To lost to sing? (Distain and nightsorceress)

"Then get some rest darling I will be in the other room if you need me, just shout. " He smiled kissing her cheek and moving to the door slowly.
"no, no, i didn't mean to chase you away i just meant that i didn't want to read, just sit here, and take it easy." Nia bit her lip "what i am saying is you can stay if you want, or not if you have other work to do"
"I have medicines i need to prepare for others in the town. I will not be far away if you need anything even if its just some reassurance just call for me. " He smiled giving her a playful wink before walking out the door and to his lab.
Nia sighed softly and looked down. She couldn't believe she told him about her past. She hadn't told anyone. but there was something about him that made her trust him. She knew deep in heart that he would never hurt her.
Docis worked threw till lunch getting his day's medicines finished and placing them in small pouches for the people who would need them. Once that was done he went into the kitchen and made a few sandwiches for lunch. He then returned to the room with the tray from breakfast now filled with lunch.
While she sat relaxing she fell a sleep. He body's tiredness over taking her. She did not know he entered the room, or that he had brought lunch.
He smiled walking over setting the tray on the night stand. He then sat on the edge of the bed putting his hand on her stomach softly. "Wake up sleeping beauty. "
"I ate breakfast while i cooked it. " He chuckled handing her a sandwich. I am a notorious nibbler!" He chuckled patting her cheek smiling brightly setting down with his sandwich taking a nice big bite.
Nia smiled and shook her head. She took a small bite of her sandwich. As she ate there came a loud knock on the door.

Outside was a tall muscular man. He was in his late twenties and from the way he was dressed he clearly came from a family that had money. The Man knocked again.
Docis stood up and grabbed his medical bag closing the door to his room. He smiled as he opened the door the bag hanging in his left hand. "How can i help you sir? "
"Hello sir, I am i here because i was told you were taking care of my future bride. I have searched for sometime, hoping i could bring her home." The man spoke elegantly, as he looked at the man in the doorway.
"I am sorry sir... " He hung his head fainting sorrow. "She passed in the night. I do ask you one favor. Tell her family that if they ever come to this town i will have them arrested for murdering that poor child. I am sorry for your loss. " He stepped back and closed the door moving to set down on his couch reading a book hoping the boy would go away.
The Man could stare back at him in shock shaking his head. before the man was able to say any more the door was shut in his face. it took a few moments before he could bring himself to knock on the door again. And when he did he knocked louder, saddness covered his face.
Docis stood calmly and walked over to the door. Once at the door he opened the door again feinting compassion. "Yes?"
"you can't just tell a man his future wife is dead and then slam the door in his face." The man shook his head "how did she die? and where is her body, i want to give her the burial she deserves"
"While she was dieing she told me that she was not allowed to see a doctor until now because her family was punishing her for refusing to marry the man they chose. She had an infection that had grown so painful she could not even stay awake anymore. I will handle the burial as i have no intention of giving her family any comfort in this matter. " He stared at the man hardening his heart as best he could. "I am sorry for your loss but it would appear she fled hear to avoid you only to die because her family did not approve of her wanting to choose her husband. "
"Nia was sick in the head, her family didn't refuse her treatment, they was nothing to be done. Part of her illness is lying, she had a wild imagination, and she would form attachments to men she had only just ment but refuse to love the people that loved her!" The man was growing angry as he stared at the older man infront of him.
"Are you questioning my abilities of as a doctor? Telling me that i could not find a simple infection? " Docis began getting angry looking at the man who was challenging him.
"by your anger i can tell she made her care about her, you thought she cared about you. And i am not challenging you i am simply telling you what i know, and i will not let you take the last bit of her away from, i will be taking her back home!"
"Go get a room i no longer wish to discuss this with you and i have work to do. " He closed the door and walked away slipping into his bedroom looking at the lovely young girl laying on the bed.
The man left but he was not going to leave town, not yet.

Nia had been starring at the door the whole time. She heard angry voices but they were muffled. She jumped when docis entered the room "what happen are you ok? you sounded angry?"
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