To lost to sing? (Distain and nightsorceress)

Namir was grunting loudly and wildly as her pressed into her rapidly. "Oh god Lily!" He groaned as he grew closer and closer to his release the teasing had a similar effect on him.
Lily knew he must have been getting close with the way he had been moving into her. She kissed him deeply and passionately her hand tangled in his hair.
He groaned loudly into her as his tongue dove into her mouth kissing her deeply and passionately. His groin pressing hard into her as he burst into her filling her with his seed as he ground into her.
Lily slowly pulled away from his mouth as she was still trying to catch her breath. "mmm that was so wonderful my love. But i don't think we should do that again until after the baby is born" She knew that kind of love making was probably not the best thing for her to do when she suppose to be taking it easy.
"You mean i cant make love to my wife? Or do you mean i need to be more gentle? " He was panting gasping for air as he groaned looking at her. "I was content rubbing you to completion your the one that mounted me!"
"you just have to be more gentle is all, then after the baby is born you can have me any way you like." Lily gave him a cute smile and kissed his noise "And as far you being content just rubbing, i blame that mess on you, if you had not shown me how wonderful making love could be i would have never gotten addict to it"
"Apparently i need to remind you how good it can be when i do other things to you. "He winked and licked her lips lightly with the tip of his tongue grinding into her a bit before pulling himself from inside her.
"I don't know if anything could be as good as making love to you" Lily looked to the clock it was late "my love we should get to bed, you have to go to the threat tomorrow, and i don't want you to be tired"
"Yes and then i have to come back to you and a house full of prospective maids. You can interview them if you want. " He smiled pulling down her skirt as he pulled away from her taking it off then offering her his hand to help her up.
"no you better be here, cause you know i still not in love with the idea, so i probably not like any of them" Lily smiled stood up, a chill ran down her spine "its cold i think we should be snuggling underneath the blanket"
"Well then you get to spend the day chatting with them and seeing if you can form a relationship with one of them. " He smiled and lead her up stairs and to the bed crawling in holding the covers up so she could slip in.
Namir pulled the covers up over there heads then pulled her so she was laying on his chest. "Be nice you don't have enough friends in town anyways. Who knows you might just fall in love with one of them and make me hire them. "
Lily shook her head. "you know i don't care very much for people. I would make rather be home tending to our home then running around with other women learning to latest gossip."
"Then find a friend who is like you someone who can just relax and tend the home. Talk about things you enjoy talking about. " He smiled kissing her softly slipping his arms around her." Promise to keep an open mind and get to know them. "
Namir smiled pressing his lips into hers again lightly kissing her again tenderly before laying back closing his eyes getting ready to go to sleep.
He smiled looking at her rubbing her side until he fell asleep, it took nearly a half hour for him to drift off. He slept calmly smiling the entire night holding her close. In the morning he kissed her forehead as he woke up sighing softly.
Lily fell a sleep before he did. His gentle rubbing felt good and help her fall a sleep. She slept through the night facing him, not tossing or turning just peacefulness. She awoke the next morning to feel his lips on her forehead. her eyes gently fluttered open.
Lily's eyes started to focus and she was about to say good morning when she felt his lips on hers. She slowly kissed him back having just woken up and not even fully yet.
Stephen let the kiss slowly build in passion as his hands ran over her skin. After a few long moments later her slipped from her grasp and out of the bed heading into the bathroom to get a bath ready.
Lily kissed him back whimpered when he pulled away. She heard the bath water running but she was to sleepy to get up. She snuggled back down in bed
Stephen cleaned up quickly groaning softly as the warm water went over his body. The continued love making had caused his body to get very tense at times but it was more then worth it. He chuckled walking over to the bed after cleaning up looking down at her. "Remember you have guest coming just after lunch. "
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