woman in my bed. "
He smiled pushing his fingers threw her hair looking into her eyes. "You have to promise your going to get better. I can only help if you don't fight i can not help. "
Nia looked at him, he seemed to mean what he said about wanting her to promise to get better. "i will get better i promise" Nia hoped she could keep her promise, she really did want to get better if only to get to know him better.
"Good because if you die on me ill kick you butt. " He chuckled kissing her forehead patting her cheek looking into her eyes. "You will i promise. "
Nia looked at him "i have never met a doctor as kind as you are." she said softly. Nia didn't know if his kisses and the way he touched her was out of kindness because she was his patient or because he was feeling the same things she was.
"Well you learn a special bed side manner when you work for Namir. Though i must say of all the woman he had asked me to care for you are the nicest and most beautiful. " He smiled patting her cheek setting down on the bed at her waist putting his hand on her stomach patting it lightly.
"i am sure though you must have someone you love and she would not like you saying that i am beautiful" As she spoke those words everything in Nia hoped he would deny being with anyone.
"Namir's wife is the closest thing i have to a woman in my life. And if she looked at you she would smack me for denying your beauty. " He chuckled looking into her eyes the young girl was so cute he felt himself starting to feel for her. He only wished a girl so young would care for a man so much older then her.
Nia was happy to hear he did not have a woman in his life, which meant that maybe she had a chance with him. that is if he wanted her, which at this point she wasn't sure he did. "it is hard to believe you are not with someone, i mean yous handsome, and your kind, and gentle any girl would be crazy not to fall for you"
"I have spent the last 15 years of my life traveling either by land or see. Not many women willing to come along with you when your not going to settle down any time soon. " He smiled looking at her chuckling. "And now that i have all the women i seem to be meeting are your age. No beautiful young thing like you wants a old doctor like me. " He smiled figuring she was around 20 making her at least 12 years younger them him.
"why should age matter?!" Nia wrinkled her forehead and seemed to get angry "Any woman would be a fool not to see how wonderful you are regardless of your age." Nia was falling fast for him and she wasn't sure why they had only just met and she had been sick most of the time, but still her heart could not be denied.
"Get healthy again and then see if you feel that same way. " He smiled lacing his fingers into hers looking into her eyes. "When your finally able to leave my house then we will see if you still feel that way about me.
"Why would my opinion change just because i leave the house. I have traveled a long way sir, and i have time to forum my opinion of the world. and the people in it, and i know you are good people." Nia crossed her arms across her chest, upset that he would say something like.
"My dear your a beautiful sweet woman, I just want you to understand you could have any man in this town you wanted. I just want you to not choose me because i helped you while you were ill. " He had heard of stories like that before and he did not want to be that for her.
"i'm not choosing you becauase you help me....." She was upset now so Nia stopped her self she didn't want to yell at him, even though he hurt her. She turned and faced away from him "Fine then i will leave your home as soon as i can then if that is what you want me to do. Just please leave me alone then"
He reached up touching her cheek softly gently turning her back to face him a soft smile on his face. "I just wanted to be sure you care for me because of me not because of what I am doing. You have to understand, since i started working for Namir some women would be nice to me only to get closer to him. I am not used to beautiful young women actually wanting to be with me. " He smiled at her looking deep into her eyes. "Please forgive me for being so rude as to assume the worst in you. I appear to have made an ass of myself. "
When he turned her the hurt was in her eyes even though she tried to hid it. "you should really get to know a person before you judge them, then you might not make an ass of youself as you put it." Nia readjusted herself, she sat up. but instead of looking at him she looked down at her hands. everything now seemed to awkward.
"It seems over the next weeks i am going to have to learn a good deal from you. " He smiled turning her head again wanting to look into her eyes. He was going to have a good deal to learn about talking romantically to her and about trusting people. "You will have to break me of my habit of assuming the worst or i fear you spend more time yelling at me then holding my hand. "
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