To lost to sing? (Distain and nightsorceress)

Docis sent Namir after more wet cloths it was all they could to get her temperature down. He forced some medicine down her throat and carried her out back out onto the stage. Namir had designed the theater to catch wind and force it at the stage keeping it fairly cool and always breezy. Once here he began opening her clothing as much as he could with out exposing her. Once Namir arrived he covered her with the wet cloths pressing them to her skin trying to cool her off.
Nia didn't even noticed when they moved her she remianed deep a sleep for what seemed like forever. But her eyes began to open and she looked up and saw the man that was with her before. And then another man. He had a handsome face and her eyes focused on him. Her fever was still high but her eyes were open. "what happen" she asked softly
"You passed out. Your very sick. Hold still your clothing is open so i could put the wet cloths on your skin. " He smiled running his hand over your cheek."I want to take you back to my home so i can keep an eye on you are you okay with that? " He smiled looking into her eyes he sighed her eyes where so lovely.
nia looked up at him but a tear came to her eye. "i can't pay you sir, i have spent all my money coming here....." Her breathing got labored as she got more upset. "i can't take your help for free" but the time she was done speaking she was gasping for air.
Namir smiled piping up for her walking over putting his hand on her cheek. "You work for me now. Here at the theater. You are my new piano player. Working here means Doc here treats you for free. I pay him a salary to take care of me and my performers he makes the same amount if he works or not. So why don't you make him earn his pay. Besides ... My wife would kill me if i let you turn sent you away ill."
Nia turned when she felt the man touch her cheek. She go barely breath so she was in postion to argue with him. Nia turned her head back to the doctor, there was pain in her eyes as she kept trying to breath.
Namir went out side and order a carriage and came back jogging past her scooping up a long board with handles on it. Together he and Docis slipped the young woman on the board and picked her up carrying her out side and slipping her into the back of the Carriage Docis crawled in after her setting on the bench next to her his hand reaching down holding her's lightly. "Your going to be just fine. "
Nia looked up at the man. She was surprised anyone cared this much to take care of her. she never felt that before. She didn't even know is name. Nia gave his hand a firm squeeze
"Whats your name hunny? I can not just go around calling you sweet cheeks and darling now can I?" He chuckled softly his hand rubbing the back of hers softly as they made there way threw the town.
"Nia" She said very softly "and yours" Nia did not have te ability to word the question any better. But she did have the strength to stare at him. She could tell he was older than her, infact his was older than the man in the threater, but it did not seem to stop her attraction to him.
Docis smiled and reached down running his fingers threw her hair. "My name is Docis. You can call me doc. " He smiled as the carriage came to a stop he moved to put his hands on the handles as Namir opened the door and helped carry her out into the house.
Nia tried to smile but it didn't seem to do her any good. the pain that she was in hid over powered her smile. She hated feeling so helpless. she had to rely on these two men to help her inside.
The smiled carrying her inside and laying her down on Docis's bed. Once he was there he smiled looking at her Namir left saying good bye to them both. "Your going to be okay i promise. " He smiled setting the board next tot he bed taking her hand again.
NIa gripped his hand once again. For some reason it made her feel better. "whats wrong with me" she asked again softly. Her eyes closed for a moment then opened once again fixing themselves on docis.
"It looks like an infection I am going to pump you full of medication for the next 3 days... Then... I would like you to stay here with me for a week or so. Can you handle ten days of dealing with me? " He smiled looking into her eyes his hand reaching up pushing her hair from her face.
Nia was worried. but she tried not let it show. Docis was being so kind to her. It was strange and new to her but she loved it. Nia nodded her alittle agree to stay. then her shaking hand reach out to his.
Docis stood and walked slowly backwards towards the door his hand slowly pulling from hers. "Okay darling i am going to go and get you your medicine i will be right back. "He smiled and turned to leave the room slowly smiling as he gathered up the medications.
It took nearly 5 minuets before Docis returned with a 2 bottles One filled with a liquid the next pills. "You able to set up at all to drink this and take this? "He looked at her setting down a glass of water next to the pills.
Nia wondered what was taking him so long, she could barely keep her eyes opened as watched the door and waited for his return. She was almost a sleep be the time he returned. Nia struggled to sit up but she was finding it almost impossible. Her strength was so far gone.
Docis smiled setting next to her head his hands hooking under her arms pulling her up so she was laying against his chest. "Okay darling drink this. " He held the bottle to her lips and slowly poured in the dose.
Nia let him pull her against him. She was like a rag doll, she had hardly any meat on bones so she knew she was to heavy for him. For the first time she smelled his scent it filled her nose and she couldn't help but breath more of him in. She drank the medicine slowly.
He smiled looking at her she was so tiny he took a deep breath and put the bottle down and took 2 pills from the bottle getting the glass of water. "I am going to have to fatten you up your so tiny. "
Nia shook her head a little "you are already doing so much for me" She looked up at him with a smile. She had all these feelings bubbling inside her, she doubted he would ever feel the same, after all she was just a foolish girl, he was an accomplished man.
"Namir's orders when i take care of one of his employee's they don't get to argue with me. I say what they do and when they do it. " He chuckled slipping a pill into her mouth then giving her a sip of the water to wash it down.
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