To lost to sing? (Distain and nightsorceress)

As he spoke the driver pulled closer to the home. "i know, but i like take care of the house, it gives something to do, i am not use to sitting around and doing nothing"
"I would prefer you take care of our child and leave the house work to a maid. "He spoke softly moving from the carriage as it stopped he held his hands out to her looking into here eyes. "Driver please tell Docis we will be holding Interviews for maids here tomorrow after lunch. He will most likely need your aid in transporting them. "
Lily knew he was right once again. She would be on bed rest for a time then a new born to take care of, and Namir would be at his threater. She would need some one to look after the house for a time. "alright, but i don't her living here, i still would like some privacy" she agreed softly still not thrilled with the idea.
"That is fine with me i more then understand that. " He smiled happily looking at her giving her a hug as he helped her down and into the house they would have a long day of interviews ahead.
"Alright." Lily nodded as she went inside. "I am going to take a nap, i just want to rest a little but then we can talk about what you want to be have in a maid"
Namir nodded escorting her up to their bedroom being very careful to help her up as best he could. He smiled brightly as he helped her lay down kissing her cheek. "I will go start dinner should give you a bit over an hour of sleep before its ready. " He smiled stepping away slowly looking into her eyes.
Lily noticed that he was treating her more gently ever since they learned she was pregnant. It just these simple acts she knew he would a wonderful father. "alright, thank you" she smiled brightly as she laid down to fall a sleep.
He moved slowly down stairs taking a deep breath shaking his head. How could he have nearly ruined their relationship it could not be much worse could it. Once down stairs he began cooking a simple stew.
Lily slept for a about a half hour before nightmares started to come across her mind. She saw Namir with lips pressed against Jordan's. His hands were all over her he help a room key in his hand. the image kept playing in her dream. Lily tossed and turned tears fell from her eyes she whimpered and cried out for him not to kiss her.
Namir came up stairs not long after her night mare started once he was there he sat down next to her his hand resting on her stomach. "Wake up my love Dinner is ready and you having a bad dream!"
"don't kiss her" Lily cried out she woke up, her eyes search the room for a moment before coming to rest on him. all she could do is stare at him not knowing what to say.
Namir stood up his eyes filled with tears he moved to get her bowl setting it on a tray next to her silently. He got up feeling terrible and walked over to the couch across the room setting down he had lost his appetite.
Lily sat up slowly resting again the pillows. she tried to dry her tears. Lily looked at him for a long moment for looking down. "i'm sorry, it going to take some time before i get that image out of my head."
"I allowed her to be overly grateful because i was taking care of her now that she was here. I will ... I will send her to London make sure she is taken care of that way she will not come back." He spoke softly taking a deep breath.
"as much as i want to see her gone, you can't force her Namir." If he did force jordan away then he would have to go too, because it wasn't just Jordan's fault for the kiss, it was his as well.
"You should not have to see her every day and she is only here because of me so i should be able to send her away easily. " He spoke softly not able to look at her he was so terribly heart broken.
"Yes but when i can promise her a nice job and a nice home in the best part of london... I am fairly sure she will go away. "
"Ok" Lily though did not think was going to be so easy she had a feeling that Jordan would put up a fight after the kiss they shared. thinking that perhaps she had a chance at him.
Namir remained silent as he curled up on the couch taking a deep breath his heart had broken. He nearly ruined the best thing that had ever happened to him and now she could not sleep because of him.
Lily drew a breath watching him lay on the couch, "why don't you eat something." she asked softly. She didn't know what to do now, or what to say to him
"Im not hungry I will be fine just relax and enjoy your mean." He took a deep breath closing his eyes fighting back tears that could not come out he had none left to cry.
"I'm not hungry any more." Lily laid back down. She was afraid now to go back to sleep. what if the nightmares come back and heard them
"You need to eat! You have a baby that needs that food as much as you do now. " He took a deep breath relaxing trying to figure out what was going to happen with them now.
Lily took a few bites but her emotions began to rise she found herself leaping from the bed to the bathroom where she entered and slammed the door. as tears poured down her cheeks. Lily didn't know how to handle what had happen between the two.
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