To lost to sing? (Distain and nightsorceress)

"I figured i would cook while talking to Docis that way you don't have to and we can have some alone time. " He spoke softly leaning in kissing her softly hoping she was okay finally.
Lily kissed him back before pulling away sighed but nodded "alright, just dont be to harsh on him." Lily once again was trapped laying in bed. "i guess i might as well nap while you are cooking."
"Please do! " He smiled kissing her softly before standing and turning going down to make dinner he had nearly an hour before docis would be back.
Lily became more comfortable in bed. She pulled the blanket over her, her head rest on her pillows. Lily pulled one of his pillows to her chest, she never like to sleep with out him, but knew she would be doing that a lot over the next few months
Namir began a cooking making a nicer meal that would take a good deal of time. It was nothing special just meat and veggies that would need to slow cook. He began talking to Docis the moment he arrived telling him everything was okay. Telling him to get her a nice job and a nice house on the other side of town it was imperative that she never return to the house and ideal that they never see her again.
Lily slept for little over an hour before she a woke. She laid in bed a moment before the smell of Namir's food filled her nose. Lily rose from bed fixing her hair and dress before going downstairs and into the kitchen. "hello" she said warmly. sleepiness was still in her eyes.
Namir had only just began dishing out the food he was about to go get her when she came down. "Please have a seat doc your eating with us today. " He smiled setting down the three plates and helped Lily into a chair.
Lily took a seat in the chair. then looked to docis "i'm sorry docis about earlier, making you come all the way out her only to run away"
"Don't worry about it. " He smiled and started eating taking a few deep breaths relaxing. Namir smiled at lily just enjoying the food and being with his wife and best friend.
"Thank you love. " He smiled taking a long drink and the continuing to eat before he glanced up at her and chuckled. "Why do we even need or want in a maid Lily?"
Lily looked up at him her mouth hung open "it was your idea! if you remember correctly i have not like the idea for one moment, but every since this one" Lily pointed to docis "said i needed to rest you have pushed the idea that we need a maid!"
"I would rather my wife spend time with our child and not spend her day's cleaning when we can afford a maid. Besides i would rather enjoy your life then spend it slaving away over our house. " He took a deep breath and continued eating hoping she would grow to enjoy the idea of not having to clean.
Lily was going to argue but she did want to ruin the evening. She just simply shook her head at her husband. She looked over at docis "So how have you been, what have you been up to?"
"I have been busy getting things you would need for your pregnancy so i will not have to find anything i don't have. " He smiled at her as he finished eating never one to take his time more one to inhale his food. "Docis, i owe you so much more then i have been paying you over these years. " Namir looked at him a sincere look on his face. "No you don't Namir. "
"We both do docis. I mean in the short time i have known you have become dearer to my heart then friends i have known my whole life." Lily smiled warmly at her beloved friend
Docis stood slowly and smiled taking a deep breath relaxing. "Are you going to go home docis?" He nodded and said his good byes headed out of the room.
"How are you doing beautiful? You feeling okay? "Namir rose walking over to her putting his hands flat against her stomach singing softly into her ear no words just tones.
Lily froze where she was she felt him come up behind her. She loved the feeling of his on stomach, she smiled thinking that his child grew inside her now. "i'm ok my love" she leaned her head back again his shoulder turning her face to kiss his jawline, then his lips
Namir slowly turned her around as he dropped to his knees his face at her stomach. "Excuse me Lily. " He smiled pulling her top out stretching it some so that he could stick his head in his face pushed into her stomach. He kissed it lightly smiling and talking softly. "Now listen you be have and don't hurt your momma. You stay safe in there and when you come out you will be able to play and have all the fun you want."
Lily watched as he dropped to his knee then start to pull at her top. "Namir what are you doing?" She started to protest when he started to talk to the baby. She couldn't help but think it was the sweetest thing. "you know you are going to be a great daddy."
"No ... don't listen to momma she is blinded by her love for me. I will do my best and ill make sure your safe and happy. " He smiled kissing her stomach before pulling his head from her shirt looking up at her playfully kissing her groin. "And a kiss for momma. " He smiled standing up quickly to kiss her softly.
Lily kissed him back before pulling away "you shouldn't be telling the baby that it should not listen you should telling the baby the opposite, that it should always listen to me because i am always right" she stuck her out at him.
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