To lost to sing? (Distain and nightsorceress)

"I know some women don't enjoy this just like some men don't like doing what i do to you with my mouth. Just tell me and we can stop any time. " He smiled kissing her softly taking her hand placing it on his groin she had always done so well at touching him. "Just put the tip in your mouth for right now. "
Lily bit her lip and then moved her face closer to his manhood. it took a moment but lily finally got up the nerve to put her mouth on it. It had a weird taste but his skin felt smooth against her tongue. It was already not her favorite thing, and she would have pulled away but she knew he wanted this.
"It is going to taste like you right now if you want to stop and wait till after i bathe tomorrow i understand. " He said groaning as the tip grew hard quickly in her mouth. "Start sucking on it and using your tongue like i do on your nipple." His hand ran threw her hair pushing over to the other side of her head so he could watch her work.
Lily thought if that was she was tasting she would let him taste he womanhood again. Why would he ever want to do that. Lily did as he asked and sucked the tip. her tonuge ran along his member. As she sucked and licked lily finally realized why she couldn't bring herself to like this, it made he feel like a street whore, because that was what she was taught.
Stephen groaned softly enjoying the way this felt he did not know she hated it but deep down he could tell she was not. No mater how badly he wanted her to he would not force her to continue if she did not want to it was not long before his tip began to leak his fluids as she licked and sucked. "Now you put as much in as you can with out choking. " He groaned softly as he tried to talk he had never had to teach this before and doing it while it was happening was challenging.
Lily slowly inched her way down his cock with her mouth, never doing this before she didn't know how deep to take him before she would choke. When she got about half way down she had gone to far ripping her head away as she gagged and coughed hard. She coughed so hard tears welled in her eyes through coughing "i'm"
He smiled and gripped her sides pulling her to his chest taking a deep breath smiling. "That is enough for now i cant imagine it tastes good right now. I should not have gotten you to do that right now. " He felt bad for making her do that though it did feel amazing and get him hard quickly.
Lily slowly stopped choking as she rested against him. she started to pull away from him. "i'm so sorry namir, i didn't mean to stop, i know you were enjoying it, i just didn't know how far to go, i have never done that before." SHe said in a rush of words. as she did the tears that came to her eyes when she choked ran down her cheeks "i can finish.."
He moved her slowly so she was laying on her back kissing her softly ignoring the taste in her mouth enjoying holding her close. "Don't worry about it my love you don't have to do that if you don't want to besides right now I want you. " He reached down guiding himself slowly into her groaning softly.
Lily was glad when he pulled her back. She didn't want to do it again but she would for him. As he entered her she moaned softly, she couldn't believe how many times they have made love in one night. it was amazing
He slowly began rocking into her groaning loudly as he kissed and nibbled on her neck. There was not much that turned him on more then what she had just done and now knowing she enjoyed it when he entered her he moved faster. He began rocking quickly into he the bed shaking slightly at the speed of his motion.
Lily moaned softly her arms wrapped around him. "i love you" she said in a moan. Of the ways they made love tonight this was her most favorite. It was so intimate so passionate. But at the same time so simple.
He smiled and kissed her neck lightly as he continued to move into her firmly. He groaned loudly kissing her neck biting lightly as he made love to her. "I love you so much!" He said groaning softly kissing her passionately.
Lily kissed him back passionately. Mostly all there kisses had passion in them, they were never simple.She arched her back moaned. With every thrust Namir was pushing her close to her own orgasm.
Namir was close to being able to hold himself threw her orgasm but it would not happen just now. She felt to amazing and he loved making love to her far to much he would not be able to hold out much longer. A few moments later he erupted into her though he continued his thrusts he was now groaning loudly hoping to make her do the same.
Lily gripped his hand as she felt her climax rock her. She moaned loudly as her womanhood squeezed him. Finally after a few moments she relaxed and panting from the intensity of her orgasm. She looked up at him brightly
He smiled looking into her eyes giving her lips a light peck before he rolled onto his back and pulled the blankets over them. "I swear i will be in the best shape of my life in a week at this rate. " He chuckled pulling her close to his side holding him close.
"at this rate we might both be dead" she giggled. Her body was so tired now. her eyes closed and then snapped open, "mmm i just can't stop making love to you." she said softly as she nuzzled his neck.
"I think you better or i may not be able to any more our bodies can only take so much of that. " He smiled wrapping them tightly in the blankets so they would not be able to move closing his eyes. He wanted to rest for now knowing tomorrow he would have another long day with his wife not to mention the fact the sun would soon be up.
Lily didn't fight him. She was far to tired to fight him. Lily nuzzled his neck and closing her eyes. She sighed happily and fell to sleep. With everything the couple had went through lily has not had a great night sleep. The first good night sleep had was the night he first returned to her, but that was short. then sleeping on the ship was awaful. But now she slept deeply enjoying there closet and all that they had just shared.
(Fucking website ate my post!!!! I wondered why you never replied...)

The only word that could accurately describe Namir's sleep was coma. He slept silent still and happily glad to have his own bed and his beloved wife in it with him. He did not stir at all threw out the night and slept late into the afternoon his body exhausted from the exertion and the trip.
It was late afternoon when Lily finally started to wake up. She was surpised to find him still a sleep beside her, he always rose before she did. she kissed his forehead softly before slowly rising from the bed careful not to wake him. She walked over to the bathroom closing the door and began to fill the bath tub.
Namir turned when she kissed him to wrap his arms around her not finding her there her groaned for a moment then sat up. He saw the bathroom door closed and got up slowly dealing with the morning erection that he was not expecting to have after last night. He walked over to the door and knocked softly. "Mind if i join you love? "
Lily had filled the tub with oils and then shut the water off. her body ended up being a little sore from last night but nothing a little warm water couldn't help with. She about to get in the tub when heard him at the door. she went and opened it "i'm sorry i didn't mean to wake you." she stepped a side and let him into the bathroom.
"You just did not want me to join you in the bath. " He crossed his arms pouting playfully walking over setting on the edge of the tub. He smiled his eyes running over her taking a deep breath enjoying the view.
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