To lost to sing? (Distain and nightsorceress)

Namir went down to his office and began penning a letter to Jordan he was going to pay her handsomely to go away. He wanted Lily to never see her again and he would have that he did not care what it cost him.
all sorts of thoughts raced throught Lily's head. What if they could never move past this, what if even with jordan gone she still has the nightmares. How would she sleep. And what if Namir kept hearing them. She wondered if maybe he was just with her because of the baby.
Namir reached down counting up a large sum of coin slipping it into a large leather pouch. Once it was done he leaned back closing his eyes just wanting everything to be better. Wanting the problems they where having to be over.
Lily sighed softly as she came out of the bathroom and returning to sit on the bed. She wanted to talk to husband but feared he didn't want to.
He closed his eyes and laid his head down on the desk he simply wanted this nightmare to be over though he was not certain it was going to happen any time soon.
Lily laid down on his side of the bed, breathing in his scent on his pillow. she said softly as much as what he did hurt her she still loved him and needed him
Namir began milling around the room the house trying to think of how to speak to her how could he face again after what he had done.
Lily wanted to fall a sleep, but she couldn't she was to afraid to dream again. how could she forget about what happen so she did not see him kissing jordan
Finally after about an hour Namir went back up stairs and moved to the bed. He took a deep breath as he walked over to the bed stripping to his boxers.
He laid down slowly turning to face her not sure if she wanted to share the bed with him he stayed on his side of the bed.
Lily sighed softly. she looked him in the eye. "namir, i am not sure if you know this or not, but i loved so much, your the only man my has, could or will ever love. If i lost you i could never bring myself to care about another man let a lone love him. I know that you were made for me to love." she paused "but i also know you have a past, you loved a woman before me, and you have flirted and been with many women after your wife have past." Lily again paused "i want you to know that i understand you still flirt, but i will never understand you kissing them, but i guess my heart will never stop loving you, i think thats why it hurts so much to know that could kiss some one else, you could move on to another woman after me, and while i just want nothing more till the end of forever to be yours. and thats why i am willing to try and work past this, i know it won't be easy, but we can try"
"If i ever lost you i would not leave my bedroom ever again. I could not stand the heart break that would come from losing you Lily. " He did not feel he needed to say more he took a deep breath looking at her reaching out across the gap between them placing his hand on her side.
Lily moved closer to him nuzzling his neck "i hope you not chased away every time i have a nightmare. it would be to painful. it hard enough seeing it over and over again don't make it harder by running."
Namir shook his head not knowing what to say as he slipped his arms around her kissing her softly. He just realized that even if she forgave him he would not be making love to her for at least 9 months. He sighed and closed his eyes taking a deep breath.
He gave her a soft kiss then closed his eyes needing to sleep as he had been up for more then a full day. He took a deep breath relaxing wrapping his arms around her tightly holding her close as sleep stole him away for the night.
Namir slept late into the morning before he awoke groaning softly kissing her neck lightly. He felt so glad that he could wake up laying with her.
Lily groaned when he kissed her neck. Slowly her eyes opened and she looked at him. "good morning" she said softly as she moved her arms from around him giving him a chance to move around
Namir did not move he simply smiled and looked into her eyes giving her a soft kiss. "I suppose its bath time then breakfast time. Then we need to figure out what to look for in a maid. "
Lily nodded but not rising from the bed she just stared at him for a long time. "i love you" she said finally looking at him with longing eyes
"I love you to. "He said pressing his lips into her's he had a promise to keep and he would at least attempt to as he kissed her with growing passion.
Lily smiled as his lips drew closer to hers. She was wondering if he would still give her, her morning kiss. She was glad when he did. She was even able to kiss him with more passion then she did the day before
Stephen groaned happily as he broke the kiss and then moved to stand next to the bed. He smiled as he scooped her up and carried her into the bathroom setting her down on the edge of the tub before backing up dropping his boxers.
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