To lost to sing? (Distain and nightsorceress)

"She tells me that regularly. You just make sure you don't give me a bad name. " He smiled kissing her cheek returning her hug to be polite. "Jarvis I am going to need a room no questions asked. " Jarvis nodded and handed him a key telling him it was his as long as he needed it.
"mmm maybe you can show me what the room is like yourself....what you say" Jordan asked softly as she gave him a kiss on the lips.
Namir's instincts took over this was the first time since he had been with Lily a woman had kissed him that was not her. Combine that with alcohol and the stress from the pregnancy issues and Namir made a bad decision. He returned the kiss his hand on her stomach creeping up slowly as he slipped the keys into her hand.
Lily walked into the bar and scanned the room a moment looking for her husband. Her eyes locked on him, kissing jordan. She wanted to scream she wanted to yell but she couldn't she was frozen there in time her eyes just locked on him. how could he

The whole bar grew quiet when they saw lily enter the bar. the bar tender quickly tried to pull namir way. "namir, namir, your wife is here"
Namir pulled away slowly closing his eyes letting out a pained sigh he knew this was going to be very very bad. "Go up to your room. I will have Docis take care of you tomorrow. " He spoke softly before walking over to Lily a trying to clear the fogginess from his head. "It is not what it looked like Lily lets go home and talk about this. "
"not what it looks like?!" she shook her head as tears ran down her face. "it looked like you were kissing her. it looked like you had your hands on her. And the whole place saw it." She had to swallow hard to keep from slapping him. "go home with? no, no i'm never going any where with you, stay away from me." She then turned away and ran from the bar. getting her horse and riding hard to docis's place. Once there she pounded on his door. praying he was home, and praying he would let her stay with him for the night.
Namir followed her out the door but she was on her horse riding away before he could get there. "Lily, Come back! I love you!" He called to her as she rode away turning he went back to the bar setting on the steps putting his head in his hands. What have i done? How could i let myself get out of control.

Docis answered the door taking a deep breath a sword in his hand the pounding had given him quite the scare. He took a deep breath seeing Lily thinking they where in trouble he pulled her inside leaning out the door a bit. " Lily whats wrong? Where is Namir? "
Lily jumped when she saw the sword but realized she must have frighten him. "I'm sorry to startle you." she said as stepped inside his home. "as for namir, he probably back at the bar fucking jordan" Lily swallowed hard as the image came to her mind. she had a lump in her throat as she tried to speak again "docis, i hate to ask but can i spend the night here, tomorrow i promise i will go find a place of my own."
"A place on your own? What do you mean? Why would Namir be fucking Jordan? Lily what is going on?" He spoke softly putting the sword down and moved leading her into the living room setting her down on a comfortable couch.
Lily sat down she trembling now. "Namir has been spending more and time away from home, ever since i lost the baby, and i can't bring myself to leave the house. tonight he didn't come back around his normal time, so i went to town to look for him, when i did i found him kissing Jordan, his hands were all over her." her head fell to her hands as she told the story.
He knelt down in front of her kissing her forehead. "Look I am fairly sure it is not like it seemed. Namir has been a bit stressed lately he wont tell me why. I am sure he and her are not together. She only just got into town yesterday something like that would not happen right now. You cant leave him over this you to are perfect for each other.
"so just because he was under stress make it ok for him to be touching and kissing another woman." she shook her head as she did she felt like she was going be sick she quickly rushed from the room and into docis's bathroom getting sick. she came out a few moments later "i'm sorry didn't mean to rush out of the room like that. i having been getting sick a lot lately, i think it is from the stress" Lily had been getting sick for over a month now, she truly thought it was stress not thinking for one moment it could be a sign that could be pregnant.
"How long have you been getting sick i can make you something for that." He spoke his doctor side taking over seeing someone in pain he wanted badly to help. "I never said what he did was okay I was telling you that you should not leave him for that i promise you he is not cheating on you.
"i can't even stand the thought of looking at him right now, let alone going home to him." she sighed softly. "I have been getting sick for a little over a month now. I guess it part because i am stressed and partly because i am not eating the best, i think all this stress has me craving strange things to make me feel better." she explained to him, she didn't see any reason for him to make anything.
Docis moved slowly checking her out making sure she was okay. "You can stay here tonight but you 2 need to talk about this tomorrow. I will not let you break up because he made one silly mistake. Please!" He moved slowly going into the other room to get medicine to help her nausea wondering if she could be pregnant but not wanting to test it yet not while they were fighting.
When Docis came back with the medicine "thank you docis, and as for breaking up over one silly mistake as you put i think this was just the icing on the cake. I mean its my fault anyway we are where we are right now, if i hadn't lost the baby we would be fine. I mean i can't even great pregnant now. its upsetting us both, If only i had taken better care of myself, i wouldn't have caused so many problems."
Docis smacked her lightly not trying to hurt her just trying to bring her back to reality. "None if this is your fault you did not lose the baby on purpose! Stop thinking it is right now. You and Namir are going to talk things out and I am going to help. " He looked at her giving her the medication he would if she was pregnant just in case knowing she might be. "You can sleep in my bed tonight i insist. "
"Its ok docis, i want to stay up and think a while, you take your bed, your couch is very comfortable, its a great place to think. Please take your bed, i don't want to have another fight on my hands tonight." Lily walked over to the couch meaning what she said.
Docis looked at her taking a deep breath wondering if he should leave her alone. "You don't know you cant get pregnant you just know you have not. " He took a deep breath moving to his room to lay back down.
Lily had given up hope on getting pregnant unless docis could prove otherwise. She stayed awake over half the night thinking, but crying to herself as she thought, it she finally did fall a sleep though half sitting up half laying down.
Docis woke up early waving down his neighbor and having him send for Namir saying he wanted to have lunch with him and that this was not an option. He moved carefully to lay lily down so she could rest comfortably and began preparing the tests to see if she was pregnant and a series of medications if she was.
Lily lay sleeping for another after he laid her down. When she did wake she felt sick again and had to rush to the bathroom again. When she came out she went to find docis "good morning." she noticed him mixing different things "is some one sick? is there anything i can do to help you?"
"I need a you to fill this up with urine and take these. " He took a deep breath handing her a cup and a small hand full of pills. "Namir will be here for lunch you can clean up in there if you like. "
Lily wrinkled her forehead at him she didn't take the cup or the pills. "its not that i don't trust you docis, but umm i am not going to the bathroom in a cup and taking pills until you tell me whats going on, i have had enough games in the past 24 hours, please don't play another one with me."
"I am going to run tests on your urine to see if i can figure out what is making you sick. The pills will help me get a jump on it if it is something serious. Please trust me I am just looking out for you. " He said firmly he had always been good at twisting words to say what he wanted with out saying anything important.
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