To lost to sing? (Distain and nightsorceress)

"Well you got your job Namir is the one who came sent for me. " He smiled giving her the last pill and another drink.
Nia swallowed the second pill her. She sighed softly taking a moment to relax against his strong chest. She wanted to savor the moment before he moved her. "i didn't even do anything to deserve it, so how can i have the job?"
"Namir has an ear for musicians he can tell in seconds if they are worth it. That is how he met his wife. " He chuckled softly running his fingers threw her hair moving her a bit turning so she was setting between his legs her back against his chest.
Nia's heart jumped when he began to move she feared that he was moving away from her. She was happy to find he was just adjusting her "i hear his wife has a wonderful voice, and is probably the prettiest woman who ever lived. Do you know them well?"
"I have known Namir since he was a young man. long before he became famous. I have known his wife as long as he has. " He smiled rubbing her neck firmly giving her a bit of a shoulder and neck massage. "
Nia sighed she was getting so comfortable against him she could fall a sleep like this. Nia loved his hands on her but figured he was just trying to make her feel better as her doctor.
"oh um far away from here, and not some place i would like to return" Nia hated her past and she did not wanted people to know, because she was afraid what they might do or say. it made it hard for her to trust anyone but yet this man who she barely knew she felt safe in his arms
"You and Namir will get along quite well then. Neither of you like heading home. " He smiled rubbing her neck firmly hoping to relax her knowing she had to be stressed about this illness.
Nia wondered why Namir didn't like where he was from, after all he seemed to have everything. "if it is uncomfortable for me to be leaning on you i can move" she asked him softly but she really did not want to have to move.
"If i wanted you to move i would move you. " He chuckled softly laying back finishing his massage. "I do not mind one bit i just want to make sure your healthy.
Docis smiled and moved her so she could lay her down comfortably. Once she was laid down he covered her up petting her cheek lightly. "Your going to be okay i promise. "
Nia laid down her body so tired her eyes closed then opened again wanting to stay up a little longer with him, but before she knew her eyes were closed again and she was a sleep.
Docis set to work preparing his house for a guest setting up a cot in the same room as her so he could be close when she needed him. (Back to namir and lily now? Where we ganna pick up?)
Nia didn't seem longer 2 hours tops before she began tossing and turning, her fever spiked once again. She woke up shaking as if she was cold but yet was running a fever.
Docis walked over putting his hand on her forehead he looked into her eyes. "Your going to be okay im going to go get some cloths to cool you down. " He smiled and left the room quickly coming back moments later with a bucket full of cloths.
Nia looked at him with pleading eyes when he said he was going to get the clothes she felt like she was freezing even though she was burning up. When he came back with clothes she looked at him "no please i'm so cold"
"Your burning up you have to have this to cool you down. " He spoke softly laying them on her forehead and her chest trying to break the fever again. He pulled out a small bottle and held it to her lips. "Take a drink?" Pouring it into her mouth.
As the cold clothes were put on her skin she felt like there was a thousand tiny needles stabbing her all at once her eyes teared up. She did her best to drink.
He put it away and gripped her hands softly looking into her eyes praying the fever would break soon. "Your going to be okay. "
Nia looked she did not have the strength to grip his hand back. She turned her head from side to trying to knock the towel loose from her head as she was already shivering.
He slowly removed the towel looking into her eyes getting nervous he had not lost a someone in a long time he was scared he would not know.
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