To lost to sing? (Distain and nightsorceress)

Namir was filled with mixed emotions if he could have waited to go to the bar for a couple more days there would never have been anything bad happen. "Congratulations. " His voice weak not sure if she would only be staying with him now because of the child a nervous smile on his face.
Lily sighed softly and looked at him "look i want the baby to know its father, and i would never dream not letting you be part of your child's life. I know you will be a great father. I also don't want to be fighting all the time, no matter how much you hurt me, my heart still loves you." lily looked down "i guess i willing to try to fix this, if you are."
Namir moved to her his hand resting on her side as his heart jumped his other hand resting on her cheek. "I will do anything to make you love me again. I will do anything to keep you and my child safe. "
Lily sighed softly, his touch always made her better. She looked at him then she glanced over at docis. "docis, how can i keep from loosing this child like i did the first. I will do anything everything you say to keep this baby safe."
"Those pills i gave you take them 2 times a day and leave bed as little as possible. " He spoke softly turning to leave the room giving them some time. Namir ran his hands over her neck as he leaned in to kiss her he loved her so much.
Lily kissed him back slowly, her kiss was soft not as passionate as it once was but she at least kissed him back. Lily sighed softly and pulled "should we go home now"
"Not until docis fills a bag with pills for us you are also going to spend the next 9 months relaxing no hard work If i can keep you in bed i swear i will!" Namir looked into her eyes taking her hand with one hand the other resting on her stomach.
"no worries i will do what docis said i want to keep this baby safe." Lily place her over his on her stomach. "are you happy about me being pregnant" she asked softly.
"I am over joyed for so many reasons. " He took a deep breath kissing her again as docis moved quickly into his lab to get more pills for her.
Lily kissed him and then pulled away to yawn. She was tired now. Not getting much sleep last night and what she did get was far from restful
Namir left her side and called to the nearest person he saw asking them to send a carriage he would pay them them for there service. With in moments Namir and docis returned Namir holding her hand Docis filling the other with the handles of a leather bag. "One when you wake the other when you go to sleep. From each bottle!" He said looking into her eyes.
Lily smiled and took bag happily. She moved to him giving him a hug and a kiss on the cheek. "you are such a wonderful friend Docis."
"Oh im nothing special. " He smiled chuckling giving her a light hug as the carriage pulled up outside. Namir tipped the man who got it before coming back in to get Lily.
Lily sighed softly has she rested her head against his shoulder. "i can't believe how long i have to stay off my feet for. I wonder why docis would have me do that. I mean lots of woman are very active while carrying a child>"
"Lots of women did not lose there first child. I think he is just taking it to an extreme to help you keep the baby.
Lily looked down she still felt so awful about that. "yeah" she bite her lip rather hard leaving a mark on her prefect lip.
"Hey don't do that ! I like that lip your not allowed to break it!" He growled kissing her softly his arms remaining wrapped tight around her.
Lily was startled when he yelled at her, she had been deep in thought. she kissed him back softly still not with passion as she once had, but at least she kissed him back and was not pushing him away.
"That's my lip don't go biting it. "He chuckled trying to lighten the mood and keep her happy. His eyes locked on her's as he held her close happy she was no longer leaving him.
"when i get home can i take a nap, i didn't get much sleep last night, then i will make dinner for you" Lily yawned as her eyes closed and then open. SHe rest against him trying not to fall a sleep.
"When we get home i will make you dinner! I will be hiring a maid and a cook to be taking care of our things while you pregnant. " He took a deep breath as the began climbing the hill to there home. " You have no say in the matter. "
"i know its for the best, but i am still not going to be happy about it. Some strange person coming into our home doing the things i should be doing." She once again started to bite her lip but not hard.
"Lily... I don't care if you are a house wife. As far as I am concerned we can have her stay after your pregnancy. You don't have to tend our home it is large and that's a lot of work for you to do alone. "
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