To lost to sing? (Distain and nightsorceress)

Lily kissed him back but then pulled away again "i don't need to be spoiled any more than i already am" she enjoyed there little game at the moment where he would kiss her but she would cheerfully pull away
HE laced his fingers into her hands putting them behind her back folding them across her back. He kissed her softly "Yes you do need to be spoiled more and more by the day." Kissing her again.
With her hands behind her back it became hard for her to pull away but she managed to turn her face away from his kissing "oh do i, and how would you like to spoil me"
"Fine jewelry, nice cloths, Anything and everything you could ever want just ask. " He smiled looking at her kissing her cheek nipping playfully at her jaw since she pulled away.
Lily smiled "and why would i want any of that. i have the best husband that any woman could ask for. I am carring his child. I am already spoiled."
"Remember what i told you anything you look at i will buy for you until you start allowing me to spoil you! " He chuckled looking into her eyes nipping her lip.
"well see then i will this fight because i won't be leaving the house for a while because the baby and i need our rest" Lily giggled sticking her tonuge out at him
He nipped her tongue growling at her before smirking. "That's fine you get your rest i have to over see the creation of the babies room. "
Lily smile and kissed him "i have a feeling this child is going to be spoiled" She wrapped her arms around him. "Why don't we go relax infront of the fire place and you can tell me what you want to do in the babies room"
"Sure" He smiled and lead her into the study which was the closest thing he had to a intimate living room. A large fire pace in front of the couch he smiled setting her down then going to build a fire.
Lily smiled as he lead her into the study. Lily took a seat on the couch. Lily just wanted to cuddle with him and she did not want to lay in bed. She watched as he built the fire.
Once the fire was rolling along he added some more logs and moved to set next to her on the couch. "There we go. What did you have in mind for your child's room?"
Lily smiled when he came and sat down. She laid down with her head in his lap on hand rest on his inner thigh mindless rubbing. "first off our child. and as far as the baby's room i don't know. just happy and cheerful i guess"
"We still need to figure out what to look for in a maid!" He chuckled softly running his fingers thoughtfully threw her hair he was only thinking of how life would change after the baby.
"i know" she said softly. Lily watched the fire dance for a moment before she turned her head to look up at him "namir, are you happy about the baby, i know i sort of pushed you and now i am afraid i may have pushed to much>"
" I am ecstatic I have always wanted to have a child i just did not think i would ever have one. I am just glad i am having it with you. " He smiled leaning down kissing her cheek.
Lily smiled at him "really my love? you are not afraid on how this will change our lives?" she asked him softly. She hoped to get this all out now there would no problems later.
"I worry about a lot of things every day I will certainly worry about this but there is nothing i can do about it now. " He smiled running his thumb over her lips smiling brightly staring into her eyes.
Lily kissed his thumb as he ran it over her lips. SHe drew a deep breath before turning her head again settling back down in his lap giving his thigh a lite squeeze
"Be careful what your squeezing down there you might get poked in the eye. " He smiled looking at her messing up her hair.
"No you don't your not going no where!" He smiled pushing her back down gently smiling looking into her eyes kissing her cheek before he did.
Lily giggled as he pushed her back down, "well fine i will stay just no poking me in the eye" she said with a little smile as she once again squeezed his thigh
"What if i poke you here? " He chuckled poking her lips winking playfully knowing she had not tried that since the first night they made love since he knew she hated the idea. That was not going to stop him teasing her about it.
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