To lost to sing? (Distain and nightsorceress)

"you kinda like me?" Nia bit her lip, she was glad he liked her but she was hoping for more. Her heart had such strong feelings for him, but it was clear his didn't
"That is saying a lot for me this soon. You are growing very quickly in my heart. " He could tell he hurt her and that was not his intention.
Nia looked at him. she sighed "i think i need to rest for a little while." She said softly. She was tired but she just needed to be alone for a while clear her head let her emotions settle.
Docis got up and left the room going into the trunk near the door pulling out a short sword setting it next to the door. Once that was done he sat down trying to think of a way to get Thomas out of town.
Nia laid down and turned on her side. She just starred at the wall as tears fell down her cheeks. So many things ran through her mind. She felt the pain of years past. Fear that Thomas would find her, and then there was him. She fell hard and fast for docis, she couldn't believe how foolish she was, he did not share the same feelings for her. she felt like a fool, she didn't know if she could bring herself to look at him again.
Docis's mind was failing him he could not think of a way to get rid of the young man. Really though he would not give up on her for nearly anything. He hoped that Thomas was not in the military or he could not be intimidated away.
Nia a woke the next morning feeling stronger then she had in a long time. Docis had really helped her feel better. She carefully climbed out of bed fixing her hair and clothes then she walked out of the bed room. She needed to thank docis, and then she needed to say good bye as much as it pained her.
Docis woke up only moments before she walked from the room he rubbed his neck firmly. "Oh damn... " He grumbled as he rubbed his neck which felt like someone was twisting his muscles.
Nia moved to the seat beside him and just looked at him for a moment, her heart was breaking knowing what she was about say to him, her faced showed her pain, tears already coming to her eyes "Docis, i can't thank you enough for all the help you have given me...." her throat felt like it was tightening as if her heart would not let her speak.
"Do not worry about it I gave you the help that you needed. " He spoke softly one hand leaving his neck and slipping around her lower back. "Are you feeling better today? "
Nia closed her eyes and she felt his touch, the touch that seem to set her skin on fire. Tears spilled down "much better, well enough to run from here so you will not have to worry about Thomas"
Docis turned and looked at her wincing. "Your not going anywhere! You are not well enough to leave. " He looked at her his other hand leaving his neck resting on her stomach so she could not escape. " I please do not go. " His eyes showed his heart breaking.
Nia looked away his touch felt so good so comforting but she tried her best to stay strong. "i'm fine, and to be honest i need to go, i don't to stay and be your patient. I want to stay and be with you...." So much for her staying strong.
"Is that why you want to leave? Because you think i don't want to be with you?" He looked into her eyes a bit nervous. "Because i want to take things a slower then you you think i don't want to be with you?"
"from day one you pushed me away to go slow as you put it, oh god, but i can't, every touch from you lights a fire on my skin, my heart races at just the simple sight of you, it maddening to have to go slow. to not be able to do this" She suddenly grabbed his face and kissed him deeply, with passion of a women who had experience 10 times greater than hers.
At first Docis accepted the kiss enjoying the way it felt but then he pulled back looking into her eyes. " Nai... We need to take things slower. I don't want anyone to get hurt and you barely know me!"
Nia enjoyed the kiss so much but all to soon he shattered the moment and pulled away from her. once again he started with the need to go slow. She wanted to ring his neck so frustrated with him. "then i have to leave this house tonight, i have to get a room in the hotel or something because i can be so close to you and not have you. It would be completely insane in a matter of days." She sighed "and i am not afraid of getting hurt, in fact i have never felt so sure about anything my whole life, i can feel it in the pit my stomach there is something between us even if you don't want to see it yet."
"I don't get you. You are either all go or all stop! I tell you right now you leave this house before your healthy... You will never see me again. I will not be with a woman who will put her emotions before her health!" He looked at her sternly before standing up slowly and walking into the bedroom laying down on this cot. He was furious that she would do something like that it made him sick.
Nia growled in anger as she followed him into the bedroom. "i didn't say we had to stop completely, but if i am to honor your wish to go slow i can't stay here!" She growled once again before sinking on to the bed her head fell to her hands. she took a deep breath and tried to claim down. "i mean in all honesty Docis how did you think we would be able to go slow if we are only inches from each other. and with each all day every would be impossible"
"you want me to respect your wish then you will have respect mine, if you want to go slow then i will need my space to be able to bring it to you." Nia left the room. moving into the living room, she would have went straight for the door but she began to get dizzy, she made it into the living room sinking into the couch, she hated him so much right now but she still cared she still wanted him.
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