To lost to sing? (Distain and nightsorceress)

Docis drew his blade this was a move that they had had to do many times in their lives. He lunged forward as and hooked the blade in the large pommel of the dagger. He drove the sword and the dagger into the wall of the theater burring the dagger nearly 2 inches into the wood. With a precision that they had learned over the years of fighting Namir slipped his blade between Docis and Thomas. The blade pressed it into his neck only hard enough to scratch him. "I would call an end to this immediately and go find a surgeon before you lose use of that arm. If you chose not to end this you may lose your head. " Namir said calmly staring into Thomas's eyes as Docis turned and took a dagger from one of the guards belts who where holding off thomas's men.
As Docis and Namir faced Thomas two of Thomas men spotted Nia " well hello there pretty lady" One of said with a sickening smile and the both lunged at nia grabbing and dragging her away. "let me go stop it. Docis!" Nia could only scream once before one of the men punched her in the face.

Thomas growled seeing there was no option he surrendered. But he knew he would be back once his arm was healed. Not knowing his men had already taken what he wanted.
Docis forced his way threw the guards seeing the men dragging her away the dagger in his hand he mumbled. "Stupid woman your getting tied down!" He growled quietly as he charged after them. Namir glanced at him then back to Thomas his keen ear like Docis had heard the young girl scream. "Call your men off or i will tell mine to attack. " He glared at him wanting badly to end this now but knowing Lily would kill him for taking an unarmed mans life.
Thomas looked up at him laughing "you will have to kill me first." He could see in the mans eyes that he did not have it in him to kill him and Thomas knew his men were fast. He knew there was a good chance that his men could get away with Nia before Docis could catch them.
"That is fine. If they get away with her then will make your felt arm work as well as your right. And Docis will be the one who repairs it. " The town guard began attempting to disarm the remaining men. Docis took the knife and threw it as hard as he could at the strongest looking of the 2 guards hoping that a dagger buried in ones back would slow them down.
The dagger hit the man who had Nia and she was dropped like a ton of bricks in the dirt. the other man left her there running for his life. Nia lay unmoving in the dirt.

Thomas's men were no detained by the town guards and Thomas was left alone staring up at Namir putting pressure on his wound so he would no bleed to death.
Namir took the let one of the guards take Thomas to the local jail and jogged over to Docis. Docis quickly scooped up Nia and carried her to his house. Once he had her there he placed her in bed. He had Namir stay with her and quickly gathered his things and headed to the jail to tend to Thomas. Once there he looked at him with a glare. "Let me fix or arm or your going to lose it. "
Thomas looked over as docis entered shaking his head "Well i guess the fall didn't kill her, if did you wouldn't be here trying to help. Pity, now that means have to waste more time getting her" Thomas was truly evil he enjoyed the thought of Nia being dead.
Docis turned and walked away he was not going to heal this man. "If you ever set foot in this town again it will be your last. " He spoke softly turning and leaving the jail for the first time in his life he refused to treat someone who was hurt.
"hey what about my arm!" Thomas yelled after him

Nia started to wake. Moaning softly as her body felt like she been run over by a carriage. her eyes opened to see Namir sitting her. "wheres docis, they didn't hurt him did they. If they did i will kill them" Nia struggled to sit up to find docis needing to make sure he was ok.
"I would find a doctor quickly or you will be dead in the less then a day. " He walked away as the town guard freed just him keeping his guard under lock and key leading him to the docks maybe there would be a surgeon there.

Namir looked at Nia and put his hand on her chest pushing her back into the bed. "You do not want to be out of this bed when Docis returns. He is not pleased that you put your self in harms away. " He spoke calmly his hand touching her gently hoping she would listen to him.
"i heard the scream and i feared it might be docis." Nia looked down. She figured this would probably be the finale straw with docis now he he hated her.
Docis came into the building and hung his head setting on the couch. He had broken an oath that he had sworn 10 years back. He felt worse then any man he had ever seen. He remained still for now not even thinking that he should see Nia.
Nia didn't look at Namir. She brushed tears away from her eyes. She felt like Docis really hated her. But she couldn't just sit by and let him risk his life.
Namir turned and left the house silently he had to go clean up several town guards had taken up position around docis's home he was not going to be attacked again any time soon.
Nia bite her lip for a moment before rising from the bed. Since Namir did not confirm if docis was ok or not she needed to make sure. She was shocked to find him just sitting on the couch. "docis" she said softly as she came around the front of him kneeling infront of him on the floor "docis, are you alright, I was so afraid it was you that screamed in pain. My heart couldn't bare it so i had to make sure, i know you are probably angry with me, but i couldn't not make sure you were ok"
"You nearly got yourself killed because refused to trust me. How can expect me to trust you if you can not do the same to me. " He looked down at her shaking his head getting up and going into the bedroom laying down.
Nia quickly followed after him "its not that i didn't trust you, i just know thomas and he is sneaky, i thought maybe one of men had struck you from behind or something." Nia stopped in the door way.
"Exactly what good did you think you coming out there would cause? I do not understand you put your self in harms way for no reason! " He looked at her confused grumbling he grabbed her by the waist and pulled her into bed he was getting annoyed that she kept leaving it."And stop getting out of bed your sick!"
"God damn it Docis, how can you be so blind as to not see i was worried about you, because i care so much for you, i couldn't stop myself. I thought if he had hurt you i would kill him myself! I mean my god you storm out of this house as if you were going to rip him limb from limb yourself, not telling me you had a plan, for all i knew that was your plan to go against himself yourself." Nia was angry as she tried to once again to explain herself to him. She didn't know how to make him see that she did it because she cared about him.
"If i had been dead you would not have had the chance ... he would have taken you and tortured you. You need to stop letting your emotions control you when he is around it is not safe. I would rather die then lose you." He spoke softy his arms remaining locked around her stomach now that she was laying next to him his eyes locked onto hers.
Nia looked up at him, her sapphire blue eyes locked on his. "if he would have killed you, i would have died this very night, even if that meant taking my own life." She spoke softly the anger gone in her face. they way he held her seemed to quiet her. Nia couldn't help herself she began to kiss his cheek, then his jaw line and then his lips. slowly and softly kissing him giving Docis a chance to pull away if he wanted.
Docis was not quite looking for affection at this point but if it ended the argument that was more then enough reason to do so. He returned her kiss lightly letting out a soft groan he had to admit she was a damned good kisser.
Nia kissed him deeper when he didn't pull away. In fact she had heard him groan. But she knew deep down that he did not want her advances so she slowly pulled herself a way. "i'll stop now, i know this doesn't fit on your taking it slow list, but i could not help myself" Nia said quietly, she had a soft smile on her now redden lips, that were still hungry to be kissed. Nia did not want to push him faster than he wanted to, but she could help but secretly hope that he would pick where she left off.
"If we took things faster it would be very bad for your health. I don't think your body could handle the stresses of a faster pace. " He spoke softly giving her a light pecking kiss before slipping from the bed. He could still smell the blood and feel it from the attack before. "I will be right back please don't get up. "He walked over to the dressing grabbing some fresh cloths and going into the washroom.
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