To lost to sing? (Distain and nightsorceress)

Lily giggled as he scooped her into his arms. she kissed his neck until he set her down on the tub then her fixed on his manhood and suddenly her body was screaming to have him inside her. She looked at for a long moment forgetting to take off her clothes
Namir smiled as she did not strip and moved her to her feet kissing her softly his hands running over her body slowly slipping her from her cloths. His mouth traveling around her kissing every bit of exposed skin he could find until she was nude . "There we go. " He smiled drawing the bath moving to set down on the tubs edge leaning against the wall one foot in the tub the other swung out into the room setting his knees far apart.
Lily moaned softly as he kissed her skin, ever place he kissed seemed to start a fire on her skin. She was naked as she moved closer to him. Her body was screaming for him. It had been so long since they made love passionately she was craving it now.
Namir smiled and looked up at her still wondering if she was ever going to try tasting him again. Though he knew she did not enjoy it the first time so he figured he would never feel that again. Once the bath was full he slipped silently into the water holding his hands up to help her in.
Lily sank into the tub right away she went over to him. her arms came around him her head resting against his shoulder. she was sitting in such away that her womanhood was right against his manhood.
He squirmed a bit as he got comfortable in the tub feeling her warmed against him made him grown. "Well i suppose once you start getting further along we will not be making love anymore. Though we can still do the other things i have done to you." Smiling softly kissing her neck lightly.
"mmmm" Lily was enjoying his kisses against her neck "We could but i know enjoy them as much as i use to. You spoiled me with your love making." she gave him a cute but hungry smile.
Namir reached down pressing his tip into her slightly he groaned in pleasure. "I love it as well but one is sometimes forced to try different things when they cant do what they love. " He smiled kissing her softly.
Lily moaned softly as she felt the tip of his member slide into her. Her wall contracted squeezing his tip. It took everything in her not push herself all the down on him and ride him hard. She knew though she shouldn't it might be to much for her pregnant body
Namir pushed her hips down onto his as he groaned softly and leaned in kissing her softly. "I will never get enough of this feeling. "
Lily slowly sank down on to him moaning as she did. Once he was inside her to his hilt she stopped just holding him there loving the feeling of them being close. She kissed him back
Namir smiled and began bathing her as he held himself into her smiling. "Best way to bathe ever." He chuckled softly kissing her neck nibbling slightly.
"mmm getting so clean but yet feel so dirty." Lily giggled her neck bent to his mouth. her arms rested on his shoulders holding the nape of his neck
Namir reached down as he cleaned her with one hand the other rubbing her pebble lightly as he groaned enjoying her kisses. "You feel so amazing around me. "
"you feel like you belong inside me forever" she whispered softly in his ears. 'i want to move so bad but i am afraid i will loose control and hurt the baby."
"Just go slow passionately not hard and fast. " He groaned softly his hands gripping her butt firmly as he pulled her bottom up and then pushed it down slowly.
Lily nodded as she began to move. Slowly moving up then back down sinking him back inside her, pausing for a moment before repeating it all over again. She sighed softly as she moved.
Namir leaned in groaning happily he did not think he would be doing this for some time. He smiled taking her nipple into his mouth his tongue dancing against it as he sucked firmly.
Lily moaned as he mouth sucked on her sensitive nipple her back arched as a shiver ran down her spin. Her pace quickened loosing herself control in the moment.
Namir put his hands on her hips forcing her to slow down as his mouth continued its flicking and licking on her nipple. He groaned loudly as she was driving him wild.
Lily tried to struggle against his hands want to do so much more. she was on the edge of climax just a little push and she would be there.
He groaned happily biting her nipple lightly as he allowed her to go a bit faster taking a deep breath. "I can not wait to feel you orgasm on me again. " He groaned happily taking a deep breath.
He did no have to wait long to feel her. with a moan her climaxed washed over, she cried out in pure pleasure as he walls contracted around him. As her climaxed ended her collasped on to him her head resting against his shoulder. she was panting heavily
Namir smiled he was close but not close enough for her orgasm to push him over the edge. He smiled and kissed her neck his finger reaching down to rub her clit again firmly and rapidly. "You know this feels almost as fantastic as you taste. " He smiled looking at her chuckling.
Lily moved slowly trying to push him over the edge. She wanted to feel him have release it had been to long since they shared a moment like this. Lily shook her head which still rested on his shoulder when he said she tasted good. she did not agree.
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