To lost to sing? (Distain and nightsorceress)

Nia knew he was probably right, but still she wanted to move faster. Part of her felt like she was finally free to live her life but he just kept putting up more road blocks or telling her what she could a couldn't do. Nia sighed as she rested in the bed
Docis cleaned up and changed his cloths coming back several minuets later. He was slipping his shirt over his head as he sat walked into the room. He did not say a word as he laid down next to her turning to face her slowly.
Nia sat silently as she waited for Docis to return. Thinking he would probably tell her to get some sleep, so she could get better fast, blah blah blah. But he didn't he came in and laid on the bed with her and she smiled as she turned on her side to face him. "you smell much better now" she teased him just slightly.
"Thank you i feel much better now. " He spoke softly the fact he had left Thomas to die made him very sad but he did what he felt he needed to do.
Nia touched his cheek now, and wrinkled her forehead "you look troubled, whats the matter?" She questioned softly trying not to sound pushy.
Nia kissed his forehead softly as he buried his head in her neck "you can talk to me about it, it will probably help" Nia said softly as she stroked the back of his head.
"I think it would be best if i did not. I will be fine. " He sighed slipping his arms around her holding her close. He had to figure out what it was about this woman that was making him violate so many personal codes.
Nia drew a deep breath resting in his arms "i'll be here when ever you are ready to talk" she said softly. Nia could believe how wonderful it felt to be in his arms
He took a few long slow deep breaths loving how it felt to be holding her so close. Though he was not thinking about how his breath pouring over her neck could be affecting her.
Nia played with his hair, wrapping it around her finger and then letting it go gently smoothing it out before she repeated the process over again. She felt his breath on her neck, and sent a shiver down her spine. It made her think how close he really was to her and she was so happy about that. But at the same time it made her want him more. Her woman started to feel warm. and she tried her best not to focus on that.
It did not take long with the affection and comfort she was giving him that he fell asleep. His breath deep and slow not making a sound his hands clasped behind her holding her close.
Nia noticed he had fallen a sleep and she smiled. he had willingly fell a sleep in the bed with her, not on the silly cot. Nia snuggled closer to him her arms wrapped around him her body pressed to his. Her eyes closed and fell a sleep
Docis woke the next morning absently pressing his lips into her neck groaning happily. Slowly he pulled back stretching yawning as he struggled to wake up.
Nia felt his kiss on her neck and her eyes opened. She smiled at him when she saw that he really did fall a sleep in her arms and it wasn't just a dream. "good morning" Nia looked better today then she did yesterday, as if the night sleep worked miracles.
"Mooorning. "He said in a long yawn followed by a groan he looked at her his hair all messed up as was hers. "How did you sleep?"
"you will prbably think that i am lying, but i think last night i had the best nights sleep in my whole life" Given her past it was not so hard to believe that it would have been the best night sleep ever.
Docis smiled and rolled over gathering her medicine offering it to her. "Sorry to spoil it by waking you up then. "
"i'll take how you woke me over more sleep any day" Nia gave a little wink and then took the medicine from him taking it with a wince about the taste.
"Okay then I am going to head into the kitchen and make you some breakfast. " He smiled looking into her eyes.
Nia smiled as he held her close again. she wrapped the blanket around the two and she just stared into his eyes. "i think my fever is finally gone, i don't even feel even a little bit warm" Nia said with a new found happiness in her voice.
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