To lost to sing? (Distain and nightsorceress)

He groaned happily kissing her neck again groaning loudly as he rolled his hips into her pulling her bottom up so he could enter her. "Oh my this feels amazing." He groaned loudly kissing her neck as he grinned happily.
Lily sighed as he pushed up into her she started to feel like she could have another orgasm. Lily let him do as he wished to her womanhood knowing he was trying to find release.
Namir continued to work into her groaning loudly as he looked up into her eyes. He was getting very close to his climax he groaned loudly pushing firmly up into her as he erupted into her and began gasping to catch his breath.
Lily moan as she felt him cum before she knew her second orgasm washed over her causing her to milk his member for everything it had.
"Now you went and got yourself all dirty again. "He chuckled slipping them both down into the water a bit more.
"its your fault" she teased lily relaxed against him loving this moment "we are going to have to get dressed soon Docis will be here with the maids to interview."
"Your the one who mounted me! How is it my fault?" He chuckled moving slowly from under her and then began cleaning up quickly. "Yes i know and we still need to eat today. "
Lily sighed as he moved away from her even though he knew it was a must. She began to clean herself quickly and then stepped out of the tube drying herself with a towel
He cleaned up rapidly and got out drying himself off before handing her the towel and moving into the bedroom to get dressed. He slipped on a nice black suit with a silk red undershirt.
Namir smiled slipping his arm around her lower back leading her down stairs and into the living room. Then he went into the kitchen and started making a big hearty breakfast.
"You don't have to i will be fine. "He smiled looking at her smiling picking up some butter on his finger wiping it on the tip of her nose. "Your just to cute you know that!"
Lily looked down when he said she couldn;t help. She looked up again as he approached smiling, but then felt the butter on her nose "hey not nice"
"I am not a nice man." He smiled nipping her nose lightly his tongue darting out to remove the butter before he moved over to the stove to start cooking again.
"no you most certainly are not. i don't know why i married you in the first place, always picking on me" Lily crossed her across her chest and pouted.
"As i recall it was because i was a phenomenal kisser."He smiled flicking a bit of water off his finger at her smiling brightly. "Don't you huff about or i will come over there and take you on the kitchen table leaving you no time to eat or clean up before Docis arrives!"
"hmmm i don't see the punishment in that" Lily giggled and smiled sweetly loving the fact that things were getting back to normal
"You would when i stopped before you got release. " He chuckled pickling up the 2 plates of food and moving over to the table setting them down on either side of her. His mouth finding her neck biting and kissing lightly.
"hey now that would be mean!" Lily shook her head. When he came over to her and started to kiss her neck she was going to pull away to be playful but she was enjoying it to much
He smiled and pulled away setting down to eat chuckling softly. He glanced at her regularly taking a deep breath between bites he was not looking forward to the interviews today. He never interviewed anyone he just paid them to do it and if he did not like it he fired them.
Lily began to eat, she always did enjoy his cooking. She hope time would never pass because she didn't want to interview a maid, but before she knew docis was knocking at the door.
Stephen stood and answered the door inviting them in sending them into the living room."Docis can you join us in my office? We will be there shortly." He smiled turning to leave with out glancing at the incoming maids. He smiled moving into the kitchen to get Lily."We will be doing this in my office. "
Lily nodded figuring that would a great place do the interview she got up to follow Namir into his office. She crossed the living and saw a face, one she hoped to never see again she force in her tracked unable to say or do anything just starring at her, Jordon.
Namir was not paying attention to the people in the room he figured he would see them all when he interviewed them. He took a deep breath as he entered beginning to push a large comfortable chair over and behind the desk next to his chair. "We will set back here and they will set over there with docis. "
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